7 mituri CAT vs MONO dezmințite Sailing @ Cape Horn | Trebuie să urmăriți înainte de a cumpăra o barcă cu pânze! [Ep.114]

7 mituri CAT vs MONO dezmințite Sailing @ Cape Horn |  Trebuie să urmăriți înainte de a cumpăra o barcă cu pânze! [Ep.114]

Vrei adevărul despre navigarea cu monococa și catamarane în larg? Am navigat amândoi în jurul Capului Horn într-o comparație de navigație BACK TO BACK pentru a afla ce este REAL și ce este un MIT! În acest videoclip, ne vom scufunda adânc în lumea catamaranelor pentru a dezvălui adevărul din spatele concepțiilor greșite care v-au împiedicat să trăiți aventura supremă pe mare! #sailing #reallife #catamaran Acum bucurați-vă de un videoclip de navigație pe care ne-am distrat foarte mult să îl facem. Faceți clic pe abonați-vă și veniți alături de această minunată plimbare cu rollercoaster-ul unei zile extreme de navigație! Doriți să susțineți conținutul nostru, să obțineți informații din culise, actualizări în timp real și mii de fotografii din călătoria noastră? Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru pe Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ruca Site: https://www.sweetruca.com Carte scurtă: „Sharing the Journey” https://amzn.to/41bhEn8 Facebook: https:/ /www.facebook.com/rucasailing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rucasailing Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/rucasailing Link afiliat Amazon: https://amzn.to/3t48KJy Link afiliat PredictWind : https://www.predictwind.com/?ref=sailingsweetruca Obțineți muzica noastră @Epidemic Sound Link afiliat: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ey2t4k Informații Artemis: Instagram: sv.artemis


49 thoughts on “7 mituri CAT vs MONO dezmințite Sailing @ Cape Horn | Trebuie să urmăriți înainte de a cumpăra o barcă cu pânze! [Ep.114]

  1. Welp, I wouldn't consider my nacra 5.8 to be particularly slow, but don't think I'd get to Hawaii on it nearly as fast as on a 78 foot Dashew, if at all. Of course neither would be much good in coastal waters full of ice and deadheads. Both could be fun though.

    The cat is sort of like fast skiing, hang gliding or sex. Lots of predictable power, body motion and feel involved. A heavy keeled boat is relatively dead. A keel-less monohull is just so tippy that you spend most of your attention trying to keep upright. Not fun. Half the reason a Tornado was inevitably faster than a FDutchman in any decent air was that the FD crew was just trying to avoid capsizing.

  2. I like sailing monohulls because I like the feel of it and heeling! Sailing a dingy when young and always liked the heeling part. Sleeping on a mono I love it. Dislike the hobby horse of cats. Cats good for anchorages, but the fun part is getting there on a mono!

  3. There are monohulls with pilot houses (I am from the PNW). Some of them are pretty spacious, though it is probably pretty hard to find one as big as a cat 🙂 Safety is number one: the crew and in particular captain. I have been impressed how crew and captain work on Sweet Ruca. There is not a huge difference compared to what I have seen in other crews but you guys seem to be at the top of what I have seen. Communication seems very good and practiced at all times. I think racing has done you both well. I have a long way to go but it will be a few years before I venture out of protected waters or try something like the NW passage… or even sailing around Vancouver Island.

    I can't speak for your boat in particular, but some racing monohulls are so wide as to share with the cat the problem of being more stable upside down than right side up. I would think that this is not a problem with most cruiser or cruiser/racer monohulls. Having said that, a knockdown can be serious problem for anyone. See Ming Ming for a truely unsinkable monohull (V-berth and lazarette foamed and sealed)…. Which had the skipper sailing half way across the Atlantic with a broken rib(s). I think both Ming Ming and Ming Ming II were set up for "Pajama" sailing, where all rigging changes could be done from the pilot "house" in a comfy gimbaled seat (AKA swing). Having said all that, Ming Ming was purpose built for single handed sailing in northern seas up to and beyond 80 north.

    For me, the biggest problem with a cat, aside from cost, would be finding mooring. Looking through our marinas, I have not seen any cats. I have seen trimarans on balls… which in this area pretty much means beached sooner or later. Having mooring behind a break water even rafted up at the fisherman's dock is a hull saver. To be honest, the Georgia Strait is so full of monohulls and wait lists for marinas, there is no incentive to build for cats yet…. maybe Vancouver and Victoria.

  4. Great video. Honest assessment. Different people will make different choices based on their needs and preferences. Clear to see how y’all and Sweet Ruca are a perfect match.

