Cum a folosit Blueface Chrisean Rock

Cum a folosit Blueface Chrisean Rock

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11 thoughts on “Cum a folosit Blueface Chrisean Rock

  1. I wouldn't give blueface that much credit. I think that he just hit a gold mine. It just happened to work for out for them. the really life situations of really real. It's a lot of feelings involved on both sides

  2. The best way for Blueface to get his career back is doing what he plans to do start a boxing career and get under Mayweather promotions you'll make more money then C Rock and you will be a bigger internet sensation

  3. I appreciate the commentators opinion only thing he forgot to talk about is they are actually making a living that means it's working for them but anybody else try it they may not be so successful God bless them i live them🙏 💙💙💙

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