„Second Love” Mai multe informații: https://bit.ly/nautistyles Urmăriți-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys https://bit.ly/3yPe1Z5 Bine ați venit la bordul superyacht-ului TRINITY de 146’/45M numit „Second Love” Ea a fost construită în 2004, dar a suferit o reparație majoră în 2021. Frumusețea clasică a acestui vas o deosebește cu adevărat, iar Trinity este o mașină charter cunoscută. Ne-a plăcut foarte mult să explorăm ceea ce are de oferit, să întâlnim echipajul și să visăm să petrecem câteva zile la bord (așteaptă până când îi cunoști pe proprietari ) Deci, dacă ai câștiga la loterie mâine: ai charter pentru o săptămână sau două? În prezent este listată pentru 165.000 USD/săptămână la CHARTER
Bucurați-vă de turneu!
Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta, băieți, în comentarii. Mulțumiri imense @Yachtsforsaleblog și @NorthropJohnson pentru configurarea acestui lucru. „Second Love” Mai multe informații: https://bit.ly/nautistyles #SuperYacht #YachtTour #LuxuryLifestyle //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: https://www.patreon.com/NautiStyles De la început, am decis să ne păstrăm independență și integritate, deci nu acceptăm plăți pentru Yacht Tours și nu „lucrăm pentru închiriere”, astfel putem alege și doar Tura navele pe care le considerăm interesante pentru publicul nostru. Suntem aici pentru a ne distra în timp ce verificăm cele mai tari iahturi de pe piață și nu ne luăm prea în serios! MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUB-UNĂRI! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
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146′ 45M TRINITY „Second Love” Tur charter cu superyacht

31 thoughts on “146′ 45M TRINITY „Second Love” Tur charter cu superyacht”
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Wow engine room/ chief engineer area!

This yacht looks brand new. It has obviously been exceptionally well maintained over the last 18 years! Amazing.
Bruno, a tip regarding future negotiations… Your starting position should have been forward and aft 88mm flak guns. You would then have been able to negotiate down to horns three times bigger than the ones you were eventually forced to settle upon.
Cassette player
Repent to Jesus Christ “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”
2 Corinthians 7:10 NIV
In the Pilot House – Weather Fax
Is it a weather fax?
What a cool bridge!
Sending support, love, and kindness from Lexington, Michigan, USA
Beautiful yacht. Such a classic!
oh, finally up for sale…..i'm calling my broker
It's a fax machine with Alexis actual dimensions.
Rico + Alexi. We know.
You will be under a rainshower head. Yes you will.
Gun safe
@8 min i would say it is a fax…
Vicki don't read this.
Looks to me like you're getting the horns Ricco. Lol. Threw up her hands in surrender, she did. Good work laying down the law. Man's got to have some big ass horns for sure. It's not the size of the boat, it's how you blow the horns.
The carved top of the bed post is a finial. Great video of a fabulous boat.
I love your dress Victoria. (My boyfriend's account, I'm a girl!
Very enteresting your vlog madam #milanz
Have to agree with "stunning" and "spectacular". I would say nothing over the top and comfortable. $167K per week!!! 22 years ago, I purchased my home for that price, now worth $440K. Did I do the math correctly? At $5 per gal of diesel, it would cost $51,000 just to full the tank?! Yikes!!!
Weather alert system
its a mini fax machine
Trinity definitely excels at delivering top tier luxury yachts. Often overlooked, they definitely have a unique approach (Rebel, Never Enough). This has to be the very best tour of any Trinity yacht that I’ve seen or seen through a brokerage house (sales/charter). I’m so glad that the tour included both the engine room and the crew quarters. An absolutely amazingly thorough video. Thanks. Cheers.
fax machine?
Love the DRESS !!!
Ita funny how all.these auperyatchs are for sail and for years, because either when owner gets it a new style came out with the latest trends, and they wsnt the new slightly bigger one, but most realkize o shit the boat and insurance isn't the most expensive monthly payments, it's the monthly maintenance and cleaning and pay for a yearly captain of at 120k plus fuel
Weather fax.
Fire alarm print out?
Loved this tour of this beautiful yacht. Even enjoyed the name, as I'm on my better, second love.
I wish one tour woukd be with owners and guests onboard. People dont really care. To see a boat like this being used and the tour too.
OMG Simply beautiful and amazing
The Boat not bad either.
The Nx-500 is a maritime safety receiver and it receives and prints out something like an amber alert herein california. Vessels in distress weather and several safety related topics.