Dincolo de pericol și adrenalină | S07E20

Dincolo de pericol și adrenalină |  S07E20

Registrul bebelușilor: http://bit.ly/3E5RaKl Pay Pal Donează: http://bit.ly/2Mg0GCN Project Atticus Baby Shower: https://www.patreon.com/posts/project-atticus-74480699 Adventure isn’ Nu întotdeauna despre transpirație, murdărie, pericol și adrenalină. Uneori, este pur și simplu să explorezi micile colțuri ale lumii care nu se aseamănă cu oricare altele. Adânc în munții aridi din Murcia, Spania se află un oraș străvechi. De peste două mii de ani Cartagena este cunoscută pentru importanța sa economică și maritimă, făcând-o unul dintre cele mai unice locuri în care am navigat. Și din moment ce ne grăbim să navigăm până în Malta pentru a naște copilul, această oprire rapidă este tot ce ne putem permite înainte de a veni timpul să pornim din nou.

Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri. https://www.patreon.com/ProjectAtticus



Ochelari de soare: https://shrsl.com/35iim Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: https://www.highfieldboats.com/ultralite-290/ Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: https://bit.ly/2DfSqPw Sails: https: //www.precisionsailloft.com/ Ancoră primară: https://www.mantusmarine.com/ Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: https://edsonmarine.com/ Amplificator pentru telefon mobil, Weboost Drive X RV: https://mbsy.co /wilsonelectronics/51785478 Prognoza meteo: https://www.predictwind.com/affiliate/atticus Keen Footwear: http://bit.ly/2GSEMjt

Sunete epidemic


24 thoughts on “Dincolo de pericol și adrenalină | S07E20

  1. If its any interest to you, Roman Emperor Constantin adopted Christianity in the fourth Century which had been spread all the way to the Black Sea by apostle Saint Andre. Constantin thus moved his empire's capital to Byzantium (Constantinople today) where the slavic tribes or the Rus of duke Rurik picked it up also; today this original christianity is known as Christian Orthodoxy in the much of the Mediterranean & the Middle east and Russian Orthodoxy in Russia and parts of Ukraine (….yes Donbass & NovoRussia)..Youll see much more of that as you eventually tour Malta, Greece & Turkey.

  2. WOW Sailor, from my side all of the best with the Babby I am looking forward in meeting the new familie member.
    Good luck and I will pray that everything goes well with you and the little one

  3. We have seen in Pennsylvania building over old structures. Specifically the many canals built along the rivers during early industrialization. These got built over, sometimes illegally, by the new railroads. Later these railroads fell out of favor and roads and highways were built over them.
    Some of the canal locks and boat building sites have now been dug out as ‘historical’ interest sites!
    Cheers warren

  4. We are doing our favorite thing right now, cruising…… this time in the Bahamas. I was out on the balcony of our ship while watching and I looked up from the video and was quite surprised… I was so engrossed in your video that I had to think were I was and why the surrounding ares was so different. A testament , for me , how captivating your videos really are. Also how vast and huge the ocean is. It really does take special people to sail the oceans like you two are doing. I really envy your lifestyle and respect the knowledge and courage it takes to do what you do. Like always have fun, be safe and see you next week.

  5. At first, when you said that you were going to a tapas bar, I thought you said that you were going to a topless bar.🙂

  6. I've visited Cartagena a number of times & always visit the Amphitheatre, it is an amazing structure. I recommend anyone visiting the area to take a day out & walk around it, incredible place

  7. Guys, yet again another AWESOME video. Thank you thank you thank you for showcasing the beautiful Spanish Med and one of my favourite cities along the coast. As Spanish sailors ourselves I can't wait to follow your Mediterranean adventures. <3 Love love!! Xxx

  8. Still love your channel. I watch three sailing channels on a regular basis. I watch SV Delos, La Vagabond, and Atticus every week. I've watched every Delos and Atticus video, and like 75% of La Vagabond's. If y'all keep it up I will too.

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