Navigați către una dintre cele mai îndepărtate așezări insulare din lume!! – Vizionați în exterior Vlogul #23

Navigați către una dintre cele mai îndepărtate așezări insulare din lume!!  - Vizionați în exterior Vlogul #23

Sfânta Elena este una dintre cele mai îndepărtate așezări insulare din lume și are o populație de doar 4000 de oameni. Mica insulă vulcanică se află la aproximativ 1000 de mile marine în largul coastei de vest a Africii, în mijlocul Oceanului Atlantic de Sud. În acest videoclip, am pornit din Walvis Bay, Namibia și am navigat 1200 de mile marine în 9 zile către această bijuterie îndepărtată a Atlanticului! De asemenea, gennakerul nostru de 12 ani rupe în jumătate în ultima noastră zi de trecere..Încă dau vina pe acest noroc nefericit pe faptul că aveam banane la bord (superstiții marinarilor)!!! Instagram – @iamchhrriiiss


31 thoughts on “Navigați către una dintre cele mai îndepărtate așezări insulare din lume!! – Vizionați în exterior Vlogul #23

  1. I don't bananas are bad luck. I heard it was because they go bad so much sooner then your other fruit and veggies and rot is Contagious so therefore it rots out all your fruit and vegetables before their time

  2. Curious how they provision on st. Helena. Doesn’t appear that there is much farming there. I want to research this place and see where the inhabitants come from and what they do there.

  3. Awesome video!! I’m sorry about the loss of the gennaker! So glad it was during the day and you got the sail in. Stay safe out there!

  4. Great episode! Your progress as a film makers is outstanding, great footage, music, script and storyline, and excellent archive. BTW, putting some ink in the oriental logbook and there’s local interest in your exploits. Envying your lifestyle. Safe sailing.

  5. Well done! Just curios, When did you crossed to St.Helena? I am just getting. To Cape Town, than i will be following your steps…. Best Regards

  6. I enjoy your adventure very much. Except the banana so called curse. If you want to keep Believing the sailor superstition’s there’s the one where women are bad luck. ?? I’d keep the banana and the woman 😜

  7. Hi I am Wolf 🐺
    something refreshing new .I like you guys, you've been on the road without big sponsors and patrons. i will follow you a new one in your canal. thank you for sharing wolfgang

  8. Great video! Been watching since the beginning during Covid, I look forward to each video. Especially love how you broke down how special landfall is after many days at sea. Nicely done. Do you guys miss flying at all?

  9. Hi! Permission to come aboard 🙂 Silly bananas… Great images, specially the drone ones – no wonder since you were pilots – loved the way you tell your journey. And what a great one it is! Enjoy! Good winds!

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