Înlocuirea unui perete PUTRET într-o barcă cu pânze veche – E016

Înlocuirea unui perete PUTRET într-o barcă cu pânze veche - E016

Singura modalitate de a repara acest PEREȚ PUTRET a fost să-L TĂIEȚI din această barcă cu pânze uzată de restaurare Liberty 458. Acum… Cum o voi pune înapoi?!?! Am un plan interesant pentru a îmbunătăți drenajul dulapului de ancorare și, de asemenea, pentru a adăuga rezistență și rigiditate structurii bărcii. Spune-mi ce crezi despre planul meu! *** Pentru actualizări din culise și alte informații interesante, consultați grupul Patreon. Toate abonamentele noi vor primi un pachet de autocolante Living For Sail împreună cu un mulțumire scrisă de mână din partea ta. Toate fondurile de la Patreon sunt destinate producerii acestor videoclipuri. Mulțumim membrilor noștri fideli Patreon! http://patreon.com/LivingforSail Dacă doriți să susțineți acest proiect cu o donație unică, v-aș fi foarte recunoscător și puteți face asta cu ușurință cu Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/livingforsail *** Produse utile din acest videoclip: Disc Flapper de 7 inchi: https://amzn.to/471AwZA Polizor/lustruit unghiular cu viteză variabilă de 7 inchi: https://amzn.to/3QKMiBI Roată abrazivă din nailon de 4 inchi: https:/ /amzn.to/471AwZA Respirator complet 3M: https://amzn.to/3QsXrWz Cutter oscilant cu tăiere din fibră de sticlă Fein: https://amzn.to/3MvX7VT *** Liste de redare recomandate: Urmărește călătoria noastră de la bun început! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtx2ax0GHEtCLfDXEnG7jgVKQyJm_p6LT Listă de redare recomandată pentru alte reparații IMPRESIONATE de ambarcațiune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jePbYffRlgk&list=PLtx2ax0GHEtAtHuhEf:&glzm2Conectați-vă cu e-mail pentru a vă conecta cu e-mail:&fCindex. naviga (la) gmail.com Patreon: http://patreon.com/LivingforSail Instagram: http://instagram.com/livingforsail Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/livingforsail *** *Declinarea răspunderii pentru afiliat: I’ Am furnizat câteva link-uri afiliate în această descriere video care vă permit să găsiți unele dintre elementele menționate în acest videoclip. Dacă decideți să utilizați linkurile, acesta acceptă puțin canalul fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs. Tu, spectatorul, nu ești în niciun fel obligat să folosești aceste link-uri. Iti multumesc pentru sprijin! *** Adresa URL a videoclipului YouTube: https://youtu.be/c1YqjRxktB0 Hashtag-uri video: #livingforsail #boatwork #sailboatrefit


21 thoughts on “Înlocuirea unui perete PUTRET într-o barcă cu pânze veche – E016

  1. This is excellent. I really appreciate your engineering approach, and the inclusion of your CAD work to illustrate how the design will come together. Your woodworking skills aren’t half bad either, and neither is your video editing!

  2. You can get drywall sanders with multi speed and built-in vacuum system. You can get fiberglass industrial catwalk grating that would work well for your grate.

  3. Jon, you are outdoing yourself – keep it up and you will have secured a place in the youtube DIY boat refitters hall of fame😊. I put a layer of 1708 on both sides of the plywood when I replaced the chain locker bulkhead on our Norseman, partly to protect the plywood and partly to give it extra strength to carry the load from the staysail. That said, I will still connect the staysail fitting down to the bow. Thank you for the tip with the polisher, it’s brilliant.

  4. Great video Jon. Good call to leave the tabbing in place that made it easier to position the bulkhead. Glad your research brought up using a foam fillet at the edges of the bulkhead. This is good practice but not always done, walking around a boat yard you will see boats where this step was not carried out. If you sight down the hull you can see the bulkhead forming a ridge in the hull surface. 👍

  5. I was rewatching your interview with Bob Perry yesterday. [Excellent discussion with a great designer for those who have not seen it.] One of the things you discussed was using a bilge pump to drain the water out of the anchor locker which I would agree is far better than draining to the bilge. https://www.youtube.com/s/gaming/emoji/7ff574f2/emoji_u1f922.png

    Are you planning to put some type of sump with a pump under the v-berth? When you first started talking about the bulkhead fitting, I thought that another solution would have been to make a bilge pump standpipe that is capped off at the base of the sail locker and extends down through the chain locker floor to the bottom of your bow locker sump. It would be made from 4"ø ABS pipe and I would mount the pump on a rod that allowed it to be lowered into the sump and removed for cleaning and servicing. A remote "shower sump box" type of installation is probably just as good as long as you have the room for it and it is tightly sealed.

    Is your plan to have the anchor locker below a sail locker with a spurling pipe through the sail locker? If so, will you have a hatch that you can open to gain access to the chain pile. It is very common for the chain to pile steeply and need to be pulled down to get enough chain into the locker. It is also common for the chain to get knotted up in the locker which required manual manipulation to free it so that it will go back up the spurling pipe.

  6. Great viewing John. I learn something every week, whilst being entertained. Love your channel. Hope it continues to grow as it deserves to do. Cheers mate 😊

  7. Your contraption looks good. However, I would prefer a hole on each side into the hull in the forepeak just above the waterline. This avoids water to go into the bilge. The dryer the bilge, the better.

  8. To the viewers wondering if Jon has been this fastidious and brilliant his whole life, the answer is a resounding yes. You should have seen the BMW 2002 he refurbished with gorgeous new seats and custom speaker boxes WHEN HE WAS A TEENAGER. What on earth. You are one in a million. Love you, Brother JJ. xoxo

  9. Perry design: .75 x 12 = Ix 104 in^4
    Your design: 1.5 x 9 = Ix 91 in^4

    Unless you use a stiffer plywood, you won't get the designed stiffness with the shape you want.

  10. Yeah, I might have thought of that in my next life. But lucky me, I found your channel and "I thought of it" just as you were explaining it! What a coincidence! Thanks,! Why do I feel I'm about to get even smarter with time.?

  11. John, extremely informative episode fitting the new chain locker bulkhead. The added strength was obviously apparent and the drain scupper came out perfect. Thanks for sharing, love your approach.

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