Bun venit la aventura din această săptămână cu Ryan! După ce a petrecut patru ani departe de Australia, Ryan s-a întors în sfârșit pe pământul natal și este gata să exploreze! În acest vlog interesant, Ryan te duce într-o călătorie prin toată Australia, în timp ce vizitează prietenii și familia în diferite părți ale țării. De la frumoasele plaje de pe Coasta de Aur, până la orașul vibrant Melbourne, Ryan împărtășește toate momentele și experiențele incitante pe care le-a avut în timpul călătoriei sale. Fie că ajunge din urmă cu vechii prieteni sau descoperă locuri noi, nu veți dori să pierdeți niciun moment din această aventură plină de acțiune. Așa că stați pe loc, relaxați-vă și alăturați-vă lui Ryan în timp ce vă duce într-o călătorie prin Australia ca niciodată. Cu peisaje uimitoare, mâncare incredibilă și oameni uimitoare, acest vlog are totul! Deci ce mai aștepți? Apăsați Play și haideți să explorăm Australia împreună! SITE WEB SAILING SUNDAY: https://www.svsunday.com SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: https://svsunday.com/online-shop-home/ DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: https://www.paypal.me/jacksonstreats PATREON: https: //www.patreon.com/sailingsunday SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingsunday TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub


19 thoughts on “206. MARINARUL CĂLĂTORIAZĂ AUSTRALIA | Duminica navigatie

  1. You guys are probably the most unique sailing couple out there )The picture and sound quality of the documentaries really is top notch A lot of sailing channels could really do with taking a look and a listen!)

  2. Great post, but what I learned is either everyone in Australia is 7 foot tall, or Ryan is shorter than I thought.

  3. Really cool seeing a bit more variety in the content. The aussie sanctuary looked awesome! Looking forward to seeing what you find in the states

  4. Hi Ryan and Brittni 🙋‍♂️ Awesome! You guys have sure had an amazing 4 years of travel. I guess it's taken so much work and planning,to get you started on this journey. I wouldn't know where to begin. I know nothing about sailing or traveling outside of the U.S. Hope you get your packages mailed successfully; Brittni

  5. Another great video as always. I'm getting some top ideas to use with my developing editing skills. Any chance of maybe doing a new video on what gear you are now using for recording and editing? Keep up the excellent work.

  6. Another totally groovy video. Following your adventures and these two adventures away from each other has been a complete gas. Just for the record you both have winning smiles and welcoming personalities. Stay safe and stay groovy.

  7. Fantastic video. We had a Post Office for six years and can't believe the unnecessary drama you had here. It's not rocket science that you need a customs declaration for packages no matter how tiny they may be. And a package is obviously not a letter. It was our job to know and advise our customers of the correct posting procedures to avoid dramas like this. Glad you got it sorted in the end but it could have been avoided if they knew their job.

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