Chiar nu ne-am planificat asta! Săptămâna aceasta am decis să facem un videoclip despre cum să navigăm, dar s-a transformat într-un vânt puternic sau cu vreme grea! Am plecat fără să ne ridicăm vela principală, ceea ce a fost o greșeală, dar Matt a scos-o. A fost nevoie de multe tack-uri și o mulțime de călcâi, dar am ajuns la frumoasa Virgin Gorda! Vrei actualizări în timp real?! Susține canalul nostru! Ați dori să ne cumpărați o bere sau un cadou o singură dată Verificați fața magazinului nostru Amazon pentru a vedea produsele de la refit, echipamentul foto pe care îl folosim, și echipamentul preferat de barcă. Merch! Susține canalul nostru și primești ceva extraordinar în schimb! Încărcăm un videoclip nou în fiecare săptămână! Nu uitați să vă abonați și să distribuiți videoclipul. De asemenea, ne puteți găsi și contacta aici -Instagram @Kristen.r.davis @Neptunes_reaper /Neptunes_reaper -Facebook -Tiktok Iată un cod de recomandare pentru a obține un credit de 20 USD când te înscrii în GOOGLE FI UTILIZAȚI CODUL K18F80 *Acesta este planul nostru telefonic internațional* SAILMAKER-ul nostru Precision Sails Pentru întrebări de afaceri svdeaddolphin Muzică pentru videoclipurile noastre -Epidemic Sound merită… -ARTLIST

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That how-to went a little different than we planned 😂😂 Thank you all so much for watching and keeping this crazy adventure going. Seeing the Baths was definitely a great check on our bucket list! Hit thumbs up on the video and give us a share ❤
Your cat is so cute and he seems to really like sailing!
We always followed the 'Big Boat Rule'…… Little boats always get out of the way of the big boats. Just assume the big boat has no idea you are there – and you will make the right decisions.
Lol. Stop yelling over a little water on you. You are not made of sugar, you wont melt! 😁
Hey, Matt…I don't mean to tell you how to suck eggs, mate, but shouldn't you have 2 painters on that dinghy, one to a different hitching point…in case one breaks or comes loose?
20+ kts wind, reef in the main, heeled over 25 degrees – not quite lee rail under, going to windward at hull speed, warm sun, sheets of spray coming aboard when she puts her shoulder into a wave. Nothing better in the world.
Great sail peeps got some wind in the sails
dang girl orange is your color for sure
I haven’t read all the comments, but just saw your request for rules of right away when sailing. The 3 basics for real beginners are 1) If you are sailing, you have right of way over a boat that is under engine power, even if it’s a sail boat. 2) if you are on the same tack (going the same direction ) the boat closest to the wind (windward) has to give way to the boat that is down wind of you (leeward), 3) if on different tacks, the boat on starboard tack (wind is coming over the starboard(right) side), always has right of way over the port tack boat (wind coming over port side(left), 3) if you are going downwind, the boat that is being overtaken has the right of way(called the “stand on”boat). If you are the boat over taking another boat you must yield to the other boat, called the “give way” boat. There are other rules but those basics are the basics. In general, rules are to avoid collisions.
Definitely a slanted view! Ha
He gave way 'cuz you were on his left. You had right of way.
That's a Instagram model if I've ever seen one!
You guys are amazing and my wife and I appreciate the inspiration. 7 months now and we gone!
Hi guys. I am going to play dad and say that in such weather, you really should have your life jackets on. Also, if you fell overboard Matt, does Kristen have enough helm-time to know how to bring the boat about to pick you up? There is a technique to it, and some time, it could be good to spend a few hours practicing.
Hi. Check the colreg regulations. They explain all that stuff . I better go and reread them too! Lol
Love you guys!
Mr. Cross did OK, gave a good start. Let me refine and add to that; INTERNATIONAL RULES. Sailing vessels Meeting/Crossing, when a risk of collision exists:
Sailing vessel with wind on the Starboard side is the privileged/ stand on vessel, the other vessel gives way.
A sailing vessel to WINDWARD of another sailing vessel on the same tack is the GIVEWAY vessel.
If you cannot determine with certainty if the other vessel is on a Starboard or Port tack, you must give way.
All overtaking vessels are Give Way vessels, regardless of method of propulsion. If you are under sail and passing a powerboat, you are the GIVE WAY vessel until the risk of collision has passed.
Train yourself to forget "Right of Way", there is none. Each vessel has a responsibility and a designated action to perform, and each must do as expected.
You can download the entire Rules of the Road for free from the US Government website.
Tom H, 100 ton Master/ASA Instructor/USCGAUX Coxswain.
My god that is a beautiful place.
The Baths,,,,,Rosie and I were there when you guys were little kids. I was hoping y’all would visit there. To this day I recall walking among those huge rocks. We were young like you guys are back then. I enjoy all you’re videos particularly this one because it brought back memories of those days of youth spent in the sun. PS. I think Matt might be right about how those huge rocks got there.
17:38 MY/ SAVANNAH has the most beautiful interior i have ever seen!
i can´t belive you don´t know the right of way rules, you must be joking: 1. Starboard Tack Boat has the right-of-way over port tack boat. Doesn´t matter how high against the wind you go. 2. Leeward Boat has the right of way over Windward Boat – if both go the same direction.
I am pretty sure the starboard tack has right of way
When going to windward the Starboard tack has right of way
Wow what a challenge you have guys perfect sail
You're required to have a book of collision regulations on the boat ! If you do hit another boat illegally at least you don't have your boat name on the boat ! SMH
Thanks for sharing stay safe
Kristen says be-an the boat instead of beating the boat 😊 I think she has a T block in her speech or she is developing a London England accent .
do not worry about the cat passing you , you have your precious, stunning cat on board !!!!!
the yacht on starboard tack has right of way, but generally some people don't know the rules so avoid collision at all cost. its like don't trust that a car is going to turn just because it has its indicator on, just shows that their indicator works.!!!
A vessel on a Starboard tack and close hauled has right of way, any vessel on eased sheets should always give way to any vessel that is close hauled.
Happy sailing.
Peace Love Health n love
Stay safe out there •••••••••
Keep Sailing NEVER STOP !!!!!
Where's the Boat Goat –– u said …. Just do it
Keep Sailing NEVER STOP
Another great video! You guys were crackin' along. I want to know how you got that shot starting at 15:28. There doesn't appear to be any sort of extension off the stern and you sure didn't mount the camera in the dinghy – the shot is stable. All I could figure was that you had a chase boat but then the dinghy would be in the way. I sailed a 40-footer for 6 years and it was pretty intimidating when the wind would pipe up and you'd see the rail go under the water. Plus everything down below goes crashing unless you have it secured.
Getz u one them Anchor pulleeeee up thingeeeee's ––-
U Anit getting any younger bro
Just do it ……. U gonna wreck ur back ••••• n now WHAT ????
Keep Sailing NEVER STOP
When your sailing you are the stand on vessel to pleasure craft under power even if they have their sails up. when you are on the same tack the leeward boat is stand on, opposite tacks always the starboard boat has right of way but no matter what it is your responsibility to avoid the accident regardless.
Great Video and it was very cool seeing you two sail hard! Loved the BVI tour too.
When you want to furl the jib… turn your boat downwind to hide the headsail behind the main. It will save A lot of wear and tear on you equipment and it's much easier.
at 15:08 : did I see the engine-keys hanginog out at risc ?
So glad to see you guys showing off your sailing chops. Thanks for sharing.
Use your navigation lights Green go, Red yield.