„Sângerări nazale, răsturnări și marinari FOARTE SUPERATI!” | Etapa 4 26/04 | Spectacolul Ocean Race

„Sângerări nazale, răsturnări și marinari FOARTE SUPERATI!”  |  Etapa 4 26/04 |  Spectacolul Ocean Race

Niall Myant-Best s-a întors pentru a discuta despre cele mai recente evoluții din The Ocean Race 2022-23! Etapa 4 a început foarte dificil pentru marinarii noștri, membrii echipajului punându-se pe linie pentru a încerca să obțină un avantaj față de flota strânsă. Aceste primele zile ale piciorului au arătat încă o dată de ce acesta este testul suprem al rezistenței în toate sporturile! Nu uitați să vă abonați pentru mai multe The Ocean Race: https://goo.gl/BzBCwU Consultați catalogul nostru video complet: https://goo.gl/nrB9ay Like The Ocean Race pe Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/theoceanrace/ Urmărește pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/theoceanrace/ Urmărește pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoceanrace/ Citește mai mult: http://www.theoceanrace.com


27 thoughts on “„Sângerări nazale, răsturnări și marinari FOARTE SUPERATI!” | Etapa 4 26/04 | Spectacolul Ocean Race

  1. Capsize? VERY ANGRY? I don't have the skills that these people do. But But I have been on a boat that capsized and have been on a boat with very angry people. Neither were in this video. My suggestion don't write stupid headlines. We are watching these videos because we love sailing and are following the ocean race. We don't need misleading headline to hook us in. We're already in. Thank you

  2. So illuminating and very interesting, thank you so much for this review, dear Niall. One learns something new each time. The sailors have a lot on their plates. My ❤ goes out to them!!

  3. I need to say the ambient lighting in your room nails my taste. Good job my mate. Also your brilliant explanations are always nice to watch.

  4. Team Maliza "blood"

    No capsize at all, a simple unexpected "auto tack" for Biotherm with fortunately no mechanical damage and no injury, we have seen that on previous video
    Biotherm has probably the less experimented crew, this was a very big risk to make such changes.

    If Holcim has also made a lot of changes in the crew, if you look at the profiles in fact theses profiles are more experimented, just Annemieke Bes being a little "newbie" in IMOCA and french sailing "culture"
    For Biotherm : Marie Riou is a well known french sailor and experimented, but with very few experience on IMOCA foiler, Mariana Lobato is a perfect newbie in IMOCA, Alan Roberts has also no experience on IMOCA but has a strong french culture sailing, this is a young british sailor contrary to Sam Goodchild, Sam Davies, Abby Ehler much more experimented… So, Paul Meilhat is the only senior, this was risky. Paul should have tried to keep Anthony Marchand (Sam and Damien must run the Guyader Bermude Race on early days of may).

    But Biotherm team being a very young boat (6 months) so not fully all set, the team didn't really came here for victory as of Malizia, Holcim, 11th hour
    Biotherm is a brand of l'Oreal with most products dedicated to women, so we understand the main target for this team is to show as much possible "women in action"
    Biotherm has been formerly the sponsor of Florence Arthaud.

    For Paul Meilhat, Ocean Race will mainly help him to all set his IMOCA, to understand his machine, for Vendee Globe 2024, also he really loves the Ocean Race. But his project has been set up very late, Biotherm sponsoring being very "recent". Before Biotherm sponsoring decision, Paul didn't have a boat at all, all has been decided in the hurry, finding a shipyard with free slot so they decided to make the boat built by the Italian shipyard Persico (well known in America's cup) because all french shipyards were busy.

    Biotherm is roughly the sistership of Apivia I (Charlie Dalin), Charal I (Jérémie Beyou), Linked out (Thomas Ruyant). all designed by Guillaume Verdier in 2019, but each boats have their own specificities. Interior design, electronic, foil are all different. Charal received a little modification of his nose, a slightly "shaped nose"
    Malizia, 11 hour and Holcilm PRB are brand new designs (VPLP for Malizia, Guillaume Verdier for 11 hour and Holcim these two late boat being specially optimized for Ocean Race, Malizi is designed for VDG)

  5. Thank you Francesca, your explanation clarified the constant strain these world class sailor's combat each minute of the day. Alert, little rest, their physical and mental conditioning must be extraordinary. We PRAY that Nico will recover from his battle with the elements and that has not deterred his Navigation excellence.

  6. Coastal racing through oil platforms and commercial traffic – Quite the fatiguing start to this leg.
    Conditioning will matter both physical and mental!

  7. I’m a big proponent of checklists for anything important. Just no way you’re going to remember every step every single time!

    Love this series

  8. Sorry to hear about the dismasting on Holcim 2-3 hours ago. Noticed on the tracker the strange move, and became worried for the safety of those on board. The news now is that everybody is safe. Very good to hear!
    I guess the ship will try to return to Rio, or some other suitable harbor for repairs. Maybe they can resume on this leg later.

  9. Auf dem Tracker sieht das immer so langsam aus. Durch diesen Zusammenschnitt bekommt man noch mehr ein Bild von dem ständigen Stress der Segler auch bei wenig Wind. Das ständige Wechseln der Segel und Einstellungen fordert doch alle sehr (ich null Ahnung vom Segeln). Und offensichtlich geht auch manches mal schief. Ich finde es so interessant und auch heldenhaft, was die einzelnen Crew Mitglieder alles leisten. Meinen allergrößten Respekt für diese Leistungen. Es ist einfach ein spannendes und auch ergreifendes Rennen. Danke für diese Informativen Videos. 🤗🤗👏👏✌️

  10. While with the official ocean race reporting one would expect that team neutrality is an absolute, it feels oddly forced at times in the script.

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