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Visez la o sirenă

33 thoughts on “Visez la o sirenă”
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Haha nice one Plucky
Awesome video guys!! She would be a keeper for sure!! I think I'd keep her around for a while. Expecially a Mermaid that is the Captain of her own sailboat! Wow!!!
Your Mermaid made me laugh, thanks.
It's all sorts of wrong but hilarious. Thanks
Great 👍👍👍 only you could come up with that video Jeff the Navy vet
Top stuff plucky!!🧜♂
Heard mermaid taste fishy
Plucky, go get some physio 😊
Beautiful video hahaha ❤
So still looking then lol
Come to Copenhagen😆. Ours has been decapitated three times!
Dreams are free
Plucky… WTF…. I'm commenting….. but still WTF ???????
Great video
Top stuff, mate@
Was that a wet dream love it 😅
Chicken Of The Sea! …[If you don't get that reference then you haven't watched enough old American TV ads.]
hahahahaha epic!
tres drole !
HAHA, too much time away from the water. Think our boy is a little stir crazy.
youre a sick bahstard!
Great video thanks
Top stuff!
This was unexpected in the end 😂
Well we can all dream. In your case it looks like a very wet dream😂😂😂
Going Troppo mate?
Thanks Plukky
What a beauty! The mermaid is nice too! That has also been my lifelong dream!
A poetic joke! I didn’t expect that ending, but totally should have! 😅
Looking very tasty mate! 🤪