

Navigație și marijuana Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a obține acces la avantaje:–YP9YMRBV4Kaw/join Întrebări despre afaceri Înscrieți-vă pentru newsletter pentru a primi ghidul meu gratuit de cumpărare a bărcilor cu pânze E- rezervați Alăturați-vă patreon pentru beneficii extraordinare și acces la zona membrilor Cashapp ChristopherCousteau Venmo @howtosailing Sfaturi PayPal întotdeauna apreciate https://paypal .me/HowToSailing?locale.x=en_US Noua carte este lansată și disponibilă acum Site-ul meu și articolele Bine ați venit la Chasing Latitudes! Ți-ai imaginat vreodată mirosul aerului oceanului în timp ce barca ta se prăbușește printre valuri? Libertatea care decurge din aruncarea de pe prora și pornirea în larg pentru a explora locuri noi la care nu poți ajunge cu mașina sau cu avionul? Atunci acest canal este pentru tine. Nu veți vedea aici plaje cu nisip alb, recenzii de restaurante, petreceri pe plajă, selfie-uri sau cuțite japoneze. Ceea ce veți găsi sunt informații concrete bazate pe zeci de ani de experiență în navigație. Canalul meu este destinat în mod special pentru un singur lucru, pentru a te ajuta să îți găsești noul iaht din visele tale și să mergi pe apă în cel mai rapid și eficient mod. Nu te lăsa prins să te uiți la bărci vechi! Mă concentrez în mare parte asupra navelor mai noi, construite în 2000 sau mai târziu, pentru că vreau să-ți petreci cât mai mult din timp navigând, nu exersându-ți abilitățile de restaurare pe o barcă veche care încearcă să o aduci la gloria de odinioară. Doriți să profitați de tehnologia mai nouă uimitoare și de design-ul modern de carenă atunci când vine vorba de navigație. Acest lucru va face ca nava dvs. să navigheze mult mai ușor solol sau cu mâna scurtă și o va face mult mai confortabilă și mai eficientă pentru a trăi la bord cu normă întreagă sau chiar doar pentru călătorii de weekend, fără a cumpăra mai multă barcă decât aveți nevoie. Ofer o mare varietate de servicii, inclusiv consultanță, unde vă voi ghida prin întregul proces al modului în care bugetați corespunzător, alegerea dimensiunii navei care va fi potrivită pentru nevoile dvs., ce tip de navă, vă voi ajuta să faceți cumpărături pentru nave, stabilirea prețurilor de ofertă , programați sondaje, discutați cu brokerii, vă învață cum să vă faceți propriul sondaj prealabil, vă ghidează prin angajarea inspectorului corect și vă ajută să evitați toate capcanele obișnuite pe care le veți găsi atunci când cumpărați nave cu pânze uzate. Consultanța nu se oprește aici, voi fi alături de tine la fiecare pas și mult timp după ce ai achiziționat nava, deoarece consultanța vine și cu acces pe viață în zona membrilor. Chasing Latitudes găzduiește o zonă privată mare și activă de membri, unde membrii sunt mai mult decât fericiți să-și ofere propria experiență pentru a rezolva problemele, găzduiesc videoclipuri private pentru chestionarele ASA Sailing (ASA 101, 103 și 104) și videoclipuri în flux live care prezintă orice de la croaziera membrilor la cumpărături cu barca, comparații cu barca și alt conținut live cu chat de la abonații la canalul meu YouTube și membrii canalului. E timpul ca TU să intri pe apă. Vino la bord!


31 thoughts on “Navigație

  1. i can understand that you should under no circumstance steer a vessel on drugs be it alc or weed. My personal opinon is that if you are allowed to carry alcohol and drink onboard then you should be able to carry weed and smoke while on ankar or when you visit the land if the country allows. I have seen so many captains drunk its not even funny. And when i talk to both my grandfathers who where sailors they told me that alot of older sailors are alcoholics. My now dead grandfather was also an alcoholic. My grandpa told me about the drinking game with his buddies that they sat in a room of the boat locked and the first person that had to piss or stand up had to pay drinks for everyone and he said they would always drink so much and piss themselves because no one wanted to pay. Sailors are weird.

