Lucrez cu normă întreagă de pe barca noastră cu pânze | Pasul 318

Lucrez cu normă întreagă de pe barca noastră cu pânze |  Pasul 318

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20 thoughts on “Lucrez cu normă întreagă de pe barca noastră cu pânze | Pasul 318

  1. On the practical side I keep thinking you guys really need something likeWheel-a-Weigh to save both your dinghy and your backs. I've used them for 20 plus years on my Achilles dinghy and think it's one of the reasons it has lasted so long, including 8 years in Pacific Mexico (It does look like they have changed their design since I bought mine, to a maybe less durable design, VEVOR Boat Launching Wheels look like what I have used with the longer transom mounting hardware). Drop the wheels into the water before it's too shallow, it then protects your prop to some degree, and on getting to the beach usually one person can roll it up the beach to the high tide mark. Something of this nature makes dinghy landings and launching so much easier.
    Production Quality, you guys are the gold standard. Great editing of superb video, combing drone, fixed and hand held cams.
    Great work!

  2. Probably the only instance i'll allow a scotch with ice. If you would've melted the glacier ice into glacier water and given your Glenmorangie a splash of water that would've been right according to the etiquette. I should also remind myself that not everyone is a whisky enthusiast😂

  3. Today I wore my 'Don't buy a couch' t-shirt to the grocery store and someone recognized it! I love finding like-minded people! Brings a little sanity to my crazy world.

  4. Slante – Team UMA! – that was certainly one of the more decadent Uisge Beatha swigs, albeit at that time of the day. From a famous Scottish distillery and on polar ice. Quite a fitting way to celebrate your success in many ways – funny and sad at the same time. A sign of the journey you have come. A salute to the good things in life. But also – a reminder of the melting polar icecaps due to climate change – quite literally. And delivered by one of the most ecology conscious sailing channels out there. A very visual demonstration of the quagmire mankind has maneuvered itself into. KEEP IT UP – You are doing excellent work. And hopefully soon, you will manage to have a fully electric dinghy as well!!!

  5. Are you effing serious? Try walking in the shoes of any construction worker and ask them about burnout. Maybe you are burnt out because your values are messed up.

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