Yachting A GRESIT! Halover Inlet | Zona Barcă

Yachting A GRESIT!  Halover Inlet |  Zona Barcă

#pantaloni scurti


38 thoughts on “Yachting A GRESIT! Halover Inlet | Zona Barcă

  1. This should be called "criminals with illegal much money". Wow just HOW can you be that stupid and reckless… with other people's money of course!🤙🇺🇸🇷🇺✌️

  2. 99% sure this is an owner operator that almost got his props stuck on my anchor chain last weekend at Beer Can anchorage. Wind was blowing, he was dragging & had a bunch of kids in the water. Care free till he realized he was getting into a sticky situation. Brainless.

  3. Shouldent be allowed on the ocean without a licence to prove your competence , wheres the lifejackets ? how big does the captain think his boat is ? who will pay for the coastguard / search and rescue if the passengers or the boat doesent make it ?

  4. Skipper should be fined. POB(People on board) not wearing life jackets 😮😮😮😮😢😢😢😢😢. That's a major rule when performing a dangerous bar crossing anywhere in the world. 😊😊😊😊

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