SINGURA PROBLEMĂ care a început acest TOT REFIT.

SINGURA PROBLEMĂ care a început acest TOT REFIT.

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29 thoughts on “SINGURA PROBLEMĂ care a început acest TOT REFIT.

  1. First, it was the both of you that made it what she is, and of course, you are making sure she's strong and ready to go long-term blue water boat love your channel

  2. Just want to say that Aladino is a much better boat builder, wood worker and overall maker than a camera-facing narator. The awkwardness is comming trough. I say that with great affection to Aladino. I admire him as a thoughtful and extremely talented creator. But he looks like a caged animal that needs to be released to the wild to do what he does best.
    Maya on the other hand…. You are a natural infront of the camera. Great presence and a wonderful wordsmith.
    Good job both of you.

  3. Glad to hear the language explanation. For a moment I was thinking, wow, I understand Italian a lot better than I thought and it sounds much more like Spanish than I remembered…

  4. Congratulazioni Aladino per il tuo lavoro in cui riesci a esprimere a pieno le tue capacità con grande serenità e visione complessiva. Sono contento che vi sia un po' di orgoglio italiano in questa missione. Spero un giorno di incontrarvi per i mari

  5. You can hear from the lovely choice of music that Maya is a skilled musician and connoisseur of music – greetings from Denmark – will be exciting to see the ship finished…

  6. I was going to say… "Your mom is not speaking Italian, that is pure Spanish"… 👈😆
    What a mess… Father Italian, mother Peruvian, born and educated in Switzerland with German as first language, you speak English (and very well), but I haven't heard you speaking Spanish at all, (my maternal language). Teach Spanish to Maya, she'll need it on your travels.

    Love your channel, you are doing it right. Greetings from Abbotsford, BC👋😃🇨🇦

  7. What a great job as always! Aladino is such a master of his craft. Maya it’s great to see you taking on more structural aspects of the rebuild. Nice job with the templating and cutting of the partitions!! I am as I’m sure you are anxious to splash her for the first time. I’m looking forward to it. Rob

  8. Aladino you are four lingual now. Your English got so great now. What a project you have thrown your self in. Wow. Looking forward to see you splashing that boat. A cape George that recently have won the GGR.

  9. I've followed this rebuild off and on over many months. Two things I've learned – I will never again have a boat that large and (2) I don't think I'll ever post photos of any of my handiwork… y'all are serious craftsmen…

  10. Aladino, hermosa sorpresa escuchar a tu mamá hablando español. Los sigo desde Argentina. Felicitaciones por todos los avances y muchos éxitos más!

  11. Good on you!! You guys are doing it right on your refit. There is an old saying in the trades, “if you haven’t got the time to do the job right the first time, you certainly don’t have the time to do it over.” Unknown.
    Keep up the good work!!
    Dr. Steve

  12. Very nice to have Aladino's parents visit and to see his proud mother's smile. Fun aside: Aladino and Maya have the same hair style in this video.

  13. 18:34. I don’t think it is so important to show your kids how to do things. It’s important to show them that they can.

    Clearly your dad did that. 👍

  14. Good Morning, I've not been on here for a while I've been in hospital ( OK Now ) I'm a retired Econmics Professor from Manchester University ( UK ) when I retired I took up sailing again I have a 2016 Beneteau 48 Oceanis , don't you wish you'd bought a newer sailboat with less work that needed doing to the Sailboat. I bought my sailboat as a used sailboat and put it into the yard for 6 months for upgrades, Had the engine upgraded to a Hybrid , Solar panels with all the batteries etc , more sails Dingy Davot etc, added a stern anchor and upgraded boats systems and internet. etc.

  15. Me siento muy identificado con vuestros proyectos y más ahora que el idioma madre de Aladino es el español. Ánimo con vuestro proyecto y disfrutad de la vida. Un viejo marino.

  16. Enjoy watching your craftmanship. I'm sure you know that Kirsten with Minnehaha won the GGR. Seeing you have interviewed her before she started you may wish to share with your subscribers this news. She's is a fabulous capable lady.

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