ÎN DIRECT de la casa noastră plutitoare din Polinezia Franceză (Recapitulare după cursă!)

ÎN DIRECT de la casa noastră plutitoare din Polinezia Franceză (Recapitulare după cursă!)

Alăturați-vă nouă LIVE după partea 1 a revanșei noastre finale cu Parlay Revival! Vom răspunde la întrebări, vom discuta, vă vom oferi câteva actualizări, vă vom arăta paradisul nostru aici în Polinezia Franceză și vom vedea unde ne duce! Puteți găsi toate echipamentele pentru cameră pe care le folosim, elementele noastre esențiale pentru croazieră, instrumente, lectură recomandată, echipament de siguranță și multe altele în vitrina noastră Amazon! https://svdelos.com/amazon Urmăriți seria noastră de documente din 4 părți: https://80northseries.com Protejați-vă de soare! https://svdelos.com/rashguards Susține videoclipurile noastre- Trimite-ne dragoste http://svdelos.com/beer http://patreon.com/svdelos Ne finalizăm navigarea în jurul lumii, așa că mai sunt multe de văzut ! Sprijinul dvs. va finanța echipamente mai bune pentru cameră, internet pentru a încărca videoclipuri și, desigur, lubrifianți creativi pentru a ușura procesul de editare 🙂 http://svdelos.com – Abonați-vă la noul nostru site minunat. http://instagram.com/svdelos – În culise. http://facebook.com/svdelos – Like-ne pe Facebook http://svdelos.com/gear/ – Sprijină-ne cumpără un tricou dulce Delos!


41 thoughts on “ÎN DIRECT de la casa noastră plutitoare din Polinezia Franceză (Recapitulare după cursă!)

  1. Hi, the quality of the live video was great and I think y’all should do more of them. Really happy that y’all are enjoying the stay in French Polynesian. Fyn Alee

  2. Quality is excellent in SoCal. Brian, I have been a Delos subscriber since 5/2007, that's longer than i ever here you talk about…what was the content then?

  3. Oh my goodness! The quality of using Starlink….it was like you were right here in our living room! So nice. Thank you.
    Bruce in Boise Idaho

  4. Brian you are one lucky man! Kazza just gets better looking with age, cause I've been watching you since you met up with her. But on the downside you are going to have a hard time fending off boys when nugget gets older😂

  5. who cares any more..i can fly there any time while your buddies from Parlay sail there with all the commodification while Nahoa goes the opposite way to Brazil with 2 babie kids…so boring

  6. Wife and I visited Moorea a few years ago. Golf, jet skied, whale watched and visited fish as our bungalow was over the water. Just a beautiful Island. Have fun!

  7. It is unfortunate to hear about the opening song, I always looked forward to hearing it. It would appear that the only entity to benefit from someone trying to take credit for your music, would be YouTube. They get to de-monetize your video, and still collect the income from their advertisers. Win win for them. I would suspect it is actually them or one of their entities that are making the copyright claims, a good way to increase their profit margin for the accounting department. I bet someone got a pat on the back for that idea. Is there another platform that we can watch your videos where you will be guaranteed the deserved income that you have worked so hard for? I would gladly move away from YouTube if another platform was being used, like Vimeo. Thank you for all the great videos and entertainment!

  8. Funny your first boat was a 22 Catalina as that is my latest boat after living on a Manta 42 catamaran for 10 years. Just fun sails now on the east coast. Enjoy the South Pacific and may you have great weather. Sailcat Reality

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