HeliCat Red este o barcă cu pânze extrem de unică. Capabil să lanseze, să aterizeze, să navigheze și să realimenteze un elicopter pe platforma de la pupa. Cu toate acestea, barca a fost abandonată aici, în Grenada, acum vreo șase ani! De atunci, vremea și timpul ne-au făcut rău… Alăturați-vă mie înăuntru, afară, deasupra și dedesubtul acestei uimitoare fapte a ingineriei navale, în timp ce trecem prin toată această barcă cu pânze catamaran! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nou aici?!?
Salut și bine ai venit! Sunt Daniel, alias „Adventureman Dan”. Trăiesc la limită, de la o aventură la alta în ultimii opt ani. Mă aflu în California Centrală cu primul meu GoPro, prin SoCal, Baja, Noua Zeelandă, Australia, Africa de Sud, Alaska și în toată SUA. Dar în ultimii cinci ani pe barca mea cu pânze „Adventureborne” sunt deschis la posibilități nelimitate de unde pot merge și ce pot face! Consultați celelalte pagini ale mele de socializare, cu conținut unic care nu este văzut în altă parte.
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Catamaran cu elicopter de 6 milioane USD abandonat (tur complet)

26 thoughts on “Catamaran cu elicopter de 6 milioane USD abandonat (tur complet)”
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Interesting cat and tour.. not sure it really qualifies as “abandoned” but neat nonetheless.
I saw her at Clarke's Court a couple of years ago. Way cool.
I walked past that cat many times, thanks for the full tour.
sublime, thanks for the video man!
24:50 Beam me up Scotty
28:05 sink cover….
Nice tour!

Can imagine the heli-boat to be used by corporate mercenaries, for protection of shipping against pirates. Some UCAV, preferably of VTOL type, mostly saving on fuel, …
Just a question after watching several of your videos, are you religious?
The cabinets were abbreviated with the Bulgarian Alphabet. Our Russian comrades wanted to erase that info from history and renamed it to Cyrillic Alphabet but the truth is that the Alphabet is the original Bulgarian Alphabet. Not that it matters in regards to the cool video about this unique cat. Thank you for the amazing vids! I love what you do and hope to live that life one day. Cheers!
shut up about the dust already-
Ruining an entire design just to meet a criteria easily achieved by many other designs. Pretty stupid regardless of how comfortable you are wasting your cash. And boat.
Obviously a custom designed cat for a specific purpose. Not really a good cruising cat for many reasons actually and extremely outdated for only being 10yrs old.
If it was worth $6 million, it's value today would be close to zero in comparison.
Seen it sitting there since we started storing our cat in the yard in 2019. Nice to see a tour. Mostly it serves as a shaded lunch spot for the yard employees
They're not hot pads, they're to cover the sinks
Break Out Another THOUSAND
Oh look another Oligarch with stupid money
a small 2 seat helicopter weighs between 1200 and 1600 pounds so not to impossible
You lost me. Your holding a circular thing right next to 2 identically sized circles. Lol. Its the covers to the 2 sinks. Also if someone lets you do a walk through of the boat, do a boat tour. Stay out of all the cabinets and drawers just to see what is in em. You literally just rumaged through everything like a kid. I'm sure they were thinking twice about you doing this.
Am I wrong about the clearance that doesnt exist for a helis rotating blades to land on back there?
13 people sleeping means , 26 crew with hot bed rotation.
i really don't like that cat for the price…
Those rowd things are tops to the sink Daaaa
the dumbo does not know what the sink covers are for in the kitchen area and moves toward trash can that utilises same principle……..bet he does not know hot to use the three seashells in the toilet either……..
Despite the size, this vessel is badly designed….