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Repere Ziua 1 | Oracle Los Angeles Sail Grand Prix

12 thoughts on “Repere Ziua 1 | Oracle Los Angeles Sail Grand Prix”
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Emirates GBR great in third race.
Race 1 to Aussies *Race2 Ausies 4th *Race 3 Aussies 4th…⛵👏👏🌞🇦🇺
absolutely terrible highlights. no prestart action, no race continuity, no summary. I'm in NZ so no live coverage which sucks. you used to have really exciting and polished coverage on YouTube but this is a real turn off
how long will the US put up with their consistently bad showing ? There are 3 races in the US, obviously a lot of US money in Sail GP, but nothing to show or it … except a bit of excitement when it looks like Jimmy'll "fix it" but then at the end of the weekend it is the same story (no finals race for you !). With 3 races in the US and only 1 team, then two countries are missing a home regatta, with all that that means. Canada is, I guess, one (but we could easily have a regatta on Lake Ontario or out in Vancouver (or Victoria Island) or Halifax. In Europe there are UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Denmark … 6/10. I'd've thought each team would have wanted (demanded?) their home regatta.
A 2 minutes a 15 second highlight is all we can view? And why are the races no longer streamed live? Very disappointing
These highlights and delays for the full races are becoming unbearable, carry on if you want to keep losing audience
The live coverage today was unwatchable, the stuttering was awful
https://www.youtube.com/live/NAj5yelfQ_s?feature=share is the full version on a different tab of youtube now
None of your fans want to see what you think are the highlights. All we want is to to see the full coverage from end to end of all the races, anything else is just Blather.
The latency on your aerial coverage in the LA event made it almost unwatchable… what happened? you must sort this out for the next event, and like others mentioned, these highlights were useless
What a terrible highlights vid ! show the fans what they want …every pass, every turn …sadly you have no idea
for new zealand TV3 have it available online streaming