Aceasta este povestea singurei clinici veterinare de navigație din lume. Ajutați-ne să continuăm să oferim îngrijiri veterinare gratuite devenind un Patron sau donând, Patronii au acces din timp la videoclipuri fără anunțuri și actualizări live săptămânale. Link Patreon: Link de donație: Strângerea noastră de fonduri: Drum Roll, vă rugăm… fă în sfârșit un tur cu barca! După ce am făcut o reparație majoră, vă oferim un tur al Gamelin Madeira din 1990, la fel ca multe bărci fine din alu, este un design Phillipe Harle, dar doar 8 au fost făcute, făcând informații despre ea destul de puține (mai ales dacă nu vorbiți franceză!) . Ea are o chilă de ridicare a planșei centrale, este ușoară și ar putea arăta destul de bine după o reparație de 3 ani! 00:00 Into 00:28 Isla Coronados 02:53 Tur cu barca – pe punte 10:19 Tur cu barca – sub punte Mulțumim susținătorilor noștri care ne permit să ne continuăm misiunea. Multă dragoste, Dr Sheddy și Jim
Tur cu barca: monococă din aluminiu de 37 ft (design francez cu chilă de ridicare): Chuffed Adventures S5Ep31

27 thoughts on “Tur cu barca: monococă din aluminiu de 37 ft (design francez cu chilă de ridicare): Chuffed Adventures S5Ep31”
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Very well organized. Comfy and simple. Love what you two have done.
Thumbs up for the return of body-shot thumbnails!
Thanks for the tour!… Happy New Year
Nice Boat, I suppose your zinks are now well monitored.
When sleeping with feet touching it is kinda hard not getting into a feet fight. Did this with my younger brother and by the time the kicking stopped we both were fast asleep.
I had a GH2 and GH4, and an Olympus OM1. I used to photograph and video real estate in the Adelaide Hills
Hacked GH2 were all the rage for awhile. Thanks for the tour
Great tour you two a cracker little boat in great shape an ideal for two enjoyed following you for a good few years now thumbs up every episode the work your doing is fantastic an if I ever win the lottery you two would get a brand new purpose built boat for your great work love watching you from over

in Liverpol England
Happy New Year – enjoy sailing
Great tour, the location is also fantastic, much love from England xx
First of all, merry Christmas & all the best for the new year. Great tour, love your well organized boat. I look forward to what's ahead in 24. Keep up the good work & big hugs to all the animals please. Absolute love what you two are doing ♥️ SV Kiwi Lady Opua Bay of islands New Zealand
thank you , great video tour
Hi guys, found your site recently and couldn't miss Yeppoon QLD on the stern, that's where I was born and still live. My sailing days are now limited due to age limits, till your next post happy sailing and have a great 2024
Merry Christmas. You need a nice Aluminum Cat like a Mumbe. You can have your own operation theater in the one hull. And get into shallow bays easier.
Good vibe
Hi you two! Have you thought about using a water purifier like the Lifesaver Wayfarer to make your in-board water tank drinkable? I personally use the Lifesaver Bottle and Lifesaver Jerrycan on my 4WD adventures around Australia and it makes water carrying simple as it can filter/purify any fresh water source on-demand. Might be easier than carrying water jugs.
Thanks for the tour!
pretty interesting
I admire you from afar…easy to see that you are a formidable woman….but a bit more wine on board would be good medicine!
like your earrings
Best vlog in ages
Thank you, really interesting & practical. I would worry about storing spare gasoline below & would want it on deck or in a self draining locker ?
Appreciate the tour.
Great tour

nice to hear Aluminium pronounced correctly, lovely boat!