Restaurare ambarcațiuni abandonate. Chiar NU AVEM IDEA Ce Facem… | PĂSĂRĂ DE MARE VELING Ep. 51 VA MULȚUMESC FOARTE tuturor oamenilor generoși care folosesc linkurile de mai jos: *Ko-fi* – *PayPal* – *Patreon * – *Lista de dorințe Amazon* – Ne puteți urmări și pe: *Facebook* – https: // *Instagram* – Întrebări de afaceri: Nu uitați să dați like, abonați-vă și dați clic pe clopoțelul de notificare dacă doriți urmati aceasta aventura! Muzică de la #Uppbeat (gratuit pentru creatori!): Cod de licență: KRFUWQX0K3I3DCQP Vă mulțumim, Stuart & Marina & Seabird
Restaurare ambarcațiuni abandonate. Chiar NU AVEM IDEA Ce Facem… | PĂSĂRĂ DE MARE VELING Ep. 51

36 thoughts on “Restaurare ambarcațiuni abandonate. Chiar NU AVEM IDEA Ce Facem… | PĂSĂRĂ DE MARE VELING Ep. 51”
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Wishing you both a very happy New Year, and may Seabird be ready to sail in 2024
lots of love and blessings!
How about plugging the holes of the existing outlets on the water tanks and drill new ones on the underside or sides?
Who needs measurements, it's all eye eye captain
You and stew work together so well! I used expanding two part foam for the tanks.
Cheers guys,! And happy new year’s
boat is looking good guys,
Hopefully you know about this, but if any of these tanks are fuel tanks, you should allow some space for expansion of the tanks. You can get the details from the manufacturers, but fuel tanks should allow for expansion. I can't recall the percentage, but it is a factor.
Hello South France
Wish you a succesfull project.
Thank yu for sharing this great
Adventure .
Hv nice time .
All the best
Not side to side. Front to back.
Very expensive buggers them! Happy nearly new year guys.
A very Happy New Year to you both, kind regards.
Happy New Year guys. Can yo not turn the whole layout 180deg. so water tanks are under the hatch instead of the fuel tank it seems to have space that end for the pipes on the water tanks
Great weather for you. If it’s only wind you have to deal with!
I like the idea of flexy tanks as you can make sure the space is well lined with some thin rubber or foam to protect the tank. If they ever need replacing it will be easy too.
FYI remember the old fiberglass tanks were part of the floor/hull structure so the new floors are important for strength.
Love what your doing, and great beach Christmas!!!
Ps I have trouble with the French Amazon site from usa
Cheers Warren
Thank you guys, your smashing it,all the very best for 2024
The new aft rib can be inset over the engine bearers to save your 10mm and the fittings at the forward rib can be let through the rib, the rib top edge being reinforced with wood or metal. Flexitank compartments must be strong as the tank gives no support but also smooth and evenly formed as near to the shape as possible …………and now this is how to suck eggs lol.
Thank you for posting.
Hope you both had a great Christmas. I admire your dedication to the project and look forward to seeing how you get on in the Year have a good one PS nothing done on the wild weasel this week rudder still half done. Kev in Devon
5:45, that's what she said..
I'm not sure I would f*** about with those tanks too much more. Just stick them in with small bulkheads in between. Looking at the space though, I would have fabricated some from grp sheets Insitu, better use of the space I think.
Happy new year you guys
Wish you both Happy New Year

Keep up the good work in 2024
Have you guys thought about just building your own water tanks?
Cheers guys,
I would …
sister another board to the rib forward of the water tanks…making it super duper strong…
Then, I would cut out whatever area is needed in that rib forward of the water tanks for the water tank fittings to fit through.
The end result would be a rib stronger than required, but with the cutouts needed and room for plumbing those water tanks.
I am not an engineer or an architect, so I have no idea if this is really smart or super dumb….but that is what I would want to do.
"That's what she said"

I think you should go with a Flexi water tank if it is cheaper.. If you get a water maker in the future, then you can put it there and get rid of the Flexi tank.
Feliz navidad prospero año nuevo y felices Reyes. Nosotros esos bajado a Mojacar, nuestra hija y su partner han mudado aquí. Tenemos una casa enfrente del mar es súper bonito.
Hi guys. Everything OK? You could also drill holes in the bulkhead for the fitting. That's how some manufacturers do it. Maybe you have to adjust the fittings in the tanks for a bit. It will be a lot easier to get the hoses on or off.. You could also close the existing fitting and put new ones on top… By doing that you can create a whole lot more space for the bulkhead of the engine room.
Happy new year guys, Christof

Hope you had a lovely Christmas and wishing you both a very happy New year.
In relation to the position of the water tanks. Could you drill two holes in the "stringer" the size of the outlet then fix a straight pipe to the outlet, through the stringer, connect the elbows to the straight pipe on the other side of the stringer. This would give you the extra wiggle room you need.
Love the videos
Merry Cristmas end a happy new year
Enjoying the videos!
…And a Happy and productive 2024. Keep smiling and filming, all the best my
Merry Christmas & happy new year. Looks like things are progressing nicely. Keep up the good work. SV Kiwi Lady Opua Bay of islands New Zealand
all the best in the new year guys.
I hate to see you waste so much money like this. Epoxy and other resins get their strength from the fiberglass Matt used with them. Simply blobbing massive amounts may seem like a good idea but it will lead to failure. Most resins must have a minimum of 65 degree consistent ambient temperature to cure for several hours, not just when dry to the touch. This will lead to a weakened layup and possible structural failure in the near future.
Hi Guys. Can you not cut slots for the watertank outlets in the rib on the watertank outlet side to increase space? It is going to be very tight once you fibreglass those other ribs in. Just a though. I don't have boat knowledge. Just love watching your channel. Cheers!
Great job you both ! Congrats !