În sfârșit prelucrarea lemnului! Restaurăm timoneria veche de 73 de ani de pe nava noastră de oțel. Acoperișul este putrezit, lacul se desprinde și lumina noastră de navigare trebuie neapărat reînnoită. Alăturați-vă nouă pentru primul nostru mare proiect de prelucrare a lemnului la bordul Flying Coney. Flying Coney este o navă istorică din oțel lungă de 82 de picioare. Și o aducem înapoi să trăiască ca frumoasa navă cu pânze care a fost cândva. Când am terminat cu reparația, vrem să navigăm pe ocean și să învățăm tinerilor abilitățile tradiționale de navigație. —————————— Suntem nominalizați la premiul „Refit Of The Year”! Votați aici: https://zealous.co/youngcruisersassociation/opportunity/refit-of-the-year-23/submissions/danielmulley/Flying-Coney–Rebuilding-a-Sailing-Ship/?f_work=RtfYyizmEV2KjdaXbrSv&white_view=true ————————— Faceți cunoștință cu noi: https://youtu.be/9vLaxBgqneA —————————— Donați instrumente și echipamente: https://www.amazon.nl/hz/ wishlist/ls/2VP643PDYV1L1?ref_=wl_share Deveniți un patron: https://www.patreon.com/SailingFlyingConey Sau sprijiniți-ne pe PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=BNDZ5GT4GA4ZY Vrei să ajuți să restabilim Flying Coney? Deveniți voluntar: http://eepurl.com/isvgFU —————————— Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flyingconey/
Restaurarea unei timonerie din TEAK de 73 de ani
27 thoughts on “Restaurarea unei timonerie din TEAK de 73 de ani”
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We're nominated for the REFIT OF THE YEAR AWARD and that's amazing 🤩 Please vote for us: http://bit.ly/3RydDb8
great support from Harold which did a perfect job on that edge. like it a lot.
Find a way to hire that guy full-time! He's great…
gday from cessnock Australia the old girl is looking great i have been watching from the start what a big job but you's are doing a great job on her new roof looks fantastic all the best big pete..
How wonderful to have such a talented volunteer!
I'm surprised you didn't fiberglass the roof.
Awesome. Since the beginning I've been looking at that wheelhouse and wondering when you guys would get around to fixing it up. Question, why not fiberglass the top?
Your volunteer did an excellent job on the roof and facia replacement. I’m A Roofer from Miami Florida, it helps to have good tools. Watching from Panama City Florida, USA. 🇺🇸🦅
Why pach I do not like peaches is money cast .
Nice job. You've played the 'long game' well on youtube, saving up some tasks to show as a single vlog from start to finish, while 'teasing' at other tasks yet to be completed (varnish). Very satisfying to watch, albeit that we are spared seeing how hard this must really be in terms of hours of work! It cant have been easy!
Hi, Barbara. Is there a reason for not glassing the roof? Then, it would be waterproof for decades.
It is always so satisfying watching a true craftsman cut out rot and make it look as good as new again, it's also sad in a way to see all the time Harald invested in the repair become hidden under the paint but his time has guaranteed that the life of the boat will be that much longer now.
And the same can be said of the time that both of you invested in cleaning the teak of the old finish she looks much cleaner and neater because of your hard work, the fresh paint on the roof and edges really helps transform her too – well done everybody
Well done but you need to stop using paint brushes and start using rollers for these tasks as its a big ship and not a yacht .
Why did you choose not to fill roof damage with penetrating epoxy, then fiberglass matt and filler? Seems like adding a new roof layer left the rotten plywood underneath and provides a place for moisture and rot to continue.
Farbe von Holz entfernt man am effizientesten mit grosser Hitze. Dabei werden auch gleich Bereiche durch Blubberblasen ersichtlich, die nass sind.
Ich kann gar nicht hinschauen, wie dieser Bootsbauer das edle Holz verhunzt.
Fantastic !
Curious it you used epoxy and why didn’t you put a fiberglass membrane over the plywood
Keeping water out of a boat is a universally accepted good practice😃
Hi gang !! You mentioned not laquering the teak on the wheelhouse. Put a layer or two with raw linseed oil. It will keep until next summer,and can be applied with a sponge,or brush…
Allda bestest from mikke in sweden…👍🇸🇪⚓⚒️
Guys u really need to glass your roof
Definitely should have asked the shipwright/wood worker who is definitely a craftsman to just restore the entire roof and have it look like new with old style work..
I'm an American, I love the huge sailing ships that are all over the Netherlands and Europe and UK etc. I would love to own one
I love how all the European boat building channels watch each other! 😅
I did vote for you, can you see it?