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Pregătirea navigației, este timpul să-L TRIMITEȚI?! | S2Ep6

48 thoughts on “Pregătirea navigației, este timpul să-L TRIMITEȚI?! | S2Ep6”
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Stay safe good sailing Maybe you’ll find a mermaid👍🤩🙀
Heroo !!
Nice job
Try to cross the Pacific Alone..
super glad you've got your buddy Ezra on board, the boat looks great, way to be guys. Adventure!
So happy you are back on the boat, we missed you.. Wishing you fair winds and prosperous new year
Cross os the Pacific with your friend..
God Bless you.
Loving it Joel, Ezra is great and it is neat to see you in a teaching role.
Cheers guys,did you calibrate the auto pilot,mostly done underway,do a couple of 360’s port and starboard while hitting calibrate,gives the flux gate compass a chance to go through the motion of the 360’.
I like where you’re going with this. All good stuff and the intro is pretty cool, too.
Check to see if you have anything electronic that could interfere with your auto pilot.. A friend inatalled his new water maker too close to the auto pilot and whe he turned on the auto pilot it just turned the rudder to port and the boat turned in a circle. He had to move the water maker. 😁
Cheese burger in paradise. Love it.😅
The skills you have acquired since your early days are evident in this episode since you know every inch of Chak…a good feeling when you are miles from shore.
Looks like you have a first mate with a good attitude! Fair winds!
I wouldn't be upset if you fixed a few more things before going, nobody wants to see you pull a ZINGARO 😂😂
Little crazy some of the time who are you talking about can’t be you you’re a lot crazy most of the time😂
Great episode Joel! Love your new crew. He has a great attitude.
Thomas must be so proud of you teaching someone else
Always gets a thumbs up as soon as the vid starts. Would've missed so much if it was over after the Cuba trip.
Please Remember to HIT That LIKE BUTTON for Joel. Thank You.
Ezra going to get some Boat Yoga eh? Nothing better to make a good Sailor of him.
Great video guys thanks, waving a hand 🖐️ SV fellowship Northeast, Maryland
so good to see you happy on the boat again. keep up the awesome episodes.
Be great to see you out on the water again
Be great to see you out on the water again
I think I like this side of you the best, you’re more laid back, not so damn “intense”! LOL! I like your friend, he sure took to driving the dinghy like a Pro. Enjoy your time with your friend and find something Cool to show us! ❤
Sure hope you can fix the auto pilot.
ON ON !!
Still out here pulling for you Joel…. Things are looking up
Nissian made a truck called the sunny lol
Its fantastic to see the Change in you Clean balanced and Happy 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Bum, a sailor with a heart in disarray,
Set sail on a tiny boat, seeking a brighter day.
Chasing happiness 'neath the open sky,
His broken heart mended as the waves rolled by.
Through moonlit whispers and ocean's embrace,
Bum found solace, healing in the vast space.
On a tiny sailboat, his sorrows unfurled,
Chasing happiness around the world.
You definitely became a camera Queen dude little less face in the camera in a little bit more dialogue maybe that has some sense
Autopilot rudder feedback unit is should just be a resistor/potentiometer with three wires. With rudder midships there should be equal resistance either side of the central take off. If you have a meter it is fairly easy to measure. Measure between the three wires. Between two of the wires you will get the same resistance no matter where the rudder is. Say 5k Ohms. Then measure the other wire to either of the first wires. You will see anything from 0 ohms to 5k ohms. With rudder amidships you should see 2.5k ohms between the centre wire and either of the first wires. With the reading showing both 2.5k, these resistances are hypothetical but 5K ohms is fairly common feedback pot value, the arm on the feedback unit should be in the middle of its travel. The rudder should also be fore and aft/midships. If there is a discrepancy then the arm may have slipped or the mount has moved. It’s just a simple parallelogram setup. Equal movement left of right of centre. If that is right then go to the autopilot feedback connection, disconnect the wires, and do the same resistance tests. Could be one conductor is broken. Good luck and keep on having fun.
Looking good! Can't wait to see her moving again!
Yall are cute together.
You’re such a great teacher, Joel, and you boat looks amazing! Great video! 😎🥰
A name for your out board, Godzilla 🍻🍻🍻😎🤘
Dude! you're working your crew too hard and sending him into that sweat box after eating a cheese burger….ugh! Your buddy seems cool and chill but really, breaking him in too hard.
If you don't have Seafoam on board consider picking up a can from an auto part store or a marine store (if you like to pay more). It will eliminate carb issues due to stale or poor dirty fuel. It works as a fuel stabilizer treatment every fill up and if the outboard seems sluggish or dies often you increase the amount (stated in instructions) which will have that thing running like new. Stuff is amazing and nothing compares. All Sta-bil is inferior to Seafoam
Yeah baby! Send it! 😊
Name the outboard "Johnny San" … in japan, "san" is used with a name as a sign of respect, like Mister. Just do a little bow and say come on johnny san every time you pull the cord. 🤷♂️🤔😁 great vid!
I miss hog island!! Good to see she is almost ready to go!
Get it gilligan!, where is his cousin Maryann . Jinger got worms . Leeetttssss goooo .
Excited to see her sail again!
Thanks buddy I really appreciate you
Great video , happy days a head .
Hello from Victoria BC Canada ,enjoy watching the show . Doing my first sail on a Dash 34 named Balderdash owned by a friend that works for my brother in March . We will Sail from Sooke Marine to Maple Bay Vancouver Island ,, two or three day sail . Watching a lot of Youtube sailing shows but the hands on during the trip will be the best. I'm sure this trip will not be the last . Be taking a lot of pictures and vidio and can edit on Davici Resolve free version . Again love the show .