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45 thoughts on “CÂT BĂRCI MICI SE FAC

  1. Y’all pulled it off again!
    A “no boat” sailing video!!
    Thanks for such a great behind the scenes look at a really nice couple that are working their dream and making quality product. I’ll bet they see an increased interest in their product now!
    Love your continuous great enthusiasm in everything ❤.
    Safe travels, stay healthy ⛵️

  2. I don't even own a boat and I want one of these… for a lack of a better word(s), holy sh**! Russ is a brilliant genius. Love you Wynns, thanks for sharing his obsession.

  3. Another fascinating factory tour. They certainly spend a lot of time paying attention to detail. I suppose it might fit your bill in terms of lightness and durability. For me there is one additional criteria, it must be able to run a Zero Jet. I gather there is one drawback to the Zero Jet when run in very shallow water it sucks up the bottom and you need careful maintenance. A solution is to paddle in and out of shallow water before kicking in that ZOOOOOOM! While you celebrate your trip home, today Oct 9th I celebrate my Birthday, hush, I'm 91. Don't tell anyone will you?!

  4. I could tell you Guys got up early for this visit! Such an amazing 'assembly of how they do it'! The integrity of this little 'Boat Works' was so beautiful! I could see Russel was a character from the first moment on your video! I could also see he is a stickler for Details! It is always the Details that matter in the end. Sweet how he contemplated every twist and turn of his creation! Smart, he knew what he wanted, why he wanted it, and how it would handle! He is meticulous, and wise about what to utilize for the End Product! He has INTEGRITY! As do his entire employee/family! Great Story 'A How To' on all points! I want one of his Dingy's!
    Great Video, I know this the One, it makes total sense to me! God Bless, Be Safe, & Welcome Home! 🤑😶‍🌫💞⛵✈🌝❄

  5. Ok, I don't own a sail boat or even a boat but you guys have me convinced that I will need an OC tender for myself….i know they didn't pay you but wow, what a wonderful free advertising……I actually might buy a sailboat version just to learn to sail (from your last video). Good Job OC (and you guys too 🙂 )

  6. okay. Love your channel. I don't have a boat. I don't sail. I'm terrified of sharks. Love watching y'all do things….but I couldn't turn this off. I watched every second of how he builds and yet I will most likely never buy or even ride in one. However I just want to go and visit his shop now and buy myself a tendor. Dude is a natural star!

  7. I get emails every week for issues with my Amazon and Paypal. That's problematic because I have neither of them in my name. And yes every time the email is false so pay close attention.

  8. One of the best interviews you’ve done! Informative, hilarious – I watched twice! I want to buy a tender from this man – and I don’t own a boat! Thanks for showing us that there are true craftsmen still working in our world.

  9. I think I would trust that man with the passwords to my banking apps. What a character. His employees must feel like they won the lottery when they were hired.

    Enough of the accolades. I hope that when you asked where’s your boat order you were serious. Those boats are a definite winner in my opinion. Light weight, rugged, stylish and no pontoons to puncture and be constantly reinflating.

    by the way I took your advice (not an ad) and signed up for Surf Shark. Best decision ever. I was able to access my US websites while on vacation in the UK and can now access UK content (iPlayer) here at home all while protecting my phone, iPad and laptop. Thanks.

  10. If it's hard to flip over it would be hard to write! You should really get one in the water turtle it and see if you can get it back into usable condition. Tell me I'm silly but all the boats that I ever had that were hard to tip over we're also very difficult to rite.

    Remember those special cubbies will get full of water.

  11. Your sponsor from Shark VPN is good, but here is a technical explanation. Sort of. That happens is the VPN makes an electronic "Tunnel" for only you. No one else can go thru. So when you are looking up banking information, only you and your bank are the only two that can communicate thru the "Tunnel" thus making it a secure connection. Alot more complicated than that, but this is the simplest explanation…

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