Alătură-te echipajului nostru! #129 Bine ai revenit!! Acest episod vă împărtășim ceea ce facem de când am ajuns în Australia acum câteva luni. Cu inima puțin grea, vă anunțăm că casa noastră iubită este de vânzare și că acum ne-am mutat din ea și pe pământ. Totul are timpul său și aceasta pare a fi decizia corectă pentru noi în acest moment. Dar nu dispera, nu te vom părăsi încă. În acest episod, o coborâm până la Lacul Macquarie și plaja Merewether… ea rămâne blocată pe un banc de nisip și trebuie să chemăm Salvarea Marină pentru asistență. Situație agitată, agitată. Testăm și să zboare SplashPro4 de la SwellPro, o dronă care poate intra în apă…știu nu?! Acesta este cu adevărat incredibil. Noroc pentru răbdare, băieți! Love I&K SwellPro Drone Folosiți codul MEREWETHER la finalizarea comenzii pentru 5% reducere la magazinul oficial: Jims Drones-AU: Patronii noștri sunt cei care fac totul posibil și fără ei, nu am fi acolo unde suntem astăzi. Când vă înregistrați, nu numai că aveți acces la toate videoclipurile noastre cu săptămâni înainte de public, dar aveți și o linie directă cu noi și încercăm să ne cunoaștem pe toți patronii noștri. Pune-ne o întrebare, dă-ne un sfat spune-ne ce vrei să vedem, ne place să vorbim cu echipajul nostru cât de mult putem. Paypal Instagram https://www.instagram .com/neeisabelle Facebook Sponsori și colegi din Marea Britanie Sailmakers – True Headings – Predict Wind – https://www. Skillshare –
Ne-am dus pe plajă cu barca cu vele

41 thoughts on “Ne-am dus pe plajă cu barca cu vele”
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Love to see you both looking so happy and well can’t wait to see more videos
Hey mate I gotta say your boat is way nicer than your pad..
sell the house and keep sailing? I hear Madagascar is nice this time of year…
Loved the adventure but touring Australia. Sorry but I’m out
Sad to see you guys leave the sailing life . But super happy for you guys starting a new adventure. I think ill tune in for a while to see how it goes .

Best wishes for you both
It’s great to see you back again, like many others I’ve missed my weekly dose of Isabelle and Kieran.
Best wishes to you, you both look very happy. I’m just wondering how long it will be before Isabelle picks up an Australian accent, even when speaking Swedish.
Go on. Admit it you two. That drone really needs a full test on a long sailing adventure!! Know anyone who might be interested? Now you have moved in on land I wish you both the very best of happiness and a great future together.
Thank you for sharing your adventures. Your channel is more about you than sailing. So if you would like to continue sharing your life adventures people will probably continue to watch. Love to see you back
You guys had a good run, guiding the world in a positive direction.
Great to catch up with this episode, pleased to hear you’re settling in okay as new land-crabs
. Will miss the sailing adventures, it’s been a fantastic series of films particularly after leaving the Med…..thank you both for all your efforts. Good to hear you will be keeping the channel alive…thanks and best wishes for your future.
All the best on your new adventure
So, did you sell your boat?
Sleepy Sunday morning in Newcastle… Probably hung over rather than sleepy! Well done you guys getting over the bar. Live well and prosper!
Sending you the very, very best in your future endeavours.
I can only imagine what thoughts and feelings you went through in making the decision to empty out and sell Merewether.
Nice to see you guys again. I hope you new life on land brings you much joy and happiness.
Going to miss you, all the best for the future

I love the chemistry between y’all. so whether y’all on land or water I’ll be watching.
Thank you for sharing your journey
I am so excited hat you will continue with the videos! Both of you are fantastic tour guides and I look forward to each adventure!
Getting used to time again? It's difficult to escape time while living on land.
Hi k i e r a n and Isabel, starting a new adventure huh. I've been enjoying your episodes for a long time and love your all's togetherness. I'll miss the ocean scenes and the people you meet there but Life goes on. Look forward to seeing you as land l u b b e r s and the scenes you all will be involved in. You all bring joy to people. Well take care as they say and catch you on the land somewhere, by now.
Let the new adventure begin!
Welcome Back!!!
I have watched your videos from the beginning, and I will miss them. I will continue to check in on your YouTube channel to see how you are getting along. Have a great life together.
Great to see you guys producing content. will you be heading back out on the high seas again?
Tellement ravi de vous revoir mes chers amis, cela faisait longtemps, vous nous avez tant manqué ! Nous avons besoin de vous, un seul couple nous manque et le monde est dépeuplé ! merci beaucoup d'être revenu partager vos aventures et vos émotions, on vous adore !
So happy to see you again my dear friends, it's been a long time, we missed you so much! We need you, we miss only one couple and the world is depopulated! thank you so much for coming back to share your adventures and your emotions, we love you !
One day during the coming summer when the sea is the colour of sapphires
and the sky the colour of dreams, you will look at the horizon and feel the pull of the ocean. You will remember islands with palm trees bending to the winds and the smiles of people who touched your lives.
I think you will go back.
Do we see baby and a catamaran in the future?
Love that drone but I’m sure one of the reasons why it did so well is because you know what you’re doing! It’s nice to see you both so happy!
Can it snow in winter where you are now? I understand Tasmania and NSW can get some snow in the winter.
Isabell has a more relaxed face and is much more beautiful.
I’m sorry for the misadventure you had on the boat, but these things happen and not always predictable. I hope you will always post a video a week, I also wanted to know what your future projects are.
Isabell talked about sailing in Sweden, could you explain it better?
A big hug guys
Love to watch any video YouTube two create. Making the videos that are the most fun for you.. would be our favorites !!

Hey guys so good to see you back, we hope you have had a fantastic break. Wow selling the boat, well if you every want to spend some time skiing and you are in Brisbane please let us know . Would love to take you out on the Bay.
Nice to see you back ! Good luck !
Welcome back. Happy to hear you are all settled in. I commented on your original video then it disappeared. Looking forward to future videos.
Just catching up after been away and great to see you posting videos again. I'll be joining the patreons once I get home! Great video, I really enjoyed it.
Oh my goodness I can’t believe you guys are done sailing. You all made such beautiful videos. Goodluck to your land life.

Great video, it's nice to see you both happy, settled & starting a new chapter, I hope the vlogs continue.
I'm hoping to be out to Newcastle in November/December 2023. I'd love to buy you a beer if the opportunity arises
Fair winds (even if it's not on the oceans)
Amazing to see you back in Newcastle after your adventures. So sorry to see the sailing on hold, but hope Isabel loves Newcastle and the Hunter as much as we did, now quite a few years ago.