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Început emoțional la un nou capitol | Pasul 317

47 thoughts on “Început emoțional la un nou capitol | Pasul 317”
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To be fair to the motor sailor, he may have a schedule, job and commitments so could not wait a day. I often have to go against wind and tide as my holiday comes to an end. It’s sort of couch/job culture versus lucky/youtube funded culture.
Kika, you and Dan are the living embodiment of relationship goals.
I can't think of any other youtube channel where a couple's love for each other shines through more palpably.
You are both such lovely people, and it's a delight to bear witness to your adventures.
I can only hope that I will find someone of my own that is half as wonderful.
very poetical sentiments, Kika. And Dan, thanks for understanding and appreciating Kika's sentiments. You two are a very special, loving, considerate couple….love match. NOW, please tell me how to find the episode you were struggling with the incoming tidal waves in the dingy (fearful of being flipped by a wave) from the beach back to Uma, AFTER your climb and Kika's first repelling experience. PLEASE!
A lovely spot, diverse a, and picturesque
Now for some serious suntanning
Love you both for all that you are, doesn’t tell the depths of my admiration for you both. My thoughts and memories following you/Sailing Uma have filled and educated my bed bound land lubber adventurous prior life with joyous memories. Kudos and deep affection bows to ‘Don’t buy a couch/sofa’ advice. Your lives are worth living viscerally and imagined. Beautiful work, your sirens’ calls.
Two architectural grads living life as generalists of such broad reach and cultural depths… made the sailing channels flourish like new growth in spring. Give a nod to sailing doodles commercialization of the offerings through ‘sex sells’.
That little fish is a Fistelle….lots in Sardegna

Watt hours per hour is simply watts.
A question from a previous time frame: When you got to England after your trans-Atlantic, you wintered in a marina. Which one was it and were you happy with being there? If you could chose one again, would you chose that one or another one? Thank you for your input.
sometimes putting up your main will settle down the boat
The creativity of the framed shot comes from the number and separate duration/ timelapse of the pics. Presumably shared to a hashtag of some sort. An automatic individual record over an indefinite amount of time. Very creative in fact. Possibly very Spanish as well.
"Are you done taking 'B Roll' of the flowers?"
Oh my God! You guys have visited so many places but, this one must be one of the top 1%. Thank you very much for taking us along with you and sharing with us these beautiful scenes/places! You have no idea how much I envy you guys. But iIn a good way , I show say. I am so happy to see you so happy together. Life is to short; keep enjoying it! I pray that God gives you both very long lives together. Love you guys! Take care! Lots of love from sunny Puerto Rico.
Don’t spend you life taking others inventory. If you do you missed today.
I wonder if Dan ever sits at night and misses laying down some fresh fiberglass….
Glad I found your vids.
Motor into the wind, wtf
Wow two people who are not sailors on sailboats, that jib was just floging.
It is such a pleasure watching the two of you sail it is like watching a accomplished blarina preform you guys are so relaxed accomplished and smooth. Your videos have the same quality. Thanks for another very pleasurable experience.
Started following you guys month ago when we dropped our boat anchor to Pen Hir. We wanted to hike and your video of the cliff climbing worked as a great tutorial to the place. Iles Gnenan followed suit and since then I have been checking where you are. Couple a weeks later we sailed to Camarinas and sure enough the beach in your latest episode looked familiar
Arrived to Isla de Cies yesterday, and going for a hike now, after checking the tips on you latest episode again. Perfect! Keep up your wonderful work as tour guides to our beautiful planet, and see you in next anchor again!
"We're putting in 400 Watthours per hour – hate those measurements" yeah because you could just say "we're putting 400 watt", silly.
A small microwave, or 20 good lights, or half a PC. 400 watt.
What would you call it? Shoesizes per barleycorn per washingmachine, probably, being american.
Kika forgot to add the arrow in post.
I hiked on that coast a few years ago – absolutely beautiful and perfect for singing my favorite sea shanties from my favorite Canadian band…Great Big Sea!
Wow..you made it to Spain
. Take care and stay safe! From Canada 
I can't believe, you spent two years way up north. I taught it was only a year! I love the way you two are sailing and enjoying your life together
beautiful, such romance
It's good To tell the truth!
Great fun episode.. So nice you saved that fishy Getting closser to us.
Be fun to meet up. 
Nice your reflections about the North and appreciating the South again. I have no idea where you are heading now. If you are on the Med. Visit El Torretas it is a tiny island between Ibiza and Formentera. Espalmator and the Isla form a sort of lake. Coordinates 38°47′13″N 1°25′34″E. I do not know the draft of your boat. If you can enter, you are in a beautiful, unique area with exceptionally clear water for snorkeling. Cheers
thank you
I love you guys! I just found your show and I love it! Odd question but what kind of sun glasses are you wearing? I like the reflect blue.
Keep living the dream!
21:00 a nap in the sun in the palm of King Kong.
you are a romantic and what you said was inciteful and also beautiful , another beautiful moment brought to you by Dan and Kika, thank you J sonnichsen [ sonic sen ]
The " throne view"…
That looked Ike a really good rock climbing and rappelling area.
Granite like Squamish, Yosemite…
The units are not so bad, they make sense, e.g. also the creep factor of materials which are mm/m. Its how many mm it increase or decrease per meter of material. Put i don't care for area moment of inertia which is mm^4 (or m^4)
Obviously each episode is just a peek, a sliver of your actual day, but damn, you guys are living the life.
Bravo. And don't stop.
This dude has jungle fever.
Boat motoring with sails up: They are just lazy to put on the mark for motoring or they don't even know where it is on their boat. and this is somehow the official sign of "I am motoring but please don1t fine me" in Europe. Nobody uses the black triangle thingie
I have enjoyed these two since the epic sail around those glaciers, these two gifted people give us some great fun..I hope this does not offend but that lady has some awesome legs..stay safe
Jordan and Desire of Project Atticus are on the Azores heading for Europe. I hope that you two will meet up with them again and spend some time together. Maybe another contest against one another? It's been a long time ago since you guys were with them in Mexico. I was following Project Atticus when you came on their channel. I enjoyed you two so much that I started watching you as well and I am so glad that I did. You have one of the best sailing channels anywhere.
Every Friday evening, after fulfilling the week’s commitments, it’s around the world with Sailing Uma— and it’s music interludes. A little cheese and a little wine and an article out of Wired- sets the tone for the weekend.
Yes enjoy cruising with . Yes you have a strong design boat. Like others we set off for 2 years quickly became 4. I like today's take on being at sea and meeting land. It was different in in 1979 for us. No tech obviously. Found it quite difficult to escape generous hospitality where ever we went. Had to find own goals. We cruised with our daughter until she was 14 months. Boat wood, 1934 we still sail today. Best to you both you are my escape. S&P x
Ironically it’s not the people with biggest most expensive yachts who make the best YouTube content, you guys and Ryan and Sophie are arguably the best and most down to earth knowledgeable people on here.
"fresh in our hearts", that is an understatement! ….the circle will cotonue! "You got it!"
I believe Kika is pregnant.