Breaking The Wind: navigați singur din California până în Hawaii

Breaking The Wind: navigați singur din California până în Hawaii

Călătoria mea cu navigație la Honolulu din Sausalito California, vara 2022. Multe felicitări lui Sam Holmes Sailing, Christian Williams, Vice Grip Garage și tuturor prietenilor prietenoși de pe


34 thoughts on “Breaking The Wind: navigați singur din California până în Hawaii

  1. Crack me up dude! I’m a fellow Bay area single handed sailor and your comments and suggestions are spot on for those who want to do longer distance sailing. Enjoyed watching your video!

  2. Loved it and your sense of humor. If you ever take another big trip and need a side kick, let me know. Living on Oahu, 5 th generation San Franciscan.

  3. Not sure I could solo sail to Hawaii. I could but think I would go more crazy. My wife loves to sail and thankfully we get along and would not get tired of each other. Great Job on your accomplishment it was no small feat.

  4. In the 1970's a pal of mine bought a 26 ft Thunderbird sailboat and sailed it to Hawaii. During a storm and running bare poles and a storm anchor out the back he said he pitch poled 3 times in one night. He went on to sail all over the Pacific Ocean

  5. You did very well! GREAT TIME Especially single handing. ( i think) Hey. Who was that red neck that came aboard about half way across. He was a riot! But how did you get rid of him ?

  6. A little bit of Okie goes a LONG way, but overall an entertaining video. Thanks for taking the effort and sharing your adventure, very impressive accomplishment, good quality video, and interesting narration.

  7. This video is like the ones that are found in abandoned yachts in the midle of the ocean. The founders can only make one conclusion… Funny stuff!!!

  8. Little bit of Christian and Sam = You ! Great vid = If you don't mine what was your total cost for boat and refit ? = I to want to do the same .

  9. Absolutely hilarious. I have a Yanmar 3 on my Dehler 37 CWS, and that is the best explanation I’ve heard for how it works!

    I have also followed Sam Holmes’s and Christian to Hawaii. Definitely subscribing…brilliant. And I am on,y half way through!

  10. Like the tune dude. You're a good dancer too. Well worth the watch 🤣. Just jokes – congrats and bring us more adventures please. Mars if you want, sure 👍

  11. Very entertaining my friend…I am sure Christian will love it. Congratulations on a job well done….makes me want to be out there ….Ever More ….

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