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Începeți să navigați la Sixty Ep 2. Primele luni

16 thoughts on “Începeți să navigați la Sixty Ep 2. Primele luni”
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Great inspiration! We’re also thinking about buying an Albin Ballad. I was just wondering if it was easy to see that the mast step needed to be fixed or is it a more ”hidden” problem on the Ballad? Regards from Sweden/ Kathrine
Thanks for the video's, a nice looking boat and excellent size for a couple boats have levels of cost vs comfort that size sits a sweet spot in IMO. should be capable of some quite extended cruising in comfort. I have had allot to do with boats that type. Anyway I have subscribed today to see how you get on so far so good I see.
Like you I'm a novice and have just bought a boat at 64. I plumped for a slightly smaller 27' Sabre as I'll be usually single-handed. I considered a Ballad but was frightened of the keel step issue.
Congrats to your new hobby, now there is no way back, you got yourself a permanent addiction. 😄 Started sailing with 53 only 3 years ago, my second boat now, a Compromis 777, 26ft, very sturdy well made boats, with lots of comfort below decks for her size. If you like, check my channel, few vids there , also my first ever solo sail in July 2020. 😎⛵️ Fair winds and greetings from sunny Portugal! Frank
What a beautiful boat!
Imagine my joy seeing a second video! And there’s more! So excited to see where this goes. Greetings from North Carolina!
Thank you Thank you Thank you for making these videos. My wife keeps telling me its a bad idea at my age. She goes on and on about what if this or that happens. What If I hurt my back etc. and I am stuck out at sea. I am only 50. But this video is inspirational. It is realistic. It is leaving me wanting more. Instantly subscribed.
Congratulations sailing ⛵️. Greetings from beautiful tropical paradise island Kauai, Hawaii.
Wishing you fear winds and following seas 🌊 ⛵️ and great adventures
Glad to have found your Ch. I owned and sailed a boat over 25 yrs ago….now at 61 I have the bug again !!!
great job fixing the wench and maybe you can attach some kind of strap or device for its handle being its so close to the edge thanks for sharing your videos, really looking forward to what's next…take care be well you two as well all out there on the the big blue and viewing audience…
shoe box is genius 🙂
Very inspiring ❤ I need all the inspiration I can get because I just started sailing last year at 63 it’s scary and thrilling Your videos are amazing!!!
Sean, Your lucky that you have the skills to do repairs. I myself like working on things. Have been all my life. And it gives you a better knowledge of your boat. I am a little envious of your location and having the Med south of you. Im on the east coast and have the Bahama's that I can get to. Also in NC. jeff
Rather than wait for things to fail I would be more proactive and get things in proper working condition before a big sail. Especially the engine and electrical. I made some winch covers. Keep as much covered as you can.
Nice looking yacht to start sailing… I'm 65… 20 years on boats. It's never too late to learn a gentleman sport like sailing…