Primul nostru sezon de uragane și călătorim pe primul nostru uragan cu vânturi de peste 50 de noduri pe ancora, aici, în Marea Cortez. Videoclipul LVG Hurricane datorită @Onboard Lifestyle @sailingtaku Ajutați-vă ca aventurile să vină și vedeți Patreon-ul nostru pentru câteva avantaje exclusive!
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PRIN PRIMUL NOSTRU URAGAN – Peste 50 de noduri – Sailing La Vida Gypsea – EP:59

16 thoughts on “PRIN PRIMUL NOSTRU URAGAN – Peste 50 de noduri – Sailing La Vida Gypsea – EP:59”
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Great footage and video guys!! Love how you included your steps to getting yourselves and LVG ready!! So glad you all made it thru the storm safely

Yes thank goodness we get to see you next week! Scary!
Great episode! I don't envy you the experience but you've taken it up a notch in the filming, editing, overall production quality and your narrating. Great stuff!
Good work guys, well done, the best we recorded was 65kts at anchor and 74kts crossing the Caribbean Sea from Puerto Rico to Cartagena Colombia, that was a crazy passage
I got food. Wow! That is TOO much Dijionaise. My. Sinuses. !!! Holy moly. We need more of Linda's alter ego weather reports, Weather B!tch, haha. But seriously, I'm glad you guys made it. Not the hurricane, like. You're alive. My god, it's like that sushi horse radish stuff is in my skull. Regret.
Cheers guys! Ive actually added this to watch later tis 5am, I started watching sailing channels at 2pm yesterday until now, 5 am the next day, everyone wants to upload for American Saturday..
Love that, at 7:46 “we don’t know what to do? Sundowner?” That’s gotta be written in the general storm tactics somewhere..
the perfect answer!
Good call with that genset Impeller Kurt, the other thing, with that outboard, (which i would personally down trade it, to a more manageable brand new or very close to it lighter one with a 9.9 hp and hand held two way, decent quality radio’s) my point being because that engine is EFI, there should/will be a plug you can plug in and it will give you error codes, the codes won’t be in the owner manual they are in the workshop manual, it will probably give you a flashing light, to first flash is 10s the second quick flashes will be ones, eg two flash =20 followed by 4 quick flashes = 4, so the code is 24, it will repeat, so get the code three times to make sure you have it correct, then you can reference the manual to see what 24 means, it may say something like “crank angle sensor” so you investigate the wiring to that particular sensor, now you won’t have a spare every part, but atleast it gives you an idea, do i need a mechanic? Or did i just fix it because of this simple bit of corrosion at the sensor plug? Just a little tip.. obviously it will be fixed before you read this.. but it’s something to keep in mind, although i still think that dingy is the definition of overkill for you three..
Cheers guys!
Good deal. R u heading up to Peñasco?
I see SV Basik there too. Cool!
"The Queen of checklists" lol

But wait – did Rigby use the pad?
Glad everything went as good as it could !!

So glad you guys were safe!
Hurricane prep is always good to see what others do; nice job.
But really like your detail; impeller fin counting as an example. Thanks. And great life jacket wearing; always; offshore (when fish-on) and at anchor. Nice!