Asta este! Acestea sunt condițiile pe care am căutat să ne testăm. Întâlnim rafale de vânt FORCE 10 de 48+ noduri și mări grele în timp ce navigăm în jurul Capului Horn la tribord. Aceasta este o navigație înfricoșătoare, pe margine, și nu este pentru cei slabi de inimă. S-ar putea să vă faceți rău de mare. Nu încercați asta acasă! #sailing #adventure #epic Aceasta este navigația pe care știm că ai vrut să o vezi când te-ai abonat. Ai vrut să vezi dacă suntem destul de duri. Ai vrut să vezi dacă putem reuși. Ai vrut să vezi o mare aventură și navigarea în condiții extreme. Am căutat aceste condiții deoarece am simțit că alegerea unei ferestre de vreme calmă pentru a ocoli Capul Horn ar fi, ei bine, dezamăgitoare, nu pentru tine, ci pentru noi. Nu ar fi provocarea pe care o căutam. Am vrut să ajungem pe vârful Everestului. Cumva, urcând pe acel munte într-o zi caldă însorită, fără vânt și valuri, simțeam că ne-am vinde scurt. Ne doream valuri uriașe. Am vrut vânturi puternice. Am vrut temperaturi înghețate. Unii ar putea spune că căutarea acestor condiții este nesigură sau riscantă. Acești oameni nu greșesc 100%, dar noi spunem că acești oameni trăiesc în frică. Nu-ți fie frică! A experimenta adevărata libertate înseamnă a trăi viața fără teamă. Acestea fiind spuse, nu navigați în aceste condiții fără a fi bine pregătit și capabil să vă autosalvați, nu vă puneți în pericol viața, barca cu pânze și viața personalului de salvare pe mare. Suntem amândoi navigatori cu foarte multă experiență și am navigat nenumărate mile în condiții dure în timpul curselor, navigației solo și navigației duble pentru a ne pregăti pentru acest tip de navigație. Acum bucurați-vă de un videoclip cu navigație pe care ne-am distrat foarte mult să îl facem. Faceți clic pe abonați-vă și veniți alături de această minunată plimbare cu rollercoaster-ul unei zile extreme de navigație! Doriți să susțineți conținutul nostru, să obțineți informații din culise, actualizări în timp real și mii de fotografii din călătoria noastră? Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru pe Patreon: Site: Carte scurtă: „Sharing the Journey” Facebook: https:/ / Instagram: Twitter:
30 thoughts on “STORM FORCE @ CAPE HORN [Ep. 108]”
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Well you two rounded Cape Horn. You now join an elite group who have rounded the Horn the "wrong" way. Robin Knox Johnson, Lyn and Larry Parker, Miles & Beryl Smeaton. Congratulations.
That is impressive sailing. You two are the real deal. Stay safe
How long was it from the time you started this trip until you turned into the wind and when you anchored?
Man the communication you and your wife have together when setting things up on that boat and getting things and its place is amazing great job guys you guys make a great team
Awesome video.
I just found your channel, U2 are amazing, going through the roaring 40s with not a care in the world , very impressive, I’ve been selling my 40 foot Beneteau for 20 years here on the East Coast of the US to the Bahamas and back. I’ve never quite run into Anything like the roaring 40s you guys did on a J boat, which is a great boat to run that with. Good job.
Congratulations you two !! Epic episode, dripping with courage the both of you !!!
epic sail…..
Fantastic show by boat and crew! Q: after you dropped the staysail to turn upwind we’re you using engine assist?
Epic – congratulations!
Great video! I loved seeing your excitement as you passed the Horn. I felt just the same, even though I did it on a cruise ship. I was grinning like the Cheshire Cat for the rest of the day. 😃
Do you have running back stays?
My God! I am so proud for you both! What an accomplishment! You came, you saw, you conquered! Way to go! Impressive!!!!!!!!!
I haven't been on a sail since a holiday I'm high-school Brant Rock MA. 1980??? I am so living vicariously watching this. Thanks for the free ride….
I rounded Cape Horn in 1996 on a warship HMCS Kootenay… couldn't imagine doing it a vessel like yours…. balls of steel you have , well done BZ
Fantastic achievement! And fantastic footage. I've been round on a cruise ship – it's a daunting place. About 30-35 knots as we passed the Horn, and 1.5 hours later, 66. Kept my thermals on for the life raft! 😂
So … she is very impressed with him, and he is very impressed with her, and I’m very impressed with both of you guys, beautiful sailing, even under very hard conditions, congratulations!
And he kissed her, how about that to build up the best memories in life, nice touch.
I assumed it requires extreme attention, great dedication and skills, not to mention an extremely reliable boat and equipment.
First time washing your channel and I already want to send you all my love and respect from a guy who always wanted to do that kind of sailing but life got in his way, so I only wish I could send you a nice bottle of wine to help you celebrate such a wonderful accomplishment, you guys have it all, just please be careful because if I was at the tip of my chair from the comfort of my home I can’t imagine being in Cape Horn under 40+knots of wind
Again and again, Congratulations, you guys made me feel happy, a little scared at one point, but very happy. Thanks.
It was a gorgeous video
Love it!
A great episode, terrific achievement and seamless teamwork and seamanship.
Looks like a great adventure, being a seaman myself I am not very impressed with the way you keep your ropes. A trip hazard and not very ship shape. Untidy to say the least, well done guys. X
An incredible accomplishment! And you did it the hard way! Congratulations Sweet Ruca from Ben S/V DAWN
The cleat of the mainsail seems to be closed, an advice to take the tension on the winch and always leave it open in order to be able to release the pressure at any time in case of strong wind… Nice video, nice share take care
Thanks for sharing your epic moments and adventure of a lifetime .
Thanks for the ride along. It was great!
Wow! what an inspiration you are to all of us 🎉🎉 well done!
So exciting for you guys!!
keep it going you are both great .
Your sailing ability has been highlighted time and again in the comments. I have to ask and always wonder why people that plan to sail the deep blue sea purchase a vessel with a cockpit open to the weather rather than something with coverage from weather, wind, rain, and waves.