Continuați navigația. Se produc probleme. Navigați prin Scoția către Poole. Partea 1

Continuați navigația.  Se produc probleme.  Navigați prin Scoția către Poole.  Partea 1

După ce mi-am cumpărat Westerly Storm 33 „Runrig”, am descoperit curând că lucrurile nu erau la fel de vândute sau documentate, iar ramificațiile ar putea fi dezastruoase sau chiar să ducă la un risc pentru viață. Video cu navigație din Scoția către Poole, vom reuși? #WesterlyYachts #WesterlyStorm #AnticsInAStorm #volvopenta #sailing #yachts #kipmarina #rbmarine


7 thoughts on “Continuați navigația. Se produc probleme. Navigați prin Scoția către Poole. Partea 1

  1. I look forward to your next episode. I bought a Westerly Merlin at about the same time in Falmouth, between lockdowns, and brought her back to Bosham. A less eventful trip by the look of it! I trust all difficulties have been overcome and Gremlins gone now.

  2. I am never surprised to hear of boats with RECONDITIONED engines breaking down before the new owner gets out of the harbour. It seems that there are very few honest sailor's left . I hope the crook who sold you this boat has lots of BAD KARMA.

  3. Sorry you had to deal with so much chaos to start things off. Must have been really disappointing. Thanks for a really good (to watch) video!

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