Crimă pe un iaht de lux | Capitole întunecate Ep. 6

Crimă pe un iaht de lux |  Capitole întunecate Ep.  6

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26 thoughts on “Crimă pe un iaht de lux | Capitole întunecate Ep. 6

  1. This case is terrifying! My heart is broken for Tom, Jackie, & their family. I can’t imagine a scarier way to go. No matter how many times I hear this case, it still sickens me just as much as the first time I heard it.

    I’m sure Tom & Jackie are together eternally & I hope they are resting peacefully.

    Thanks for sharing this case with us, Annie. It’s one that will always stick with me.

    Xo Carriebeth

  2. Annie may I suggest you cover a video about the allegations of sa and violence towards women against the late Matthew Perry? I’d like to know if there’s any real truth to it 😢

  3. I absolutely love this series. Something about the stories, with the set, the tone, it all just meshes together for a gripping and enjoyable watch. You are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to all your creativity, hard work, dedication. Love your channel, and beyond that, love that the person who's hands these stories are in is such a warm, kind, and thoughtful person ❤

  4. When u look in Skyler's eyes you know you're looking into the eyes of a psychopath. His entire presence is so unsettling. RIP Tom and Jackie, I hope the family will be able to find peace one day. 🙏🌅❤

  5. 30:47 10 yrs ago when I was 21 I got a DUI, I had been given what I didn't know at the time was actually rohypnol (didn't find out for a long time) and that's not an excuse, I shouldn't have been driving with or without what I had been given. But I also ended up doing 7 days in one of the "pay to stay" programs for my DUI. Since it was only 7 days I actually didn't even have to pay, and it was because I was enrolled in college at the time. You wear your own clothes, have a little more freedom, it's more like a dorm than a jail.

    And it goes without saying, but I will anyways, I 100% learned my lesson that night– not even because of the legal repercussions, because by the time I was pulled over I was grateful to have been stopped. To think I could have seriously injured or even unalived someone else, or even myself, is so haunting. At the time I couldn't even understand why I felt SO impaired. I honestly believe the police had some kind of idea, because they parked my car, didn't book me, released me to my boyfriend, I wasn't wearing a coat in the -4° weather, so they didn't make me try to do fields. They just got me to a safe space before anything.

  6. CASE SUGGESTION: Akron, Ohio. Summit County. William Mozingo. Serial kidnapper, repeatedly released for gods sake! kidnapping spree between 2014-2023! over 6, possibly more, victims. latest case number, Akron Police Ohio, 2023-00119424. Kidnapped most recently Chloe Jones 2023 and Mackenzie Masfin, 2017 his 3rd victim.. PLEASE DIG DEEP AND COVER THIS. I JUST HEARD OF THIS TODAY, AND I ONLY LIVE AN HOUR AWAY! This needs media attention ASAP so he doesnt continue to get out and repeat! We should all be furious and join Chloe and her mom yelling from the roof tops for justice! Thanks Annie!

  7. This case has always haunted me. The fact that Skyler was able to find a wife who was as greedy and depraved as he was is stunning. There was no one to hit the brakes when bad ideas were posed. I don't know which one of them was the ringleader, but it doesn't really matter, because both of them are sociopaths.
    My thoughts are with the family of the victims. They deserved to enjoy raising their families with the joy and help from their parents. They missed out on having their love and support. And their son and future children missed out on having loving grandparents.

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