  5. excellent informative video Catamaran verses Monohall. Personally I think it's just a personal preference. Both have their plus and negatives. Sail safe see you next week sounds like a great adventure awaits sweet Rucca

  6. What you get with a cat: shallow draught and less or no heeling, less or no rolling at anchor. But the motion in general on cars is not better. For the same $$$ a cat does not have more room. Often a 60ft mono is the same price as a 42ft cat. Cat sailing is definitely sailing by numbers. Most cats don't go fast because of the risk/consequence equation. A cat powered up on a beam reach is terrifying. Many monos, including mine have a comfortable dry doghouse to keep watch. We average about 200 miles/day. Without working hard. On a beam or close reach we will pass almost all cats. Those we don't pass cost millions more. Where performance cats shine is now in that 6-9knot region, if they are light and have $$$$ sail wardrobe. I like cats, but I am more than happy with my mono.

  7. I like you two think mono is a better experience of sailing. Just what you want in sailing is what its about. I am becoming very much a social sailor, big space for socializing appeals. Place for all as I see it.

  8. I like a Fast Boat speed sailing is or can be like speed shaving with a Straight Razor. The feeling of the POWER of waves and Wind is intoxicating !!! Hi you Two.

  9. Hardly a scientific analysis. Do you know about the max hull speed equation for keel boats? I suggest you do a little research before expounding on something you obviously know very little about.

  10. First, really appreciate and enjoy your videos. Second, agree with you on your catamaran vs. mono assessments. We have a Bristol 43.3, 30k lbs, and often catch up and pass comparably sized cruising cats. I've also had the opportunity to speak with cat crews after a long rough rally passage, ~1,500 nm, which we did on our mono. Their description of trying to sleep and move about the boat in 20-25 ft seas sounded much more difficult than our experience. An example they provided was being in your bunk rolling from one side to the other as waves rolled under the boat and the entire angle of the boat changed while on our mono we stayed healed over on one side. Oh, and we were in port well ahead of them. Finally, we just returned from chartering a 46' Lagoon for two weeks in the BVI. All I can say is, and don't mean to offend anyone, what a tub! But there were six of us and once we were anchored it was a great condo.
    Looking forward to your seeing your future adventures.

  11. Great info, asking you please show mussels growing on the rocks in the channel, exposed at low tide, having heard they are huge.

  12. I don't understand boat comparison videos where they compare a $200k sailboat with a $1 million sailboat. Who is that for? If you do a comparison of a monohull with an equivalently priced multihull, then I think we have something valuable to talk about. Otherwise, good sailing channel, I've really enjoyed your adventures and that you are doing things that other youtube channels wouldn't dare do or wouldn't know how to do.

  13. Now that you have 'scientifically' proven that Ruca is the best boat ever and Cats are terrible, maybe you could examine different spacecraft used to fly to Mars. You could use the same 'scientific' methods!

  14. You boat is awfully fast, my boat might hit 5.5 knots at it's best. Though I might look at your model boat in the future as I will want something bigger. Sadly I can be a little of an opportunist, so if an affordably priced Lagoon shows up on my doorstep without bulkhead issues I might jump on it. I think that most people want a lot of the catamarans out there because of the expansive living space, and not the ability to make miles. The thing is they don't realize that making miles is important too if you want to get to your next destination in a timely manner. The Sat data puts you near Puerto Montt at least for the boat. Hopefully it is proving to be enjoyable. I had to dig for your video in my feed, and as a suggestion it might be better to schedule them for a US time slot that would cover more evening viewers on a Saturday perhaps. My info says the video is 22 hours old and launched some time around 5pm Friday EST. Might I suggest 8pm EST Friday as it will be in peoples faces on the East Coast during prime viewing times, and will carry over to the Western Time Zones during the next six hours.

  15. Yeah, we use to Hate it when our Moms would put a Quarter in
    The Hobble Horses 🐎 in front of the grocery store back in the 50s, we would get SO sea sick…!!! 😎👍👏👌🥳

  16. NIce! BUT can you tie it all together for us… other than price, knowing what you know now would you go Catamaran or sailboat?

  17. – QUESTION – One issue from this video. You mentioned that the rudder strike could have sunk you. I am not clear on that.. Isn't the rudder post contained in a water tight compartment that, even if it filled with water, would not sink the sailboat? Or, are you saying that the compartment is connected to the main part of the sailboat and could very well sink you if there had been a hole due to the strike?? (I was dismissing the importance of blade rudders and that strike based on it not being able to sink the boat – otherwise I would be bringing up the skeg hung rudder / blue water sailboat conversation.. you know.. THAT conversation that is constant online.).

