Sailor James X 59º North Sailing Anunț: Navigare către Groenlanda și Islanda pe Farr 65 FALKEN

Sailor James X 59º North Sailing Anunț: Navigare către Groenlanda și Islanda pe Farr 65 FALKEN

Vă rugăm să vă anunț că am fost invitat de Andy Schell 59º North Sailing / On The Wind Podcast să merg cu el pe noul lor Farr 65 Falken. Voi veni în calitate de regizor și voi realiza un film în format lung al pasajului în timp ce navigam pe ruta Viking din Newfoundland la Groenlanda până în Islanda. Vom face o întâlnire în Annapolis, Maryland, pe 29 iunie, la bordul Falken, pentru oricine dorește să coboare și să salută și să vadă barca (informații despre barca: RSVP este obligatoriu și poate fi făcut aici: Abia aștept să împărtășesc această aventură cu voi toți! Fair Winds James Dacă vă place canalul, vă rugăm să „Like” videoclipurilor și să vă abonați pentru a nu rata niciun episod viitor. Dacă vi se pare că videoclipurile sunt utile sau distractive și doriți să contribui, puteți deveni Patron la: Alte modalități de a susține canalul: PayPal: Aplicație Cash:$triteia Bitcoin:$triteia Fair Winds, James Website: Tracker: tracking/display/Triteia Instagram: #59north #andyschell #onthewindpodcast #farr65 #vikingroute #greenland #iceland #newfoundland


46 thoughts on “Sailor James X 59º North Sailing Anunț: Navigare către Groenlanda și Islanda pe Farr 65 FALKEN

  1. Just need to get five of you on each side of the boat with ores in the water, then you’ll really get the Viking experience!

  2. That will be a great trip…but 11 people on a 65’ sailboat is tooooooooo much. Hope all of them are experienced sailors. Buena suerte !⛵️⛵️⛵️

  3. Hows a salty dog like you going to handle being a mate and not a captain ? lol . I hope you enjoy this experience that maybe once in a life time event ! I'd like to see your journey's in writen form of a book like a ships log !

  4. Aagh James – so happy for ya – enjoy – you deserve it. Mmmm I can see ya selling Tritea.. or thinking about it – your stars are to take people offshore and teach like JK and Andy… you would be so good at it. Correct me if I am wrong – in mast furling on the Farr..

  5. that will be interesting for sure…tuned in here for it…
    maybe slate some dead spaces for positive buoyancy foam,
    and get some mastic and cork tiles, to fit in for insulation in those tight spots?

  6. Im so happy for you man. You have a blessed life, living your dream while being able to share that dream with others. I hope you can get your vessel repaired soon and be out there again doing your solo adventures. But your up coming adventure sounds so awesome i am truly envious. Good luck anf God bless.

  7. That looks like an awesome boat but can it be single handed like Triteia or is it a needy big beast

  8. Congratulations 👏👏👏…. Ask the crew if they can be hired to explore a part of earth thats not said to exist? People will pay big money to for such an expedition!!!

  9. This is exciting! I’m originally from Newfoundland. Unfortunately currently living in a landlocked western province. 😝 Be sure to pronounce it as New-FOUND-land or New-FUN-land and not Newfinlund. Locals might be offended ❤ also possibly offended by the term “Newfie”. 😅

  10. Wow..what a great thing to come your way! Congrats! You must be totally stoked! From solo to 11 ppl on board..thats a huge shift but you will do very well. You are so knowledgable and personable.Besides, you will be among like minded people!

  11. Good to hear. I sadly just declined an expedition from Scotland to Iceland to Northern Greenland bc my schedule wouldn’t allow the dates but I know there’ll be a fitting one down the line.

    Have a blast out there. Can’t wait to see the video.

  12. AbleSeamanJames ~ "There is no question of selecting the able seaman for an argument that he should have something different from what is in the scale."

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