Plecăm în sfârșit din Tunisia și navigăm spre Sicilia! Super incitant și un început fantastic, dar se schimbă curând când vânturile puternice vin pe neașteptate și mările mari cresc la niveluri incomode de 4 până la 5 metri din toate direcțiile confuze! Vino și alătură-te distracției în timp ce ne luptăm spre Sicilia și bucură-te de recompensele frumoase, wow, este uimitor! Le mulțumim minunatilor noștri patroni, ajutați cu adevărat ca toate acestea să fie posibile! Nu uitați să mergeți la Patreon pentru a viziona toate filmările suplimentare și pentru a primi toate episoadele noastre cu o săptămână mai devreme. Dacă doriți să deveniți parte din Familia Patron Pickle, vă rugăm să urmați linkul de mai jos și să vă alăturați distracției, ajutorul vostru este foarte apreciat!! Ne puteți găsi și pe Facebook și Instagram; http: // muzica introductivă de la
Episodul 103 – Navigand din Tunisia spre Sicilia, Ancora cade pe vreme foarte aspra!

13 thoughts on “Episodul 103 – Navigand din Tunisia spre Sicilia, Ancora cade pe vreme foarte aspra!”
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Beau's smile

Indomie seleraku
Bloody hell you lot, love this video. So good to see anchor worked out. Nikki I need you to come negotiate for me you champion.
Happy to see after a long time again sailing but little bit sad tha hard day..
On my dads boat Speedos or shorts. somtimes nude if im in a hot country
When you are sailing again , it is immediately intense . Fortunately everything turned out well. Thought your mother and daughter would sail along for a bit . It's a shame it isn't . Greetings from the Netherlands

Never a dull moment.

I've taken to tying the anchor so it can't deploy but I can imagine how freaked out you would have been but as usual the mighty Pickle and her trusty crew meet the challenge and make a safe landfall. Oh and yes your not alone at having pickle hit the fan
Need to have your anchor locked in securely when your boat is moving. A simple bolt through the two pieces of metal at the drop point and through the chain will secure it where it can't come out. That anchor is your life line.
I'd like to sail naked! LOL
Merci pour vos vidéos je suis abonné
Go skinny dipping again
I guess you have to take the rough with the smooth… literally. So glad you were all ok in the end.

I get your frustration and confusion thinking they were trying to rip you off on the water and power. Some small marinas in tourist areas do pull shady stuff just like small motels try to do. But to play devil's advocate, you should be aware marinas do not go by the manufacturer advertised length when assessing your fees. They charge you by the actual above water line length your boat and everything mounted to or hanging off of it occupies Including but not limited to outboard engines in whatever tilt position they are in at the time they measure, fenders, swim platforms, Anchor Rollers, Bow Sprits, Dinghies and Davits, etc, etc. They need to know this so they don't position boats in slips too short or too narrow where they would interfere with other vessels navigating the marina lanes.
So for future reference you may want to pull a tape measure from whatever sticks out the furthest from the bow, back to the very back of whatever sticks out of the back of the boat like your dinghy, and then round up. Same goes for side to side of there is a maximum width for a marina. Measure the actual widest part, add on the width of fenders on both sides and round up to the nearest meter. Expect every marina to come out and measure. Give them your rounded up numbers when you check in, remember if you ever mount anything new to update your numbers, and you will be 100% confident in the future you know the length of your boat if another marina tries to charge you for more than what they should.
Prout advertised the length at waterline, not the deck length of your boat as 10.72 meters. I'd be willing to bet your boat measures at least 12 meters of not more when you measure it with your Dinghy up hanging off the back of the davits.