Guvernul SUA a dat în judecată pentru returnarea a 300 de milioane de dolari pentru iaht 2 costume într-o singură zi! | SY News Ep261

Guvernul SUA a dat în judecată pentru returnarea a 300 de milioane de dolari pentru iaht 2 costume într-o singură zi!  |  SY News Ep261

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18 thoughts on “Guvernul SUA a dat în judecată pentru returnarea a 300 de milioane de dolari pentru iaht 2 costume într-o singură zi! | SY News Ep261

  1. Right . What the USA just did is loose trust of the whole world . Time to change from USD to renminbi as the reserve currency. The USA might win this battle but they lose the overall battle

  2. Why do you always say "sanctions" instead of "illegal sanctions"? When you are consistently disingenuous in your reporting, you are doing a disservice to your followers.

  3. There needs to be a law that sweeps away the need to penetrate opaque layers of yacht ownership. The onus being on the owner to prove in a speedy way who they are.

  4. and while the Ukrainian military is completely destroyed, some morons in the US and here in the EU hope to win the war by seizing yachts. Stupidity is invincible.

  5. I think none of these boats are bought straight with cash. For sure a bank has borrowed the billionaire some good money for the boat. Even if the US gets the forfeit, it has to pay the bank the outstanding loan (guess with interest now), assuming the boat will be sold, and the bank has the boat for 100% as collateral. Plus the US has to pay all expenses related to the boat from seizing the boat till it is sold.

  6. Regardless of a war, when and where If I’m picked to be put under a sanction and my 300 mil yacht was seized you got me f***ked up if a country can just up and claim it! It’s becoming old news on this channel! I completely understand if it’s Putins yacht.

  7. Its amazing how my government can fight tooth and nail for this yet Brandon hasn't done nothing for the needy in my country. Im so tired of hearing about Ukrainian and the billions of dollars they are getting. Remember Hawaii? Nothing..

  8. I thoroughly enjoy watching the theater of super yacht chess played by the Uber rich. What is so extremely comical to me is a country such as the US, (that I am a citizen of and live in) places sanctions against the Russian government, and Putin’s puppets, for waging war in Ukraine, but will never actually admit that they have made such colossal blunders in our very short history of existence, when it comes to overthrowing governments, some of which were legally democratically elected, simply because our government didn’t care for their political leanings. But as any thinking, individual knows, history is written by those claim to have won the war, and have enough money to flood the Internet with their version of history.

  9. €300 million super yacht. Something is seriously wrong in this world. That is someone with a spare €300 million to spend on frivolity. While the rest of us would be happy to retire if we won a couple of million on the Lotto. I don't begrudge them, I actually just want to know how to be in the same position. I just get baffled every time eSysman states yacht values. I know it is all done through company names and tax loopholes but it is still amazing the figures involved.

  10. Not in defense of the guy but at 4:37, you can be the owner of assets but owe significant money to a bank and have a net worth lower than the value of the things you control (but don't own outright) Now maybe we know there aren't any liens on these ships but I don't think that was stated in the video.

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