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390.000 € STEEL Trawler Yacht (SINGURUL de acest gen) DE VÂNZARE!

31 thoughts on “390.000 € STEEL Trawler Yacht (SINGURUL de acest gen) DE VÂNZARE!”
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Would cost a fortune to maintain and operate. Wish I had the dough, however. Beautiful yacht.
Ferry nice schip Beautifull engine room
Just beautiful !
What an absolute beauty.
This is a great vessel.
That's a ship, not a yacht, not a boat,…… A Ship
Absolutely a beautiful vessel
Thank you
Stunning. Having owned and maintained a classic for over 20 years I can say this vessel is a superbly presented and appears to be beautifully maintained all round. Congratulations to the owner.
Seriously you don’t want a steel boat ????
Never been on a double ender would love to take that thing for a week or two or six or eight
I love it, and I love the gardeners they run forever
votre bateau est un rêve que je n'aurais jamais, mais c'est magnifique de rêver, cool merci.
Together with her Gardner engine, this is the nicest yacht you have featured yet.
Beautiful, I'm in love.
I dont see any trawl space on board this boat
Great boat but needs a wing engine
What a beautiful boat
, if I win the lotto I’m buying it !
boats getting cheap, wow!!
Beautiful ship
Absolutely gorgeous vessel. One can tell the owner is very proud of his upkeep and maintenance. Very well done.
First sight of this boat I love it. She's got engine space to sell !! Inside, I could leave live always on this, though I love anything that is boat. The decor is superb,_ very resting , I love it. _ when would I get money to have my own !!!?
Sail safe, please.
Some work needs to be done on the teak.
Very impressive…this would be a perfect small-scale expedition vehicle. There are many fjords just waiting on her to visit! Those two thrusters would make tight atol entrances much less challenging,
Beautiful boat. Old, and certainly no frills or woman’s touches. Lovely remodel. But just seems terribly terrifying small.Two cabins, no Captains accommodation. Where would you put all those great spare parts if you cleaned out the workshop.
Original engine……………just have lots of money for repairs.only one engine??
I’m sure for the right person it will be a perfect fit!!!
8.5 knots?????? Oh my
this boat is beyond any boat I've been on. I hate to learn the price, Iam afraid I would have to have her , what an opportunity of a life time what a pleasure Thanks for the tour, Code Red please put the towel back on the fridge door thanks
Wow! Beautifully crafted vessel..