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Iahtul meu italian vechi de 30 de ani primește motoare de curse LSX de 1500 CP instalate!

44 thoughts on “Iahtul meu italian vechi de 30 de ani primește motoare de curse LSX de 1500 CP instalate!”
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It's pretty cool to see the boat coming together again.
Shame you painted the waterline before repowering the boat…. (with small blocks…..)
Not a boat person, and maybe it has been asked before, but I was wondering about the generator. I am assuming it is diesel and ran off the main fuel tank? Are you going to switch it for a gasoline generator?
Haha, builds a $15k or better engine… still jumps the starter with a screwdriver! Love it!

You have came so far I started watching you when you did the apocalypse g37s forever a YouTube car enthusiasts!!!!!
I checked around two weeks ago if there was any new boat content! I was kinda dissapointed but look wat we have here!!!!! New boat content. We can wait, you just have to finish it before next summer
I'm very interested in what your thoughts are for props… I had a similar boat many years ago.
420 Sea Ray twin 454… I was running 4- blade nibral 24" X 24" (That's considered a square prop, dia. matches the pitch…) over proped for sure.
Those transmissions can’t handle that power.
AWESOME update!
Good thing it holds 300 gallons of fuel..wonder how far that will get you?
Variable speed raw water? (Just a thought) I guess all ships have electric pumps.
I’d keep the packed shaft seals. The dripless are great, but if the bearing seizes it will twist off the boot and flood the boat.. 90’s seadoos have this issue.
So happy to see the boat build back! I can not wait to see this thing finished and on the water
Silly Americans with their old fashion Gasoline boat engines, the rest of the world is using modern extremely reliable and powerful marine Diesel engines with low fuel consumption!
Thank you now I can stop bothering you. Lol
Glad to see the motors finally going in!!
Put remote oil filter plumbing on it now… you will regret not doing that – if leaving it to later!

Love the boat content
Have you tried Penatrating fluid?
The comments here are so interesting…. People keep commenting on the torque… You can trade RPM for torque… simple math folks… This will not be a problem for this build. The boat may need more weight in the transom to stay balanced but It will run just fine. The problems with this build is that now it is a much more dangerous configuration with the potential for explosion if proper precautions are not taken. The other issue is that it is going to burn a LOT more fuel and thus will loose range, which may not matter for him. The last issue is that its resale value has gone to 0… No one is going to every buy a boat that has been converted in this way, where so many parts are custom and would be problematic to replace.
I’m only here for the boat content.
boat fun there,,,,allways somethang gos wrong lol
A hell of a project. I had hoped you had the bilge spotless before putting the engines in there. A dry and clean bilge makes it easy to spot any leaks plus something to be proud of. Can’t wait to see her running. Best of luck.
Why wouldn't you get to the site early to make sure everything was in order or clean? If I was paying by the hour for the Crain I would want them there as little time as possible
can't wait to see it running at full speed.
So cool to see a boat update, B is for Boat!!!!
Nice to see people from Portland who aren't whacked out.
Oscar is the Man!!!!!!
nice shaft seals!! I have the same one on my Hydrofoil. make sure you make them wet! during breakin!!
could you not just alkso do a remote filter?
I have been waiting for this disaster to happen. You couldn't have gone the day before to clean the floor before you put the engines in??
Clea the bilgs is a must have
Next time get a big wrecker to do stuff like that. MUCCHHH cheaper than a crane
I am just here to watch (from Bermuda) the boat build and boat related stuff. Great you are finally moving forward. It will be epic to see it finally back in the water but there's a lot to do including the all important propellors. I'm not sure how you work out their pitch and diameter though!
To bad you guys didn't clean every thing days before mounting
Oh boy, can’t wait to see this thing capsize as soon as it hits the water. Taking well over 2 tons out of a 40ft boat from below the water line will end very badly.
So very cool. I just gotta wonder what the weight savings over the old diesels might be….
all that time of the engines out and you didn't clean the inside of the boat before putting the engines back in ? all that dirty water , could have at least cleaned and painted it all before putting those engines back in
I’ve been waiting for this build for long time, sooooo glad it’s back on YTb.

Why the fuck would you ever do this. This would use SOOOOOO much fuel. You'd get like 3 hours of run time unless you had like 1000 gallon tank…. And then you'd get like 8 hours.
Oscar is such a great dude.
Y’all need to invest in a good impact wrench
Electric motor driven raw water pumps are sometimes used on work boats. The pump Motors are usually conventional AC induction motors. The pumps auto-start with the engines, sometimes by sensing oil pressure. On large vessels there are typically redundant electric motor driven raw water pumps in a manifold arrangement. You could actually install a third pump with valving so it could act as a backup pump for either engine.
Move forward. Not that difficult. Who is calculating the correct pitch and number of propellor blades for the power band you have creqted? Dyno test? Calculated the placement of the engines versus the diesels that were in place and where they should be located? Maybe all of this is why you have left this on the back burner.