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FOC FOC FOC! (STCW partea 2) | Pasul 322

21 thoughts on “FOC FOC FOC! (STCW partea 2) | Pasul 322”
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I had that same feeling like you after 25 minutes, I was a little bored with this video. Lots of talk…
We had a similar school in the navy, casualty school in Norway

Having done some similar training while working in a steel factory, the blindfolded / dark search and rescue is by far the hardest – Well done guys
amazing editing , sounds music action , my herat is beating loud, so much action, brillant information..well done guys
Awesome to see how the training is set up.
Loved it all. Fun
Interesting to know what is included in the course. Looks really intense
Great GB trainer.
Awesome training and episode!
As you stated many videos ago, you're definitely not just a sailing channel anymore. That was a great window into the type of training that is available and required for commercial sailors. Nice work as always.
did mine last year in Antigua – was a blast
I've really enjoyed these last two episodes! This is amazing content and very well done. All the best.
Fire. We just can't can't eliminate flammables. When they ignite they need to be extinguished or they will turn into ash and c02 and bad stuff. Learn about the fire triangle and your on your way to how extinguishing is accomplished.
Awesome content!
Whatsup outlaws?
Architects. What can I say.? I have a question regarding showers, or tops and bottoms, how to do? You got great feedback on design criteria for a sailboat, and I hope you get to produce a programme for a naval architect. But my question is, do you have a hot shower available on Uma? If not, can we assume you are leaning more to bare bones sailing than charter EXOTICA?
I had the unfortunate experience of seeing a Man burn to death in a house fire. My neighbour and I were trying to figure a way to go in, but no way; we would have died too. Fire is nothing to sneeze at. Glad to see you taking it seriously. Especially from a seamanly point of view. Great video BTW.
Retired FF here, loved the series Been through many of those types of training, brought back a lot of memories. He is correct about the extinguishers. Have several on board 1- One may not work 2 – One may not be enough 3- You may not be able to get to only on you have available. Good job guys.
Love the video!!
Your film making skills are amazing. How do you film in the dark?