Găsirea de energie „alternativă” (și mai mult!) în Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Găsirea de energie „alternativă” (și mai mult!) în Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Barcă nouă GoFundMe (Bristol Channel Cutter) organizată de prietenul meu, MT, care știe cât de mult înseamnă asta pentru mine: https://gofund.me/b0822981 www.Patreon.com/sailingarta https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/8WR5UAN7O1II?ref_=mulțumesc pentru sprijinul tău! PS astăzi este ziua mea de naștere. Există un oraș mic, dar în curs de recuperare, în Insulele Ragged, numit Duncan Town. Au fost distruși de uraganul Irma în 2017. A fost uimitor să mergi prin construcție și să întâlnești câțiva dintre muncitori și să mergi într-un tur uimitor al site-ului de energie verde. Am ajuns să ne întoarcem a doua oară să facem combustibil și să luăm pizza la Lodge (nu am apucat să înregistrez asta). Sper sa iti placa!


27 thoughts on “Găsirea de energie „alternativă” (și mai mult!) în Ragged Islands, Bahamas

  1. Happy Birthday…i wish i had time to watch more today, looks like long one floor houses with the hip cap roof atleast on one side and alot of masonry, great for hurricane but not earthquakes ….the thatch palm of fake synthethic with same concept roofs do well like outdoor tiki bar for example because the wind blows the bottom and the roof covering strands blow upwards allowing the wind to pass through , they fall back in place and the structure isn't lifted from it , worked well at some of the newer tiki-bars 3 season type stuff ….i still have to figure patreaon and stuff later i'd like to communicate sometime , maybe mutual opportunities, sailing buddies included , friends, maybe geographical interest type stuff …

  2. … i have a ton of ideas, projects going but i was legally blind and had eye surgery lasy year so it's car truck motorcycle project , a boat project lately outback (it has a v8 marineized with outdrive i'd like diesel in the future) , riding mower tractor from neighbor project , renovation project and two sheds falling in i finally got a plan on finishing….i have some small boat ideas like maybe to start small scale using alternative techniques and materials , designs, even new types of motors and energy storage and combinations ….i live near the water so it makes sense ….i really see again what i often suspect i am near the northern tip of the same waters, climate about imo….take care i am running to side work Happy birthday again hope it's great , be safe and tons of time for more great stuff imo …(edit fixed a typo)

  3. Wow!! You’re amazing! Beautiful too !☺️Glad I found your channel, I look forward to following your journey! Happy Birthday 🎂 Best wishes always going forward!!

  4. Awesome video of thunder storms, and the water spout was amazing and scary! You handle all those sailing situations so well. You also make that sheet look beautiful. Thanks for sharing your adventures : )

  5. I have heard that tourists expecting to go to small islands for provisioning is how the rubbish has become expidential on the beaches. Aparently we ship plastic wrapped products into these areas with no provision for rubbish disposal like we have. The locals take up the shop for food culture, dump the plastic in piles in their back yards in loose piles (there is no magical garbage collection, out of sight, out of mind here) and then the storms and hurricanes pick it up and dump it in the sea. Perhaps the companies colonising these areas with there products should provide a cargo ship tip run too? Yea progress.

  6. I love the rawness of your videos. I’m a wannabe sailor biding my time as I save for a boat.
    If you’re ever in San Juan, PR and want a cup of coffee hit me up — I’m next to the marina

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