  18. All depends on the cat, the Cat you went on is more like a motor sailer, anything 60 degrees off the wind, only if Sweet Ruca can do 15 knots of speed in 20 knots of wind and 12 in 15, verses my 11.8 Schonning Waterline performance cruiser, 6.6 metre beam (dagger boards) does it easy, AHEM, you might keep up. Don't agree with things thing moving inside the boat except with bridge deck slaps, stuff can bounced off the table.
    I strongly agree that Mono's are better to sail as the give a real sense of sailing and pleasure until sailing dead down wind with the dreaded downwind roll which doesn't happen doesn't happen on the cat.
    Parking, hands down the Cat with three times the room and stable living.
    Experience,Yacht owned and sailed, H28 "The Kamiri" 4years. SS 43' "The Seawind" 11 years. 33' Racing Tri" 7 years.The Ark of Infinity". 42 Colvin steel "Hidden Dragon" 6 years which I still own and on the market. And the 11.8 Schonning "Samadi" 6 months, which I am on now typing this.
    CHEERS, keep up your good channel, you have done more ocean miles than I, age 66.

  19. Fully encased cat deck house although alluring, I have long felt that cockpit enclosures are for those who don’t really want to sail their boats. And, I’m an advocate of clean decks. With that said. And here’s a dirty little secret. We kind of enjoying being a bit warmer and a bit more out of the wind when underway…shush, don’t tell. The compromise, like you have come up with is dodger and Bimini which still provides good visibility and minimal protection. My point being, It’s tempting to sit in the comfort of the enclosure when we should be out on deck dealing with something that needs attention, or just roaming around checking stuff.

  20. That was an enjoyable discussion with a good perspective from both sides. I know you are miles from Artemis by now, but a more in depth tour of the boat would have been interesting along with some more about the setup, i.e. the apparent lack of a main sail and boom. I do, however, recognize the need for privacy and Thomas and Heather may not have wanted the world peering into their personal space. Thanks to them for bringing us along for the ride. It was great.

  21. You should have outfitted your J for handicap sailing or attempted to drive it in a wheelchair on deck or compared it to a standard performance cat with a mainsail aka something like an Atlantic 42. I like both lead smugglers and cats, but damn this comparison was skewed af.

  22. I absolutely love watching these vids and can't get enough. I see the boat choice as a matter of personal tastes but for me the monohulls seem to be calling to my soul. Too bad i'll never get to own one but i can live vicariously through you guys.

  23. Hi Guys. This "Hobby Horse" Catamaran Motion ? is it like I all it, a weird Corkscrew notion , and Maybe how SV Tonic Boatwives Channel called it after experiencing what they Call a "Bucking Bronco " Motion – may be a better description tbh – when delivering a 51ft Lagoon Catamaran I think it was. This happens in pretty common Sea Conditions where you get the hulls meeting waves at different times. This atamaran Motion in the Irish Sea, finished my plans of ever having a Catamaran. It didn't cause me to get Seasick, as I use quarter tablet doses of Stugeron Seasick Tablets as apreventative, and have done since they came on the Market (for e nothing else works successfully ). But despite that, talk about that notion messing my head up. It is Really Disorientating. Agreed on comparisons up to the Seasickness bit, I've stuck with Minohulls ever since, and no complaints (other than being boatless still at the moment ). Best Wishes and Fair Winds. Bob in Wales. 🤔👍⛵️✨️✨️✨️

  24. Good Comparison. I got intrigued by Catamarans by Rosie Swales adventures in hers (she used to live fairly local to me ) which resulted in me trying one, and discovering that really off putting Motion. Build quality can be an issue that affects both Catamarans and Monohulls, and if intending to live aboard and Cruise extensively, really needs close attention paid to them, whatever you end up getting. Best Wishes and Fair Winds. Bob in Wales. 👍⛵️✨️✨️✨️

  25. Hang on guys! are you making these statements based on sailing on one cat?? Artimis is not a good cat to compare. She is clearly designed for the owner with a unique rig that is certainly not designed for performance. Most Dazcats will sail completely differently (and better) have daggerboards and go like hell. Have a look at Hissy Fit sailing around Great Brittan. My suggestion is try sailing on a decent cat with daggerboards– in Australia there are some great boats– mine is a 39' Mark Pescott cat– 19.6knots two sail sailing on flat water, mid 20s off shore. And feel is absolutely there– 18knots is regular and a ton of fun! Bridgedeck height, weight, prismatic coefficients and hull/beam ratios are really important design aspects to a decent cat. The lagoons, leopards etc pay no attention to this stuff and hence sail terribly. Yep, you do get seasick on cats! Phil

