Bună, băieți, acesta este videoclipul zilei în care barca a căzut în apă, eram singură când a căzut și a trebuit să verific totul pentru a mă asigura că barca funcționează și în siguranță, așa că nu am înregistrat asta, dar totul a mers conform planului, cu excepția faptului că pompa de apă brută nu a fost atât de grozavă, asta e o poveste întreagă despre care vă voi spune altădată. Dacă doriți să susțineți conținutul pe care îl creăm, consultați https://www.patreon.com/OceanCruisers Cheers Guys!
130k 54ft Refit barca cu pânze TERMINAT!

10 thoughts on “130k 54ft Refit barca cu pânze TERMINAT!”
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Great looking for the big splash Andy, bet you were proud mate.
Love the colour of the bottom paint most seem to be dark blue.
That shits expensive . I think I’m going to borrow 25 grand every 2 and a half years then spend it on the boat . Then just pay 600 bucks a month as a boat maintenance fee . This boat isn’t going to beat me. I should have known when I saw the placard on the boat . Delilah . The only difference, I don’t have a ponytail the boat could snip off . Oh oh you do. What I want is a spinnaker that can take high winds a new Ginny and a new auto pilot. My wife won’t let me call her Delilah . She just gives me the look. Way to go bro. Super hard thing to accomplish
Another great episode! For the algo, lol.
Well done!!
Looking very tidy. Sail Safe mate. Ant & Cid
Dude! I didn't realize how beautiful your boat was until you were putting it in. Wonderful job! Great video as well.
So wonderful! Gratulation! Well done! Don't forget to top up your sweat with beer
Sail safe forever!
Still think they are the best buy for a live aboard yacht , Looks , Speed , space & Oh that arft cabin . Well done mate , Looking grand . Has she electric sheet winches >
that is one beautiful boat