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Drum bun! | Sub punte Sailing S4 Finale Recap | CEAS ANCORA

23 thoughts on “Drum bun! | Sub punte Sailing S4 Finale Recap | CEAS ANCORA”
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Gary and Mads I really kinda felt sad about them both.
Gary is very middle school highschool mentality about his girl chasing behavior.
The Gary Suchi episode 🤮
A new boat would be nice. Watching everyone getting to know a new boat would fun.
If you think about it, Gary is a Peter Pan, just like Shep, and several of the other male Bravolebs. Honestly, I think with Gary you get what you see. I think that what’s going on with Gary is he is no longer the young stud he once was, he just hasn’t realized it yet. No matter what you say he does make for good TV. The relationship between Daisy and Collin with somewhat tiresome.
I'm sad I missed you guys live, my coworkers and I decided to go out for drinks after work last night!! Loved the season, Collin and daisy are really cute together. I do want Gary and them to come back next season, and I think Gary can redeem himself.
I'm surprised they're not bringing Kyle back to down under!!
Let's all remember how good the 1st season of sailing was. The chef was the only returning cast member. and he and the chiefs stew's relationship was so juicy!! Just proves that an entirely new cast can be interesting! Perhaps just bring Gary back or just daisy. It's a thought!
My favorite comment was the guest who wore his Fyre Festival t-shirt and said he wore it to remind him that this trip could be worse.
I am so over the Gary and his women drama, disgusting. This season did finally wrap things up with Dais,y but she was so mean/rude/unfair to Collin by constantly flirting with Gary. WHY??? And why do all these young women sleep with him. I find him gross and simply don't understand why so many women find him attractive, Daisy included. Time to get rid of those 2 but keep Collin or they may never sail again. Bring back Alex and Chase, they are actually hot, NOT Gary and much more interesting.
YES!! Chase should come back and Alex!!!! Get rid of Gary, he will never change and I am over the gross factor on this show which is all him.
I really found the guest gross and I include the mother in this comment and on top of being filthy slobs they were cheap ., cheap cheap, worst finally ever IMO but love Glenn always..
I absolutely agree, Josh!! I love having same cast returning!! I wish more below deck shows would do the same!!
I thought these guests were so disrespectful to the nicely prepared food…smoking cigarettes at the table like unmannered people in the 80’s at a cheap diner. Gross
My returns will be Chase, the Chef, Alex and Madds
I really wanted to see Daisy & Colin together. I liked Colin until I heard his comment he made in the sneak peek for the reunion.
Glenn's gf is not a housewife.
Ding ding ding!! ⚓️👀
10:55 😂 The Mamma Mia image 😂😂
– and the 👩🏼🦳 on the 🦄 🤣🤣🤣
32:05 🙈🫣🫢🙈 😂😂😂
High: the drama Low: the drama…
Season 9
Season~ 8.9
High: Alex finally making a move on Mads. Bout dang time!
Low: Guest running into the glass door & Daisy not hearing on the radio about the accident, hurt guest. She was so caught up in her feels. Then to make excuses, lame…
Goddammit, you got me with that chair! I'm definitely looking it up to buy now! Also, just started watching Anchor Watch after watching Up and Adam almost since y'all started and both are fantastic. Thank you for all you do!
I liked everyone but Gary.
Colin deserves someone better than Daisy.. Daisy is clearly in love with Gary but chose Colin because he's the 'safer' choice
High, seeing Gary getting done to him what he always did to the girls. Low, these last guests!
@seejoshgo is exactly right. I loved this cast and I’d love to watch another season with them
Gary and Daisy were cringeworthy all season. I wish Mads would have been more direct with him and told him he’s an icky douchebag. Colin should have run from Daisy.