  2. I’m a stoner in Michigan and only ever sailed up here. I’ve never had an issue. I only carry if I’m staying somewhere else and then I bring a live resin vape. If anything went down it’s smaller than a battery and always in my pocket and I would just chuck it. I want to do the Caribbean some day and I won’t go without any so I’ve put a lot of thought into it. I would take my cat because it would set off a false positive for any K-9 unit and also he’s good company. No pot would go on the boat at all, drug dogs smell residue. Also some international airports have machines that smell it too so the coast guard might. I have a few holes high in my mast that I plugged but I could build little cubbies in them and put vape cartridges. Also I have smell proof bags that seem to do the trick if your hands are clean when you pack them. If I could come up with a way to hide them half way up my mast I would be in business. Smell doesn’t drop it goes up. The key is pot can’t be smoked on your boat and you can’t have stuff on your hands and touch things or the dogs will know. When you get to your destination head up and grab it out. Smoke on a beach or something. I know what some of you are thinking, just don’t bring it. To that I say quit being a square. It’s pretty easy to not get caught and if you do it’s not that big of a deal. Maybe jail but probably a fine or bribe. Risk reward kinda thing. I’m more scared of drowning than going to jail and I still sail. Stay smart and you probably won’t do either

  3. Seen more drunks cause more "accidents" on water and land than anything else, never actually heard of or seen anyone 'bent' do anything to that extent.
    As an aside I think if everyone got a little in their life and just chilled out more the whole 'bloody' world would be better off, amazing the insights that can be had with quiet friendly conversation uninhibited by the everyday #bs and mellowed by a anxiety relaxed mind. I mean seriously, in 64 orbits around Sol I've never seen anyone start a fight or hurt someone while chillin'…

  4. I live in a medical-only state that borders 2 fully legal states. When I say borders, I can drive 12 minutes to 1 and 30 minutes to the other. If the US is going to allow states to declare it legal then it should be equal across all states. I don't partake in it but this hodgepodge of states is out of hand.

  5. What does maritime law say about prescription drugs that are schedule 2? Is it considered OK to have them in your system while on the water?

  6. I'm a dud, no drugs, no alcohol or smoking, so no problem. Since I was young I was designated driver. Been stopped many times by the boat police, everything always went fine.

  7. Chris, it might be good to cover prescription drugs. I take ADHD medication and always wondered if I need to stop taking it sailing to other countries. I have to leave it at home for many places I visit for business!

  8. My wife is Thai, she told me if you get caught with weed in Thailand, on the water or on land, they will put your ass in jail for life. Think about it ❤❤❤❤ Love you Chris

  9. Never was America more influential than bananas, sugar and rubber. But, hemp was ok until people started smoking it. As in white people. They never cared until then. I could be wrong. Somebody will say it wrong. Because animosity and keyboards.

  10. I agree with you 100% on this issue. I to don’t partake either. But there will be a lot of people that will disagree but that’s on them. That’s fine but don’t cry when you are sitting in a foreign jail..

  11. Chris, I love your channel you are shaking and baking my friend, I agree I believe weed should be legal just like alcohol but it is not so stick with the rum and beer, which is fine for me. Since the conversation is about contraband, what are your thoughts regarding firearms? We typically spend our summers bouncing from island to island in New England and am comfortable carrying but on my boat sometimes I wonder if it would bring more harm than help. I am curious to understand your take concerning personal safety around the regions of the Caribbean. My feeling the risk is simply not worth the benefit or perceived security. (not to mention just another thing to worry about).

  12. Chris, this was an interesting video and added an entirely new element to your series. Do you think you might do one on the carry of firearms aboard a sailboat as one travels about.

  13. Great info… thanks again for sharing your experiences, now what about “registered” firearms?
    Also, curious if you’ve done a video on the different captains papers? I believe, similar to scuba diving, where you can get like a knock of certification to charter a boat or scuba dive for a day. But, real captains papers and scuba licenses require a fair amount of course work. I’m not into scuba these days, but the idea of chartering a vessel seems to keep coming up and I feel like the captains certification is holding us up from doing it. What do you know around such things?😊

  14. 'were cruising up Long Island Sound a decade ago when a guy in an old Hunter 37 asked me if I wanted an "EyE Opener". I hopped aboard his '37 and he had a drywall spackle bucket FILLED with green buds. LoL. I guess he had long distance plans…

  15. Very bold brother! Kudos! Forgot to mention that one of the first thing the USCG does when boarding is wipe the helm and all commonly touched surfaces for residue. Totally not worth losing your vessel for!!! Thanks for speaking out to those that are oblivious.

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