[ ONE TIME CONTRIBUTIONS ] Nu uitați să vă abonați la canalul nostru și să activați notificările pentru a nu pierde niciun episod 😊🎥✌🏼 Salut prieteni! Vă mulțumim că sunteți aici și bine ați venit la un alt episod. După cum probabil ați observat, trecem la impozitul pe alamă în adâncurile acestui vas pe care îl numim acum acasă. Este ea ceea ce credeam că am văzut prima dată cu ochii noștri lucioși și pofticiosi, sau acest frumos Passport 42 ascunde mai multe probleme decât credem? Rămâneți pentru o privire brută și reală în momentul în care cercetăm detaliile colțurilor pe care le observați doar în timpul curățării profunde. Specificațiile bărcii mai jos ⬇️ Bucură-te! #digitalnomad #boatlife #lifestyle #epidemicsound #sonyalpha #travelvlog

1984 Passport 42 Hull #33 Deplasare – 25.000 lbs Balast – 9.500 livre plumb (chila încapsulată neînșurubat) Marconi Cutter Rig Lungime – 42′ Bănci – 12.75′ Tiraj de apă – 6.4″ Tiraj de aer – 59′

Reaching for Infinity de Dawn Dawn Dawn The Journey is Not Ours (SLCT remix) de Volcan Peaks Revolt de Luwaks Mimicking Your Breathing de Harper Rey


25 thoughts on “NU AM GĂSIT ASTA PRIMA Oara… EP. 85

  1. Happy Birthday! if you're willing to put yourself out there & help people understand OCD like you did in a previous video, I'd love to hear how moving & the related chaos, deep cleaning, decision making (what goes where etc.), fatigue, etc. affects Katie & how she deals with it (so far so good if the videos are representative, but I know they aren't necessarily representative). (dang, sorry about the ear infection).

  2. I got ripped off by two different surveyors, 1st one had no idea how any systems worked and left me hanging the 2nd one I wasn't present, he goofed it up so bad he gave me a refund…they charge way too much to begin with, they charge more per hour than an attorney……

  3. Please Katy no more tattoos!!!! I understand the one on your forearm of Seawind and I'm sure the others have sentimental value to you, but a strangers rendering on your body will not age well. I know from experience – a "what was I thinking," eventuality, such a beautiful woman that you are! You wouldn't tattoo a flower.

  4. Buy an AIRTHEREAL ozone maker. It cost about $ 100 and it uses all voltages from America to Europe. The ozone gas kills mold and gum or ear infections. This unit makes ozone water that carpet cleaners use for stubborn stains. Your boat will never smell better and it kills the bacteria that causes toothaches. I know two people that had their tooth injected with ozone gas and capped instead of a root canal. Their dentist was so old that he didn't care if they took his license away.

  5. You asked about SSB HF radios and ground planes. HF works on wavelengths averaging about 100’. Therefore, your ground plane needs act as a 100’ wire, meaning, it takes the same time for the radio to charge the ground plane as a 100’ wire. Make sure it’s grounded to enough metal to make up that length. Coiled conductors act longer than their true uncoiled length. Inductance is normally not important unless the conductor is coiled many times or around a ferrous core. Think of your ground plane as a mirror lake surface. Whatever your antenna resembles, the ground place acts as it’s mirror image in the opposite polarity.

  6. Happy Birthday, such an amazing episode. The Fruit Salad looked delicious. You both really are doing a deep clean, learning the boat as you go, and the system's you have aboard. We are sorry to hear of Katie's ear infection, community pools carry bacteria and one must be careful.

  7. 40 minutes and 0 sailing. Is this a sailing channel or a boat cleaning channel?? Give the people what they want – get some air in those sails!

  8. Happy Birthday.
    There should be no opening between where you store gas tanks and into the boat. Then the gas, which is heavier than air, will go down into the bilge.

  9. Thank you Katie for the Mango serving tip. My son n I pound Mangos when in season and have tried Cayanne but never SP & vinegar. Will have to try it. Excited you'all are making great progress and no major problems found. B well n Tailwinds

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