Rebecca Childress, hotărâtă să-și termine circumnavigarea, trebuie să ia niște decizii grele cu echipajul, iar un alt echipaj masculin se alătură în Bequia. După ceva vreme rea și prea multe petreceri pe țărm și alte distrageri, echipajul și căpitanul SV Brick House navighează de la Bequia la Martinica în prima lor trecere peste noapte împreună. La sosirea în Martinica, Rebecca este foarte dornică să piardă un alt echipaj de pe barcă și așteaptă să vină un alt echipaj cu promisiunea unui trai mai curat și mai multe cântece de navigație! ▬ Urmăriți-vă! ▬▬ ✩Instagram: ✩ Twitter: ✩ Facebook: ✩Blogul nostru: :http :// ✩Youtube: ✩Tshirts și altele: Sprijină-ne să continuăm să vină videoclipurile: (Tip Jar )
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SAILING with Crew – BĂIEȚII sunt ASO DE dezamăgitori! (Casa de cărămidă Sailing #89)

35 thoughts on “SAILING with Crew – BĂIEȚII sunt ASO DE dezamăgitori! (Casa de cărămidă Sailing #89)”
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This was so much fun to watch… not the crew, though, but you
love it
Why not an all girl crew, I seen some women who can fix engines and come up with repairs on the spot I wouldn't even think of using.
Geeze Louise…Rebecca, yer becoming an “Ofer” with Men
But there’s no “Classified Adds” for Employment & it’s appears kinda “Hit & Miss” Continue to Stay Safe and Enjoy
Rebecca! You look great! I think you lost weight. Not that you had too. But you look awesome and in control. I'm so happy for you
I feel your pain. Better luck as time rolls on!
Maybe it’s time for a ladies only crew
stay safe 

Appreciate your immensely my friend! & Cap ….it's not easy for all on a Sail boat to circumnavigate together…Rebecca trust your heart & your Sailing experience in all & always keep your amazing positivity…luv you especially all you been trough! Another great video! Cheers to continued adventures! Luv&Peace Captain Rebecca!

Hope you have better luck with the next crewmember. Less booze and more good food and more sailing! Good luck!
Alcohol and men , often produce unwanted results, lol.
Sorry to hear about the ongoing crew issues. It is a sad fact that you usually get exactly what you pay for with volunteer crew Having been on the other side I've had some bad experiences as crew as well. It's a crap shoot. I'm so blessed to have a great partner and a well-found boat to cruise on. Having to start over alone again like you did is a really scary thought.
I hope that now that you've returned to the East Coast you have an easier time with your future plans You aren't that far from where we are and perhaps our travels will overlap by the time we get back from our road trip when SVBD and crew starts migrating north out of the zone for the season. It seems most of our friends have already followed the wild geese North.
If we only had these people chasing whales, the world would be ok! And yes, sailing in such close confinement with strangers got to be close to the equivalent to doing time in some prison
, looks like you are still trying to find your center, lots of opportunities with drama but you got to film it! ratings love chaos!
Your confidence is growing Captain. Love it. Wish I could join ya xxx
Getting Robert on the boat and then getting Robert off the boat….many people don't realize the amount of paper work involved, particularly with immigration and revising the crew manifest, proof of onward travel by the departing crew.
Is one of the most important rules in the operating manual; "Don't touch the captain unless she says it's OK?
Whaling? What…isn't that internationally illegal..or should be…Horrible…but the Pizza looked incredible.
Fun video….think I sailed offshore south when you were in Palm Beach..sorry we missed! Fair Winds to Brunswick!
SORRY CAPTAIN you are the one that has disappointed us you have turn it to a party boat. you soon become A BOAT OF DRUNKS NUSUBSCRIBED SAMED REBECCA
Thank you for letting us follow your adventures! Challenges and all!
You seem to have a lot of problems with guys. Any chance the problem might be with you?
Just sail your own boat and stop depending on others. How many years have you been on brick house?
I would but I don't know how to sale!! Lol
forget the crew the skipper makes all the difference
Oh Rebecca, Life is treating you good now , Alright? Blessings!!
Jeepers. I felt drunk just watching the video! Girls just wanna have fun
How's your liver .
What a hilarious video, although I’m sure it wasn’t very funny at the time. It’s so nice to see you having a good time, Rebecca…..
Captain Rebecca. You are such a task master.
How If I was able to be a an ole deck scrubber and do as my captain did dictate…LOL
Seriously, I am a novice, so what is the best and and fastest learn curve…..Yes, hands on, but my little hard working wife won't allow me out of her sight…..Bugga.
So am land locked to sit in my big chair and watch you and crews antics…..gosh, am so envious.
Too bad for Rick seemed like a nice guy
i hate to say anything but your muscle man looks like he is having a heart attack???
This channel has become a train wreck.
I was thinking of writing a detail comment.
Instead I will just say:
You are going down a very …Dangerous?
I quit sailing the Caribbean about 7 yrs ago because it was becoming party central moved over to the PNW and central pacific a total different sailing Johndra I’m too old for all night party’s ,,,great video and good luck with crew
You ever thought you might have Rich menopause and you're a b****.