I-ați văzut peste tot în ultima vreme: Sebastian Ghiorghu, Jordan Welch & Iman Gadzhi.. dar ceea ce nu știți, este că în spatele acestor tineri multimilionari auto-făcuți se află o realitate întunecată… În acest videoclip am elimină ascensiunea lui @ImanGadzhi @sebb @JordanWelch și apropie de cum și-au făcut cu adevărat milioanele. Expun adevărul întunecat din spatele acestor tineri youtuberi bogați în creștere rapidă.. Acest videoclip nu este un sfat financiar și este creat doar în scopuri de divertisment #imangadzhi #sebastianghiorghu #jordanwelch ►URMĂȚI-MĂ CĂLĂTORIA: Instagram: https://instagram.com/stefanovic92 ► 1-1 COACHING CU MINE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9Hpwp8CjahuwyHr5CLV0rAWXDTiJXPAq6sKLU1pvQlFHLaA/viewform?usp=sharing ►TWEET DESPRE TEHNOLOGIE, CRYPITICS (și multe altele): https://twitter și mai mult .com/stfnvic ►ECHIPAMENTE FOLOSIT ÎN VIDEOCLIPILE MELE: Camera principală: https://amzn.to/3fW5Pf7 Obiectiv cu zoom cinematografic: https://amzn.to/33FULAt Obiectiv ultra lat pentru vlogging: https://amzn.to /3rG2gzi Microfon pe care îl folosesc pentru orice: https://amzn.to/3fPxXRb Cel mai rapid laptop de până acum pentru editare video: https://amzn.to/343egTa Rucsacul meu preferat, care se potrivește cu camera și laptopul meu: https://amzn.to /3LJfox7 ►DE UNDE IMI PRIM MUZICA: Epidemie (30 de zile gratuit!): http://epidemicsound.com/referral/cmxato
Ascensiunea tinerilor youtuber ultrabogați: Adevărul întunecat

32 thoughts on “Ascensiunea tinerilor youtuber ultrabogați: Adevărul întunecat”
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Pro tip: watch until the end before you comment..
For the last 3 years I was thinking about doing shopfy bit always thought who buys anything from random online stores and not think it could be scam and thought it is gonna be short lived hype and didn’t do it. I personally never buy anything from online unless its a big brand names like Amazon or ebay because I know it would be safe
lol, affliate marketing video
Awesome video
annnnd thats why i skip to the very end and confirm the goods first. Goods not delivered.
I am from nepal, and Iman has done more than the entire government has done to change the education system. Iman is a great man.
Good video
Your YouTube post is captivating. Putting your viewers in suspense at the beginning and delivering the message at the end.
The point is – something this channel evaded – is 95% of young mega trillionaires are liars and borderline scammers for presenting you a fake life. Then there's 5% really hard working youngsters and then nobody believes them.
Iman come from a wealthy family
2:21 Nice effect
You might get with Coffeezilla to see if he can find any anomalies with these three.
hahah you´re so funny
great videos
Great video
YTD 200k views, today ald 700k
This is the most helpful video I watched this week….appreciate it Stefanovic…plot twist tho
come on dude, how much you got paid by those kid to endorse their BS? DON'T do that man, ,I had faith in you at the beggining of the video.
Alex Hormozi>>>>>
What i don't get it is why paying for a course made by a guy who is nothing special, i mean i could pay for a Bill Gates course, why paying for shitty course that are copy of 5 euro books? Good for them but being their costumers is stupid and naive, they don't know nothing that you can't find by yoirself in internet or some 5 euro book
if these youtube multi millionaires are really legit then i congratulate them
but undestand this for everyone legit person theres ten who arent legit
lastly we all have to understand that for every millionaire theres hundreds and in some cases thousands of people who suffer for theyre sucess that is just the nature of capitalism
25 mil from all that is still sus lol. Im sure he a multi millionaire tho, dont get me wrong. Just probably not 25 mil. Unless he made a shit load of money in crypto, which is a possibility
I'm pretty sure Iman didn't watched until the end
great ad
Sry i cant see whrer or wht i could start
and what about those who just got into uni spared a year or so and then realised wanting to drop uni ..? whats the other option? drop uni and sacrifice 1year's hard work and see it all go in vain when in the end you might be left with neither the grades nor the success with online hustle

at this point tbh it sucks badly that u get so lost and anxious
not even a penny u be left with to begin smth on our own and on the other hand lose minds with studies which u actually hate to do!
studying sucks but not as much as failure
but not all can do that shit, I would instead prefer to fail in our hustles and come back even stronger but not do smth that would benefit you in no way, not talking about the short-lived safeguarding with a 9-5 job but about living that dreams life which for sure comes with only taking risks
and this vid made me aware of several other things … great job man! u never fail to bring back that fire within, with your every single vid
This was fun to watch

for that I just subscribed what a masterpiece of a video
Video started creepy
I don't believe them. They make there money off youtube. It's just that simple. They monetize there youtube potential. It all about the data. Those fake powerpoints are killing me. There nothing new about fake it till you make it. Hush Puppy was the master. he could get rich just training people from jail.
*millionaire Kevin O'Leary
These youtubers have more credibility than Warren Buffet, ya ok
What a crock of shit!
I think it's worth noting the difference for these three individuals is that they started self documenting before the market became over saturated. To do the same thing now is far different and requires more substance than some awkward kid doing selfies 12 hours a day.