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Dinghy Sailing la apus, uimitor apus de toamnă!

24 thoughts on “Dinghy Sailing la apus, uimitor apus de toamnă!”
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Beautiful sailing and great video again

Beautiful sailing! Take your time, nobody will refit the Kingfisher for you
It's important to have fun between projects 
Fuckin well superb mate.
Nice and relaxing.
Thank you Teo, food for the soul as always
I haven't been sailing like that since about 1978. I need to try it again.
Always impressed by how little air it takes to move a GIS.
What a perfect day, that GIS gets along so easily. Cheers
Yesterday, my little Frostply and I were battling 25 knott gusts in a fast flowing Waitara River, so this little excursion aboard your GIS is a lovely tonic.
How are you getting the film shots? I cannot detect a GOPRO..
How. You keep camera boom out of the picture.?
Another nice cruise, Teo. Thank you! Autumn is closing us down here in northern Japan。。。 Maybe I should move to Portugal for the winter and find a sailboat…
That is such a pretty boat. You did a really amazing job on her. Even if you take the other one for a long cruise, which I'm assuming you want to at least sail the Med for the summers, don't sell her.
Always a pleasure watching you playing on the water in Forager! Absolutely relaxing! But maybe a little early for Christmas carols?
I love watching your videos! I think you capture the beauty and simplicity of sailing a dinghy
Thankyou for the beautiful sunset sail
Sailing is my favorite but I have nothing to set sail, but with your inspirational video my dream always come true. Keep inspiring us here in Philippines.
You always petrified and astonished my soul.
Hope to see some survival in the island with your Dinghy's.
Magic moments on the water I think it adds time to our lives, thanks for sharing
Always a good day seeing Forager out and about. Thanks for the video Teo.
It looks like your bow camera is horizontally stabilized with the horizon. Is that mechanical or electronic or done in post production software? What is the camera? What software do you use? Good to see you back again.
Lovely video and lovely boat.
You must get asked this all the time but what camera do you use on the bow of the boat. Must be a 360 as you shoot angles from it?
Beautiful sunset sail. I have not made it to the video of you making the daggered board yet……..has anyone tried to increase the weight of it by making it longer and out of lead? This would give you the ability to hold more wind……ie…..hopefully go faster and more stable and higher winds……….I have no idea if that would work…….but you basically make it the same shape……maybe 12" longer…and make it out of lead.