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Practic nu mai pot filma. Urmărește până la sfârșit pentru a vedea de ce.

41 thoughts on “Practic nu mai pot filma. Urmărește până la sfârșit pentru a vedea de ce.”
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I love a good thunder and lightning storm
I and others who watch your channel care about you and your family, but it isn't nice to post a click-bait title to raise our concerns about your health.
Nice intro m8s, Andy, Melissa don't go doin anythin in that stuff now willya! Sheeta ply 55knots be a nice trip while it lasted. Nice deadley treadley! Nice walkabout Andy, yeh be bludy rippa in good weather. Nice, not numb nuts sheep. Similar stone cottage to Sean and Sam's of Sean's World in Normandy, Amazin' necka da woods. Nice goin Andy, hope you, Melissa Cap'm Jack an AB Olly had a rippa Christmas and New Year. Catch up on ZZZ morns here, arvo diff. Thanks m8s, Stay safe and vertical Eh!
Your timing on this vid is a bit off, but Happy Hogmanay to your family and hoping someone brought you all a wee bit of coal and a dram of the best.
I'm done with this. Full if crap now was a decent vlog. Not now.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
Andy, Melissa, Captain Jack & Ollie: Truly amazing how well the epoxy is going on the cabin sole, she is looking quite fresh. Great your house sitting close by giving you the time to complete the interior prior to sea trials. Wishing you all a Happy & Safe 2024 full of excitement.
I'm literally watching varnish dry. This is what my life has become.
I hope your friend is ok and I hope you had a good Xmas new year and birthday let’s see more of you lot in the new year let the sailing begin
Laughed so hard at the end. Brilliant.
Hope you had a great Birthday!
Hope you had a great birthday my friend and what you’re doing is awesome you carry on the out come will be just how you like it perfect so you and youre family are safe and cosy in a great environment that mum and dad really did make better than what it was proud

Sorry, but has all the appearance of clickbait. In any case, running our of battery on devices is hardly cause for a headline/description.
Hi Andy, that soul looks very good. The only thing that I would probably do differently, but that’s is my personal choice. I would’ve used a matte finish and all the rest of the walls and trimmings gloss so you’ve got a bit of contrast. It’s not a criticism it’s just a personal choice anyway thanks for the video. Hope you and your family have an awesome 2024 and start sailing Cliff from Logan City Queensland, Australia

Another Great Video !!

Happy New Year !! Be Safe & Happy !!
Looks good. The 2 boards to the main entrance hatch cry out to me to be sanded and redone. Looks like you are in the midst of "hot soup / stew weather" over there in the UK winter cold.
That’s a lot of hard work, but you’re making it look easy.
Happy Birthday! Your friend has an absolute spectacular piece of property!
Happy Birthday, Andy! I do admire your current accommodations.What a glorious view!

Ocean Melody is coming up a treat. Well done on your channel. Tip for in between coats. After blocking get some scourer material and scuff the grain . Helps bond next coat to flatten surface.
Andy why don't you redo the companion boards
Hi guys looks like nice Welsh weather you lucky it not Perth west Australia it’s 35 deg and the air con is cranking
Happy birthday andy
A suggestion… If you mask off the treads on your steps and put one final coat of varnish you can sprinkle sugar or salt on the treads to give them an anti slip finish. After the varnish has dried you simply wash the sugar off with a damp cloth and you have an anti skid texture.
Happy New Year to all of you. I have one word for you: KneePads!!
What a cliff hanger ending! Oh hang on my iPad battery is getting l…
Happy birthday andy
Great work love watching your channel, just couple of things you might want to consider 1) not sure what brand epoxy your using but most are an amine cure and get what’s called amine blush , this needs to be washed off with water before sanding , im assuming your using a blush free epoxy ??as not seen you wash prior to sanding ?

2) if it were me I would go with a satin / rubbed effect varnish for the floor as it will not show as many scratches and shows less imperfections
But great videos look forward to them coming live
when will the tube and fibreglass wheel house will be fitted .plus no news on the progress of steel melody
Wow, Andy, I can only imagine how challenging it must've been to film in those tough conditions! Stay safe, and keep up the great job with the boat restoration. Happy sailing!
Nice job, Andy! Enjoyed the whole video. Especially, the thank you!!
Andy, I have no connection with the company, but have you considered acquiring a charger power bank? I have this one, and it gets plenty of use (not with cameras) mostly when my Galaxy tablet runs low and amazingly charges faster than a mains charger. This is one I have – Anker 20100mAh Power Bank 4.8A Output PowerIQ Portable Battery
Looking good Andy and Happy belated birthday and a Happy New Year to all the Family
Well done Andy at you managed to finish before the camera battery run out on you i was concerned that you may have missed a bit of a triangle near the end but on the whole a good video

Andy having seen your engine and heard you start it up ,I didn't here an audible oil pressure alarm, don't make the mistake I made in the eighties had a turbo engine in one of my water taxis on the Exe , and the oil feed to the turbo fractured and I was not looking at the instruments resulting in all the oil going into the bilges, so the engine siezed and cost hundreds of pounds to regrind the crank etc, Ever since I have had a cheap 12V bell attached to pressure switch like the oil light, gives you a few seconds to stop the engine. they are less than twenty pounds on amazon could save you a lot of heart ache if your on auto helm and not looking.
Happy belated birthday Andy
Miss seeing the whole family especially Jack. All the best for a great 2024…
Belated Happy Birthday and Happy New Year for you and yours
Hi Andy, I have a great tip for you that my dad showed me years ago to remove varnish very quickly and easily straight down to the wood prior to revarnishing. Get yourself a piece of 3mm picture frame glass. Using a glass cutter wheel cut it in 2" x 2" squares. Use each of these as a simple scraper. Each has 8 useable edges and is far sharper than any conventional metal scraper. It will easily scrape of a deep coat of varnish without damaging the veneer below. It is so sharp that it will even remove a deep coat in a single hard swipe, Finished surface requires just a very fine sand to be ready to varnish. I have done this on my own boats for years.
Great video