Sprijină acest canal: vino la navigație cu noi! https://sailingzingaro.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/svzingaro Tricouri: https://www.bonfire.com/store/zingaro/
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Companii pe care le iubim: OC Tenders: https://octenders. co.nz/ Seawater Pro Watermakers: https://seawaterpro.com/ Garnitură de etanșare fără picurare Lasdrop: https://lasdrop.com/ Dispozitiv de tăiere a arborelui Spurs: https://spursmarine.com/shaft-cutters/ Sonar orientat spre înainte: https://echopilot.com/
: Epidemic Sound
Sailing Zingaro este în direct

40 thoughts on “Sailing Zingaro este în direct”
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Grr I always miss your lives.
Very Cool
I noticed there's a new photo on Marine Traffic just been uploaded as you're going through the Canal. Safe travels guys.
Hi captain James. I have a question. They say that the Panama Canal lakes are not getting enough precipitation to fill them back up. When they drain the locks every time why they don't pump it back into the lake somehow with transfer pipes instead of letting an escape the old way to the next level down.
Welcome back to the Atlantic. From Bryan in Swansea, Massachussetts

I can't believe Mario Choked.
We have the Cape Knox and Cape Kennedy docked in New Orleans so I know what a RoRo ship is.
I've seen maybe a half dozen trips through the Canal and it never ceases to amaze me. Can't wait till you get to San Blas. It's on my bucket list to go there some day.
Sooooo gooooooood to see the family back together on zingaroooooooo again! Anana, Jameeeeees, Lunana JAJAJAAAAAA! Thank you so much for taking us along through the panama canal. Wow you guys have nerves of steel! Especially with that freaking giant of indestructable behind ya! We felt that portal opening to the Atlantic, utterly magical, thanks for sharing, ¡muchisimas gracias!…¡Buena onda! Que todos sus deseos se hagan realidad en 2024…

Merry Christmas James & Anna from Brisbane Australia.
Merry Christmas and happy New Years hope you and the family have a good one
bro… landscape please… always landscape
What self-respecting YouTuber posts a portrait video instead of Landscape.
Time to delete your own self, buddy.
Wow, glad I watched this, got to see little LuLu ! This crossing cos6 more than the Carib to Pacific crossing you did years ago, right ! ?
Hey mate. Good morning from NZ. Looking good
Felicidades a usted buen viaje
wow Luna is growing fast, glad to see the whole family together. Where is Ana from in Colombia, I have a ton of family in Medellin. All the best for the New Year, may it be full of love, joy, good health, wealth and many adventures
Just nail it…looks like a straight shot
Happy new year.
Cuba has the best cigars
Good Luck on your travels James and Ana. Be safe.
Yeah bro come to Newzealand
merry Xmas and happy New year's to you and your family
I “met” you when you and Plucky were hanging out. Really enjoyed your part. Peter always surprises me. It’s great the two of you.
Being a US citizen and on a US flagged sailboat, can I sail to Cuba and cruise the south coast? I think Nigel Calder has an old guidebook on that area.
I recall the rule is/was the US govt doesn’t want us to spend “money” there. What if I say I am doing lionfish extermination? I have also heard if I leave from the Bahamas or Mexico it is easier. And ask them not to stamp your US passport. James, you or anyone else, have up to date info or better yet, experience? I would be happy to spend some money there, if it helps them.
James familia. Great inspiration, I am proud of you people. Love lulu, very comitted… Bendiciones…m
What a beautiful family

This video was intense. Can't wait to get down there.
Happy to see you as a family travel.
If your bimani was solid, you could put more solar panels.
Hope you, Ana, and Luna had a great Christmas and your New Year will be amazing! James here from Michigan, if you remember the videos I shared of all my boats and home here the cool thing is my home/old store building was built in 1913 just like the locks. Now that you are closer to us will have to figure a way we could send you things from us.
Tula's Endless Summer – maybe time for the two of you to team up on a "How To Maintain and Repair" video.:¬) Webhead USA
Looking forward to video's of Anna and Lulu enjoying San Blas and you spear fishing.
Frm the Greater Yakima Nation ,
cheers , keep On trucking
Great video. Thanks James. Ana and Baby girl. Love your channel. Best wishes for the new year.
Mario stopped cruising? Is that right
That would be some what intimidating with that Navy ship on your rear. Keep up the good work. Happy New Year’s
“Get the boat perfect “. Now that’s rich James, whataya auditioning for Saturday Night Live
keep on keepin on…
You can never have too many fenders or dock lines, just need qualified deck hands

Most likely the navy ship is an MSC vessel. Military sealift command.