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Poate un World Cruiser să treacă un curs de bază de navigație? | Pasul 324

42 thoughts on “Poate un World Cruiser să treacă un curs de bază de navigație? | Pasul 324”
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Great instructions

I hope, when you come back to Canada you visit the Passamaquoddy Bay in the Bay of Fundy on the coast of New Brunswick and the State of Maine. The town of St. Andrews is an amazing historical town that has a fantastic anchorage and Marina. It will be a visit you will remember. The town’s population quadruples in size during the summer tourist season.

By the way, you do need a permit in Canada to operate a pleasure craft. It’s called the Pleasure Craft Operator Card. You get it through an online training class that covers safety, navigation aids, etc. There is no practical exam and you don’t even have to know how to drive a boat. It easy, maybe too easy, to get. There are also sailing certification similar to that of the RYA and the ASA but they are not mandatory. And finally, to operator a VHF radio, you need a Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Certificate.
I need to do ICC
Sure are proud of you Dan and Kika. It's comforting to know that you really do know how to sail. On the other side of this, I think that this was a really very good move. Your certification by a government-authorized agency or school will, over time and with the right government and other people, prove to be invaluable. Smart move. It's always a treat to watch you in action each week.
He's correct. It's a boy not a booee.
That was one of your most entertaining videos ever!
nice stems Kika
Do they also do a class on reading charts, using sextant, etc? That would be cool to learn
My powerboat has a couch on it so you must think I am a real big asshole.
How bout Real Sailors can navigate…..without GPS !
WOW! Kika on the reverse docking. I've never seen anyone whip it into place that quickly, effectively and efficiently. The instructor really knew the vessel and the timing/technique. KIka picked it up straight away!
Living in Spain I had a problem getting g my boating license here because exam are in Spanish. Went to Gibraltar for my RYA Day Skipper course and then applied for ICC. Course was very enjoyable and informative even after owning multiple boats and being a Navy diver for 28 years.
Great video as always. One correction however, you do need an Operators Card to operate a private vessel in Canada. Not hard to get 3h online course. Toronto harbor does require a harbor license for private vessels, which does have an on water exam.
Won’t you guys hook up,with la vagabond crew?? You must be next to each other by now!!??
You do need a licence to drive a boat in Canada
Cocky Dan!
Just proved u didn't learn anything!!!
First boat I ever took to sea was the boat I designed and built. I pretty much ignored professionals and never did a sailing course. I remember going out to sea and just guessing how to do the sails (I was single-handed too). I managed fine. Now I have ICC and Yachtmaster, but to this day, the only boat I have taken to sea, or sailed (well apart from a Tinker dinghy), is my boat. Now looking back, I would have had an easier time if I had done courses back then. There is a wonderful feeling from bucking the trend and ignoring the standard road, but it is not an easy road and comes with risk. Whereas you rarely regret doing a course.
You guys are off the charts fun to watch. Congrats on ya shiny piece of plastic / paper to say you are capable sailors. Like we all didn't already know that though. Enjoy!!
nice job
I’ve been sailing for nearly 15 years in and around the Great Loop in the US I have had gas and diesel auxiliary powered sailboat even sometimes human powered not recommended in the northern portion of the Atlantic 40 degree water is refreshing. I’m self taught and I have had no formal training other than practical application I see another boat doing what I want to do and make my sails look like that boat’s sails I should be able to do it. It makes sense doesn’t it? I have developed my own technique for ungrounding myself but still believe the best $100.00 spent is the unlimited towing from BoatUS
Because if you traverse the Chesapeake Bay or the ICW you are going to run aground at some point you will. My next sailboat will have the deepest keel 7.0’ and 78’ long.
I did have the occasion to go out on another boat and I was introduced to a winch handle I had sailed 3000 miles and never used them before just grab a line put around the winch and pull it till it’s tight.
Get back out to the open ocean and green energy sailing both. Love your episodes an well done getting ye ICCs.
Hey guys, can you disclose how much it costs to do the ICC in Gib? I want to do it too, but in Vancouver they are asking $1,500CAD to take part in a few days cruise to do it. My boat is wintering in Porto and I am going to the Med in 2023, so I could do it in Gib. I'd appreciate your help here.
You could call your power boat Zuma!
How can you sail around like this talking about driving a power boat and your country is on the verge of revolution and your country is in turmoul???
Congratulations on having someone affirm what you already know. It is like winning an academy award basically worthless but but makes you feel accomplished…. Regardless of your real abilities sorta like my degree or any other government document I have every received… Good on you for sharing the experience!
Good call Miles. And I hope you found them to be good students.
Sailboats aren’t designed to go backwards. That may be why it’s not on the test. You guys know what you’re doing, but you know you have things you need improvement on. That’s a good sailor always improving. I’m working on my commercial Captains license with a sailing and towing endorsement. I know a lot but not enough. I don’t think I will ever know enough about boating.
I am truly in awe every time I watch and see how nice a 50 year old Pearson can look when it is loved and cared for! Uma is that! Good job guys! In fact I've watched all of it! I thought your instructor was going to renege on his certification on knowing how to sail because he wanted to see 10 years of experience in blue-water cruising instead of a mere 8! Keep "stepping" out!
What sailboat brand would you guys recommend for ocean crossing. For a family of 3. Just wondering.
Great work you two. The comment about making it easier to check in & out of places reminds me of a story with Brian from Delos. He would arrive at the port offices in normal sailboat attire (T shirt, bathing suit, and flip flops). Once he was told as a captain of a vessel you should dress more appropriate when coming to a government office. So Brian bought a colonial navy uniform complete with captain hat and would wear this to immigration offices. Can't recall if that helped or not since most places don't allow cameras inside. Thought it was funny anyway! LOL
If there was any kind of "fee" for your shiny new bits of paper, then it was a tax , not a test.
You both were engaged a few years ago in beautiful Canada. Will you ever decide to get married or just stay engaged for the rest of your life?
So are these instructors Englishmen in Gibraltar, or do Gibraltar people speak with an English accent ?
why bother with powerboat certification? is that to operate dinghy?
Fantastic Fantastic, fantastic… Amazing what I picked up and will use.. Thank you
Congratulations on passing.. Want to see you guys in New Zealand.. Take care
Congrats guys! But to be honest I think I am a bit sad because now I cant call you pirates anymore! Yarr!
Lovely to see the real flag flapping off the back of some lovely boats in the sun!
Actually you do need a boating license in Canada
I sail