25 de zile la mare. 3100 mile într-o traversare de 4200 mile. Și este ANIȘTEREA lui Sailing Zingaro! 7 ani! Woo hoo! Vino să sărbătorești alături de noi! Rezervați o excursie: https://www.sailingzingaro.com Cumpărați-ne un scutec: https://www.paypal.me/svzingaro Susține aceste videoclipuri: https://www.patreon.com/svzingaro Tricouri: https: //www.bonfire.com/store/zingaro
Este ANIȘTEREA lui Sailing Zingaro (și suntem OFFSHORE SAILING)!

22 thoughts on “Este ANIȘTEREA lui Sailing Zingaro (și suntem OFFSHORE SAILING)!”
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Track us here: https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display/Zingaro/ Much love to everyone!
Very beautiful

I can't believe James I've followed you this long. I was there at the beginning.. Congratulations my man.
Well done James and crew. Can't wait for next week. How grateful are those 3.
(pls. say “hello” to Plucky, and Cpt Rick More & Madalena; Thx !!)
Happy birthday keep up the great work
happy anniversary,
Brilllllliant James
This is life at it's best!
Only classy you-tubers end their live-streams with an incoming phone-call.
Very confusing. Last we knew, you had just transited the Panama Canal and now, you're headed east from French Polynesia???? How/when did you sail there?
Hey James you look so relaxed and happy out there in the Pacific. Say hello to Ana and how long till you have the baby now? God Bless
Sorry I let family keep me from seeing you live James. I only found you a couple years ago, but I'm glad I did. Stay safe.
The Ocean ….. truly a beautiful place . Nice boat , yes she is moving along nicely. Great video. No Leaky 2 is not on dinghy davits , you didn’t lose that beautiful dinghy Rus made ? Happy Birthday Sailing Zingaro. Blessings you were their to help those people . Fair winds and smooth seas to you , crew and boat . Be Blessed James .
Happy Birthday, James.
Love the stern horizon video filming perspective Remember watching you in a back yard seawall dock in SW Fla fab up hardtop dodger. I knew you were up to life challenges back then. Congrats on family life.
happy channel birthday James. wish you the best bro Otto Homosassa Florida
Wow, seven years on YouTube. I didn't think it was that long. I found your channel when you were in Florida getting ready to go to Cuba. I think it was the second video. Been watching you ever since.
Way cool video. Thanks for sharing ( and so soon)
What became of the dismasted boat; set adrift?
James… Whats up! good to see you Sailing the Zingaro.. its like seeing an ole friend, you take back in time,. Sailing the high seas and exploreing the world… love the new girl..