Un val uriaș răsturnează o barcă în mijlocul unei încercări de salvare în largul coastei Oregonului

Un val uriaș răsturnează o barcă în mijlocul unei încercări de salvare în largul coastei Oregonului

Un val uriaș a răsturnat o barcă în largul coastei Oregonului, în timp ce un echipaj de salvare a încercat să salveze un marinar blocat vineri.


41 thoughts on “Un val uriaș răsturnează o barcă în mijlocul unei încercări de salvare în largul coastei Oregonului

  1. To think the guy in the water has to rescue the wanted guy in the boat. That young man is a hero, I hope he has a very LONG career always stay safe🙏🫶. These water rescue men /women never get enough credit for the very dangerous job they do.

  2. Kudos to the rescue swimmer but what's the point? Those people needed lifting off the boat, and if you're going to put a swimmer in the water how about closer to the boat?

  3. I don’t think Coast Guard gets as much recognition as they should!
    I lived on the Oregon coast, and that water is freaking cold. All year round, the waves are big, and there are lots of riptides and strong currents

  4. I’m an ex-Army helicopter pilot.
    These Coast Guard pilots and Swimmers are truly heroes in an ongoing theater of operations.

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