Obișnuiam să visez să refac o veche barca cu pânze pentru aventură în jurul lumii. Mulți ani mai târziu, după 15 ani de la 9-5, aproape că uitasem de aceste vise vechi. I-am spus, în sfârșit, soției mele despre ideea recent, pentru PRIMA DATA! În loc să-mi spună că sunt nebun și să mă întorc la muncă, ea m-a IMPINS să găsesc un reparator vechi și să încep proiectul de restaurare al vieții! Aceasta este povestea… *** Pentru actualizări din culise și alte informații interesante, consultați grupul Patreon. Toate abonamentele noi vor primi un pachet de autocolante Living For Sail împreună cu un mulțumire scrisă de mână din partea ta. Toate fondurile de la Patreon sunt destinate producerii acestor videoclipuri. Mulțumim membrilor noștri fideli Patreon! Dacă doriți să susțineți acest proiect cu o donație unică, v-aș fi foarte recunoscător și puteți face asta cu ușurință cu Paypal: *** Mulțumesc Mayei și Aladino de la Sailing Magic Carpet pentru că mi-au permis să folosesc unul dintre clipurile lor video pentru a ilustra cum ar trebui să arate o nouă punte de tec minunat. Du-te și verifică site-ul lor!: *** Liste de redare recomandate: Urmărește călătoria noastră de la bun început! Listă de redare recomandată pentru alte reparații IMPRESIONATE de ambarcațiune: Conectează-te cu mine: naviga (la) Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: *** Conținut: 0:00 – Permiteți-mi să vă prezint pe toți Bridget 0:59 – Este un montaj! 4:17 – Antidotul 10:12 – De ce facem asta!? Adresa URL a videoclipului YouTube: Hashtag-uri video: #livingforsail #boatwork #sailboatrefit
Restaurare barcă cu pânze clasică – Barcă de 46 de picioare pe alee! – E014

32 thoughts on “Restaurare barcă cu pânze clasică – Barcă de 46 de picioare pe alee! – E014”
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Any Guesses for how many screws were holding down that deck? It's a number between 500 and 5,000…
WOW!!! I got goosebumps! This is going to be fun. I knew it from the beginning Jon! You got what it takes
. Gonna be cool watching as well as the subscriber's count rise 

I'm guessing that there are 1,273 screws
AWESOME to meet the wife, Best wishes 

is it weird that i'm jealous? even though i know the amount of time, money, and effort these refits take up
Super happy to “have met”. This channel is going to be an amazing one and we (you two and all of us) will discover your weekly challenges…. and success along the process. I must commend you on your set-up (clean and organized …..( just like an engineer would do!). Cheers

keep it up/You are on my list of videos of boat work.
as I said, you are good, up and coming. for the ultimate, try Leo at Sampson Boat Company. jaw-dropping work.
Saw your video on magic carpet. Happy to follow your refit as well.
Super excited to find your channel via Magic Carpet. Hit subscribe immediately! I was the 2nd owner for a 1984 Liberty 458 from 1999 to 2005. She's since on her 4th owner in the Great Lakes! Watching your tour of yours with Maya and Aladino brought back many great memories. I did some work on mine and have built some small wooden boat projects since then. Feel free to ping me if you want to chat with another Liberty 458 enthusiast. Fantastic boat!
Thanks Magic Carpet! I am looking forward to watching your progress on Antidote!
Great edit and cute wife! Great work restoring the engine parts! To many guys spend when they can mend! Lol
Ok, I think you and Mads are kindred spirits over at @saillife. If you two started a conversation people would come back in 6 months and you'd both be still going.
Came from a recommendation by the lovely Maya and Dino over on Sailing Magic Carpet. Watched the introduction video and… am hooked. I know nothing about boats or sailing, don't want one and don't want to sail, but I do so enjoy watching a few select sailing and restoration channels, so here I am. Greetings from South Wales, UK. John
Looking forward to seeing this journey. Obviously you have had a long time to envision what you want out of this boat. Knowing that most creators don’t produce in real time, how far along are you? I only ask because viewers like to give input on certain aspects of the build, but if you’re 5 steps ahead, then it’s a moot point. If you are operating close to real time, then how much input are you willing to receive? 1104 screws.
New Subber here–-am currently watching y'all on Sailing Magic Carpet's channel and was impressed with your 'can do' attitude and willingness to do what it takes to get your boat back in it's element. I will be trying to binge watch as many of your episodes as I can (not being very tech-wise) to catch up. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to try to video everything while maintaining your sanity and getting your checklist whittled down. Thanks for giving us a chance to vicariously craft a boat along with you. Best wishes to your endeavors both boat wise and career wise.
More screws than I've had !!…so definitely more rhsn than 3

Hi Jon and Bridget … I found you from Magic Carpet and subscribed right away.. great to meet you it will be a joy to follow your channel.. ism watching from Los Angeles
So nice to meet and find out more about you both.
If you have not yet disposed of the eutectic cold plates, you can reuse them with a high efficiency compressor and get a very nice system. The cold plates are the most expensive part of the system and are not the part that causes you the high energy draw. The old plates can be reused, and the connections are easy to do with either compression type fittings or silver soldered couplers.
4,450 screws
Super happy to have stumbled onto your channel thru Magic Carpet! Quite the project! Looki ng forward to following along! Subscribed and "liked"!
You have amazing tools. But even better you know how to use them.
Building the shed was a project that most people would never undertake. But for you it was like, "Oh well, guess I'll build a shed with a Gothic arch. Then I'll get back to the boat." Truly amazing.
This and the last Magic Carpet offering viewed back to back really gave me a better understanding of the projects you've undertaken and the boat itself. Strongly recommend viewing both to those who are following your story.
Wow, John , you are really taking off, brother.Watched your story again today on Magic carpet
So nice to meet your lovely wife, Also to see all the other great work you've been doing. Brilliant stuff mate
We just saw your video on Magic Carpet. We are also deep in our refit here in Puget Sound Washington. We also bought our boat during the pandemic lol. It's great to see you progressing well on your refit.
It was fun seeing you and your boat on Magic Carpet today…..seem like super kids…well you are all kids….
I don't know where you found a girl with that many tools for you to play with, but yeah man…. tool girl is a keeper.
What a week. We got to meet your lovely wife and you got to hang with Aladino and Maya
I found your channel from watching Sailing Magic Carpet so I subscribed. I have some catching up to do but I think your project is interesting so I look forward to watching all your videos and seeing your progress.
Hey really love your videos, I have been watching since day, I may not comment on every video but I watch all the same. This was a lovely video, great background of you guys. I look forward to watching this beautiful boat become an amazing sailing vessel ocean ready once again.
Best episode yet.
Well that was an interesting episode
nice to meet the Missus , condolences on your Mothers passing 
And will Mrs Bridget be getting her hands a bit dirty along side you John , doing boat work ?
The out-takes at the end of this video are an enjoyable addition
I found it particularly interesting to see how worn-out, deteriorated machine parts can be refurbished and brought back into good shape.
561st LIKE post pre-view 2,409 – and new subscriber courtesy of guest appearance & introduction by SMC.