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Cel mai rece tur cu barca | -22 Celsius Tiny Home Sailing

7 thoughts on “Cel mai rece tur cu barca | -22 Celsius Tiny Home Sailing”
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Hi guys, got a 1966 Harry Halberg Kungskryssare on the hard near Uppsala under going a refit if your interested for a look see while you're in Sweden?
I think in similar ways to Tam. Maybe it's because we're a similar age. Keep things simple. If it isn't there it can't go wrong.
I like the idea of a solar charging phone.
I'm sure it was cold in that cabin but it looked so cosy with the heater and the low level lights. It reminded me of my own liveaboard boats and winter evenings spent with good company at boatyards and marinas.
Hello you Brummie Buggers! Interesting thoughts on small scale circumnavigation – enjoyed it. Are you guys at Boatlife live this year?
Check out Atomvoyager YouTube video channel for options to build in and integrated water tank over the keel and home he converts boats over to use outboard motor. He has a lot of remodeling videos on this size boat and I think the same make.
Thanks for the boat tour. You guys make great videos!
Love the fact a south African lives so far ( in icelands) from his former homeland…but he's tuned in to chasing currents…