  26. Hi guys. Being a sailor and riding motorbikes I can compare sailing a catamaran with riding a bike with a sidecar. You can't compare. For me it's a monohull and a bike without a sidecar. Besides, cats cannot right themselves when flipped after a freakwave. Monohulls do. On seasickness: as soon as you feel it coming I advise to drink coca cola (the real deal) in a mix 50/50 with water. It works and no side-effects. Btw…..following the Ocean Race…..a VO65 won the last leg. Imocas, just like catamarans, are designed to go downwind or reaching. They cannot perform upwind.

  27. Nice but you guys forget something ,for the price of a 50 feet cat you can get a 64 feet monohull, and in bad weather i will be rather on a the 64 mono than on a 50 cat ! just alone for the force dynamics, not mentioned sailing close to the wind, a cat will be so much worse .And you guys ARE SAILORS not drifters no 30 knots we had a big storm drama ,

  28. Good video. re: cold. Just finishing up a crossing of the North Pacific. I didn't want to sail this route and 'not be there,' so I've spent a lot of watches outside. (We're on a catamaran, Seawind 1260, so it's not like I was getting hit by the waves washing over the deck, or the bimini.) I brought layers of merino wool, a thick Aran Islands sweater, bought a second rain jacket and pants in Japan. (Left my too loose foulies home. Glad I did. Layers should fit.)At times I've worn all of it. Slept in it. (Got a $25 emergency bivy with a $25 Costco down comforter and a sleeping bag liner it's like the sleeping bag I should've brought. (Some who's sailed to Alaska just kept saying, "It's not going to be that cold…" Boy was he wrong.)
    The real issue for me (and probably the others on board) and cold is not how cold it is, but: Do you have the layers and can you dry it out? One splash working on the fore deck/trampoline and my gear is wet and cold for three days. We've had foggy conditions the past week so the washing machine on board with no dryer is effectively useless. (I washed a load ten days ago and those clothes are still damp and mildewy.)
    Also important to comfort: Footwear (I've got loose fitting Gil boots which turned out to be the best choice I can add an extra layer of booties and still wiggle my toes) and waterproof Gloves make all the difference. I've got fat rubber gloves with an attached liner. They've been great. Better would've been the thick rubber gloves but with a separate removable liner (with 2 sets of liners). I can't pull the fingers all the way out of my gloves to dry them. I've had a lot of 'waterproof' gloves that were not. I haven't used my sailing gloves even once in three months. My rubber gloves got laughed at for about a week. My poor circulation fingers have had the last laugh.
    Slamming? It is loud! Because I'm such a good sleeper I love the motion, the sound of the water and I'm able to sleep through the slamming. (Like a 20 mph car accident several times every minute on the rough days, Other times I've been weightless in my berth every two minutes. Slept through it all. Others couldn't. Tip: learn to sleep on your side. Better sleep, no snoring.)

  29. We are really looking forward to hearing about your experiences in the fjords of Chile. You two are a lot of fun to watch and pretty brave to wade into the Cat versus Mono debate so deeply. Keep having fun. (grin) J&J

  30. What a total load of rot! I find it incredible that people can be so silly. It looks as thought the Dazcat doesn't have its main up in the second shot, but to have two data points and then say "Cats are no faster than monos" is absolutely stupid. I have cruised my performance cat for 23 years and have been passed by a few performance cats and one very very nice large super fast race mono being delivered by a gun crew. BUt my cheap 38ft cat has done daylight trips of 160 and 150 miles – going at over 10 knots all day. If you pick a slow enough catamaran you can beat them, but a run of the mill cedar strip and plywood Grainger or Schionning will leave almost any mono in its wake whilst the crew are sitting back and doing it easy. Please don't take people like this' word, they must have a huge anti cat axe to grind. Get out and talk to real daggerboard cat owners and find out the real deal. Condo cats are slow but other cats can be very nice to sail indeed.

  31. What a total load of rot! You compare a J boat, designed for speed, with a wheelchair and disabled friendly cat with no mainsail and say that it is a fair comparison. Cognitive bias writ large. How about some proper research before going "Totally False!"? In 23 years of owning a performance cat I have been passed by a couple of fast cats and have passed hundreds and hundreds of monos. My 38ft cat is a simple cedar and ply boat I built myself and draws 50cm with the rudders up. It has done 160 miles in daylight (15 hours in the summer) twice and we avarge 8 knots easily. We cruised for 3 years with a table bought from a furniture store and never even screwed down, it never moved. My kids have made card houses in their hull, my brothjer had just come back from the Farr 40 worlds and we were cruising at 15 knots offshore and he couldn't believe that his son and ours were building card houses whilst we clipped 15s. Our daggerboard cat glides upwind, and is rock solid and speedy downwind. As a Laser racer, who competed at World Championships in my youth, a cat allows me to have the speed of a dinghy without needing a deep keel, I can stow toys and have a boat that is super fun to play on, with great stern steps, great stowage and a boat that makes me smile every time I sail it. For anyone using this video as some sort of research into cruising boats – this is a totally biased viewpoint using only one cat as a data point – rubbish for anyone trying to work out if a cat could be for them.

  32. If you look at the ARC results, the only catamarans that are significantly faster than the monohulls are the Marsaudon ORC catamarans which are–as you say flat out performance machines. The big cruising catamarans are not faster and generally use their engines a lot.

  33. I want to start by saying, I am not a sailor. I was raised around motored fishing boats. My input is that you do not HAVE to go further into detail. The reason is whichever you have, mono or cat, will usually be the one you like, regardless of others opinion or even some facts. Do what you love, love what you do. Thank you for this and all your videos.

  34. I both agree and disagree on most points. My main criticism on your video would be you didn't give enough detail on the two boats (Specs). Maybe your not comparing apples with apples? (as much as that is possible when comparing Monos with Cats). Only just noticed your channel, I'm seeing this video in isolation. Good to see your not biasing your comments with your love of monohulls. I will try to keep my love of Cats out of my comments. You make some good points that I agree with, and you also make some points that I dont entirely agree with. I think it's far to say, they both have their strengths and weaknesses. This is just my humble opinion
    Point 1: Speed. Yeah, It depends on the boat, and (in particular with Cats) the weight. But for Blue Water sailing boats, The difference is not so great.
    Point 2: Fun. Depends on what your expectations are. This depends partly what you started with, and if you want the old school romantic notion of what a "Sailing Boat" is.
    I personally dont like getting Wet and Cold, but most Cats have a way of being outside with that wind in your hair experience as well as the option of staying warm inside.
    Point 3: Bridgedeck slap. It CAN be an issue, so that should be a considered when you buy a Cat. Clearance of >= 0.8m absolutely minimises this, but that usually means a bigger Cat.
    Point 4: Seasickness. Cat vs Mono = both different motions. Larger boats have a different motion again. You get used to the motion your exposed to (mostly).
    Point 5: Cats are just floating caravans?. Apart from the strange wording, generally I 100% agree with you that they are more than that.
    Note – some Monos have much drier helms than yours, like some/most Cats do require some outside work in a sea.
    Point 6: Weight Sensitivity. I agree and disagree with you. Providing you dont OVERLOAD your boat, they both perform well. If you OVERLOAD a Mono, it still does not make much difference.
    But when you OVERLOAD your CAT, the performance suffers badly.
    Point 7: Safety and Heavy Weather (extreme) sailing: Your right, BIG topic
    Cat: Relatively easier to flip with no chance of righting and WILL smash the rigging. Need to keep an eye more on not overpowering a Cat, but will almost always still float if capsized.
    Mono: More forgiving if overpowered, and righting angle is much higher (even if all rigging totaled), but is more likely to sink than a Cat

    Now going to go check out Ep 113 (cat trip around Cape Horn). Time to find out what cat you used, but I'm pretty sure I know from the video of the helm station.

  35. Hello friends! Welcome to Chile, my country. You are going to navigate one of the most beautiful areas in the world, the Patagonian channels.

    Regarding the myths, I agree with all but the speed, and the best demonstration is the results of the ARC (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers) where, for example, one year a TS42 catamaran won with a crew of older adults than in their video they show how they did yoga or cooked during the regatta, and thus, without much effort, they beat the entire fleet. A light catamaran, like the ORC (formerly TS) or the Outremer make an enormous difference in light winds, where a monohull is motoring, these catamarans are under sail at wind speed, and this makes a dramatic difference sailing in the intertropical area. Someone calculated that to go around the world, a light catamaran needs something like one hundred fewer days of navigation compared to a monohull or a heavy catamaran (Lagoon and similar).

  36. Probably not the best representation of a performance catamaran since it's a oneoff design with no mainsail. This was designed to be easy to operate for the owner with mobility issues. Normal Dazcats would be a lot faster. I feel mentioning Dazcat brand without explaining the lack of a main and the special purpose of artemis is doing the brand a disservice .

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